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“I hope you can become the teacher of this child, teach him, shelter him all the way up …”

Holding the baby in his arms, Kudoni looked at Adier in front of him and said solemnly.

“Make me the teacher of the Dim Lord?”

Listening to this, even if Adier was already prepared in his heart, he still couldn’t help it.

“Not bad…”

Kudoni said solemnly, looking at Adier in front of him heavily nodded.

“You are the Guardian of the North, and the strongest Knight known today. There is absolutely no problem as a teacher of this child.”

“If you are not qualified to be a child teacher, then I really don’t know who can do it.”

He looked at Adier in front of him and said solemnly.

There are naturally reasons why Kudoni says so.

To this day, the Dim Lord has been reincarnated successfully, but he is still very weak at the moment.

Before the Dim Lord restores Strength, he is in the state at the moment, not to mention a Legendary, even an ordinary person can easily hurt him.

But as the reincarnation of a god, this baby has been peeped by many people. Only strong enough strength can guard this child and make it grow up smoothly.

And in terms of strength, who can be more suitable than Adier in front of him?

As Knight in the field of mythology, the strength of Adier in front of him is Peak in the world. Except for some Old Monsters handed down in ancient times, almost no one is Adier’s opponent.

With Adier in front of him guarding the reincarnated body of the Dark Lord, you can hardly worry about anything, and you can let the Reincarnated Body of the Dark Lord grow up smoothly.

On the other hand, Adier’s character is very good.

In the face of the conditions opened by the Church of the Sun King, and in the face of the promise of the future Sun King, Adier still chose to refuse, and chose to abide by the original agreement with the dim church, guarding the reincarnation of the dim Lord .

Not to mention others, this quality alone is worthy of admiration.

The Lord of Darkness is entrusted to the noble and powerful Knight in front of him, which is enough to reassure everyone.


In place, Adier pondered for a moment, and finally nodded and agreed.

The benefits of being a teacher of darkness are self-evident.

In the end, the Lord of Darkness is a god, and its essence is powerful. At this moment, he has been successfully reincarnated. As long as there is enough time in the future, he will be able to return to Peak again sooner or later, and restore the strength of Peak.

Adier has become the teacher of the Dim Lord at this moment, protecting the smooth growth of the Dim Lord. When the Dim Lord successfully restores Peak in the future, he can naturally help Adier go further.

And on the other hand, becoming the teacher of the calling means to receive the power of the entire calling church.

This is a very meaningful thing for Adier’s next plan and the development of the Adier Empire.

So Adier finally agreed.

“That’s good……”

Seeing Adier agree in front of him, Kudoni secretly relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face.

He extended the hand and gave the baby in his arms to Adier.

In his arms, he seemed to understand his situation. The baby opened his eyes. A pair of pale-gold eyes looked at Adier in front of him, and a smile appeared on a small face.

It looks very cute.

Seeing the smile on the baby’s face, Adier also laughed, and then extended the hand, holding the reincarnated body of the Dim Lord into his arms.

Behind Adier, looking at the baby in front, Mar and the others also smiled.

The benefits of being a teacher of darkness are self-evident.

At least on the road to the gods in the future, with the strong support of the Dim Lord, Adier’s future road will be much smoother.

After establishing this matter, other things should be dealt with.

There are several other sacrificial churches left in the presence.

The 2 sacrificial priests of the Sun King are still good to say, but they are sent back to that’s all.

After experiencing the immediate changes, the Sun King ’s church will not continue to focus on the dim church, but will spare no effort to track down the child of Slaughter, Doron, and pour all his anger on the other party.

In this way, the pressure of the entire dim main church will be much less, and will not be fully hit by the church of the king of the sun.

In addition to the sacrifices of the two Sun Kings, Eredor, the High Priest of the Night Watch God, also remains on the court.

When Doron broke out, the High Priest of the Dark Night, the black cannon girl, had been killed by Doron because she was too close.

It fell directly under the bloody realm without any accident.

As for Eredo, it was because he had fought with Kudoni before, so he was very far away from the sacrifice of the Sun Kings, so he was lucky to survive, and was not affected by the bloody realm.

It still remains in place.

In fact, he wanted to leave.

After witnessing Adier’s terrifying power, he had no hope for the purpose of his business.

But he dare not leave.

Secretly leaving under the eyelids of a mythological field, how crazy is this?

Don’t look at Adier in front of him, he seems very calm. It seems that simply does not care about him, and ignores him directly.

But once he dares to really leave, the silver long sword in the next moment may be cut off.

So he didn’t dare to leave at all, and could only stand there in amazement, waiting for the decision of Adier entire group.

Seeing Adier looking around at the moment, he immediately said, “Don’t kill me.”

“Give me a reason …”

Adier’s face was calm, and he looked at Eredo in front of him and said lightly.

Eredo in front of him is also not a good thing.

During the several decades in the past, because of Angola, Eredo led the church of the god of the night watchman to do many things against the Adier Empire.

Although these methods did not at all damage, but had to say that Adier felt a little sick.


In front, under the eyes of Adier, Erido said, “I can re-accept Angola, restore his status as the Son of God, and even tell him the status of several other Sons of God …”

He said so.

Adier froze for a moment, looking at Eredor’s eyes becoming strange.

“Did you say that it was against the Lord in your heart?”

He said so.

The relationship between sacrifices and gods is extremely close.

Under normal circumstances, those who can reach Peak on the path of sacrifice must be extremely pious to the gods they believe in.

The Eredo in front of him is the High Priest of the Night Watch God, and is already close to the Legendary realm.

Under normal circumstances, like him, there must be incomparable piety for the gods he believes in. Even if he suffers, he is impossible to do things against his own gods.

The things in front of him undoubtedly made Adier feel a little surprised.

“My successor is not the same as my own …”

Listening to Adier’s words in the front, Erido shook the head: “My Lord will recover from many successors, but which one is specific, but not necessarily.”

“In the final analysis, it is up to several successors to compete, and the one who wins the last is the true recoverer of our Lord …”

“If Angola is capable of overcoming other competitors, and truly inherits my divine force and becomes the carrier of my lord’s recovery, then it does not violate my lord’s interests …”

To Adier, he explained truthfully.

After all, this is a conceptual issue.

There is still a gap between the successor and the owner.

For the sacrifices of these night watchman gods, the night watchman gods are their real masters and the masters they believe.

As for the so-called night watchman son who inherited the Divine Spark part of the night watchman, that can only be regarded as a successor. Although the status is respected, it is not the existence they truly believe in.

Therefore, the betrayal of other night watchman god sons and the betrayal of night watchman gods are completely different concepts.

Obviously, in Eredo’s mind, this was nothing.

Angola beside Adier was originally one of the orthodox successors of Divine Spark, the god of the night watchman.

Even if he disclosed some information to him, he could only show that he was inclined between the successor battles, and that he was inclined to the god son of Angola.

Not to mention that he betrayed the night watchman.

These are totally 2 concepts.

“So that’s how it is …”

Adier nodded, understand the difference.

After a moment of contemplation on the spot, in the end, he agreed with Eredo’s condition and let him go.

As one of the successors of the night watch god, Angola wants to go further, peeping at the divine throne of the night watch god, will inevitably confront the successor of other night watch gods.

This is an inevitable thing, even if Angola does not go to other people, other people will take the initiative to find Angola.

Rather than doing this, it is better to take the initiative and get other successor news from Eredo’s mouth, one by one slowly finds it.

As for how to face the soon-to-be-revived Divine Spark after gathering the remaining Divine Spark of the Divine Watch, this is another question.

Adier believes that in his current state, after Angola has gathered all Divine Sparks of the night watch god in the future, he will be able to solve this matter for Angola.

After all, the night watch god is a god who has already fallen. At this moment, there are only some broken Divine Spark, and even his own will has not recovered.

Adier can help Angola suppress the will of the night watch god and help him usurp the god of the night watch as long as Adier takes the first step to the altar before the will of the night watch god recovers.

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