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The intelligence of the abyss demon is much higher than Adier imagined.

After coming to the abyss, Adier has done many experiments in his free time to test all aspects of the devil.

What surprised Adier is that in terms of intelligence alone, the devil is not only excellent, but also exceeds many races he knows.

At least compared with ordinary humans, the devil’s intelligence is much higher.

Although it cannot be compared with elf races, there is a reason for that.

The elf race itself has a very long lifespan. It often takes several decades from childhood to adulthood. If there are elf with ancient Bloodline, it may take another 100 years to complete this process.

And the time of several hundred years has passed, even if the innate wisdom is not very good, only by the passage of time, its own wisdom ability will be gradually improved.

At least compared to humans who have matured in just 20 years, elf’s intelligence is slightly higher.

The intelligence of the abyss demon is much higher than that of humans, and overall it can be compared with elf.

This result surprised Adier.

He originally thought that the chaotic creature such as the abyss demon, even if its intelligence is not bad, it must not be stronger.

But now it seems that the confusion itself is only nature, which has nothing to do with the wisdom of the soul.

Just like the IQ of some lunatics, they are often very high.

Nature and wisdom, which are relatively separate existences, cannot be generalized.

The wisdom of the abyss demon is also present.

It’s like this castle in front of me.

In building this castle, Adier not at all interfered too much in the whole process, just handed over some drawings and materials to the demons and let them study for themselves.

As a result, they really researched it.

When large-scale architectural drawings and materials were placed in front of Adier, Adier’s expression at that time was very exciting.

But surprised to some extent, this kind of performance of demons also made Adier very interested in mobilizing demons like this.

This highly intelligent workforce is very precious.

In the World of Wizards, highly intelligent races and slaves are often favorite things of many wizards.

As long as they are used properly, they can play a huge role in the hands of wizards.

For Adier, these abyss demons are undoubtedly very high-quality assistant candidates.

On the one hand, they are very intelligent.

After excluding their chaotic nature, as long as they find a way to work obediently and honestly, the strength they can play is enough to surprise you.

Of course, there are many intelligent races, at least the elf family of Adier itself is very good.

But compared with the elf family born by Adier, the abyss demon has another biggest advantage.


Yes, compared to elf, abyss demons are very cheap.

It takes at least fifty-sixty years for an elf to be calculated from birth to adulthood.

In this respect, the advantages of human beings are more obvious. They only need a 20 years to grow up to maturity, which is less than half of the elf family.

But compared to the demons, they are nothing.

What is the growth cycle of the abyss demons?

less than a year.

It takes less than a year for a demon to hatch from the initial demon worm to the mature little demon period.

To be precise, it is even much lower than this value.

the reason is simple.

The growth of the devil is not as elf, and human races generally need time to slowly precipitate, let themselves mature slowly, and nurture success.

Their growth is based on the bloody slaughter. As long as the slaughter is kept unfolded, plundering Strength from other demons to mature their soul fragments, they can quickly enter the maturity period.

The growth and development stages required for ordinary life are simply not necessary for them.

The simplest example, such as Adier itself.

How long did it take him to grow from the original Demon Bug to the present?

One year? Half a year?

Not just 2 3 months.

In just 2 3 months, Adier has grown from a demon worm just born to a mature demon with a height of more than 2 meters.

If this is placed in humans, I am afraid that people will be regarded as freaks.

Put it in the ancient times of the past to burn the pig cage and set fire to death.

But in the abyss, this situation is very common.

As mentioned in the previous example, demons are more idealistic creatures than materialistic ones.

Their initial existence is a piece of soul fragments derived from other life, and subsequent growth only requires the continuous development and growth of this piece of soul fragments.

As for their own bodies, they are not so important for them. As long as the growth of the soul can keep up, they can follow up quickly, and they will not become their own shortcomings.

For Adier, this feature has become their biggest advantage.

A race with a very short maturity period, a huge supply, and a highly intelligent race is before your eyes. What else are you not satisfied with?

As for the so-called chaotic nature, this is just an insignificant disadvantage.

Elf is not confusing with humans, but is it cost-effective?

Because of the above-mentioned qualities of the devil, Adier began his own plan.

His plan is nothing else, it is the each and everyone project developed for the various characteristics of the devil.

For example, the formation of the Demon Warrior Group to become their own Strength, and for example, to transform the flesh and soul of the demon, try to do some experiments that could not be done in the past.

There is also an attempt to implant the witchcraft template into the blood of the demon, so that they can obtain the strength of spell.

If this kind of project can be done, Adier’s Strength at the moment will definitely swell immediately.

In fact only now, the strength of Adier’s strength is not weak.

In just 2 3 months, in this abyss, he pulled up a weak team and occupied a place in this abyss.

Although this site is a place where birds don’t shit, it is also a site of its own.

Anything is worth looking forward to.

“Next target……”

Sitting on his desk, Adier took away the thick pile of materials above, revealing the bottom drawing.

The drawings are pale-yellow and appear to be made of a unique piece of paper, with some of them written on it, and roughly the name of the project was written directly.

“On the recovery and reuse of abyssal land …”

The plain saying is farming.

But it is farming in the abyss.

If you say this in the abyss, you might be laughed at.

A large area of ​​knowledgeable and noble masters will take a book and shoot Adier’s head and tell him how unrealistic this is.

But after Adier’s own research, he found that it was still feasible.

In a normal world, the reason why plants can grow on the ground depends on the various elements contained in the soil and the energy provided by sunlight.

There are also among these abyss, even because of the perennial fighting, and the reason that they have never been cultivated, the land in the abyss is much more fertile than the land in other places.

As for the source of energy, it is difficult, but substitutes can also be found.

The reason why most areas in the abyss have no plant growth is mainly due to the influence of that abyssal force.

The power of the abyss is chaotic and violent, within the realm everywhere within the entire world.

Under the abyss World, the ground is also full of huge abyssal forces. It is entrenched in this place and cannot be eliminated at all.

With the influence of this abyssal force, ordinary crops simply cannot survive in the abyss, and will be directly killed by that chaotic abyssal force, with no room for it.

This is why there are no plants in the abyss.

As for the normal evolution, letting the plants survive in the abyss is within the realm, which is simply an infeasible measure.

The evolution of life must also pay attention to the basic law.

Even if you want to evolve, at least there must be a prototype.

In terms of the power of the terrifying abyss of the current Abyss World, any foreign life will be completely killed when entering here, and there is still room for evolution.

Adier’s other avatar, Yasuo, when he first came to Abyss World, he just couldn’t support it for a while. He had to protect himself by using World Source’s Strength to protect himself from erosion.

Even Adier’s avatars are so, how can ordinary creatures adapt?

Therefore, under normal circumstances, there are indeed other lives appearing in the abyss.

Adier thought about this for a long time, and finally decided to focus the breakthrough on the devil.

The devil is an aborigine in the abyss. If there are any creatures in this world who are most adaptable to the abyss, then they must be a demon.

Then there was another problem.

No matter what you say, the devil is also a living life. How do you bury it in the ground and let him grow out regularly?

This is a big problem, but in front of him, Adier also has some ideas.

“Fuse the demon’s flesh cells with some extraordinary plant cells to extract the Bloodline patterns on both sides, maybe this can be done …”

Adier was very excited, where he was studying this alone.

Throughout the material world within the realm, Adier might not dare to say anything in other fields.

But when it comes to the Bloodline field, Adier doesn’t dare to claim to be number one, at least it is at the top.

After all, he started by refining Bloodline.

Later on the road, Bloodline Secret Art also helped him a lot.

At the moment, it’s just that old business that’s all.

And just when Adier was excited and focused on farming, a strange team also appeared outside the territory he occupied.

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