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“Is this the Earth Demon?”

A burly figure, it looks like a 50-60 meters tall and powerful demon walked into this dim area, and looked around and felt a surprise.

“There are demons here too?”

In his eyes, the area in front of him was extremely dim, and even the demon with extraordinary vision could not see clearly.

The world within the realm in front of me, the power of the abyss has fallen to a trough in this place, and for some powerful demons, it will feel a little uncomfortable.

After coming here, the demon felt a moment of discomfort and looked around with disgust: “Is there really a powerful demon in this place?”

Generally speaking, the more powerful the devil is, the more fertile the land it can occupy.

And this area in front of me is clearly a place where birds don’t shit, and it is placed outside and given to other demons. It is estimated that no one will want it.

According to common sense, the demon who will run to occupy this place must be no stronger than its strength.


There is a one meter high in front, and the demon with wings bowed and said continuously: “Although very surprised, there is indeed a strong demon here, and the strength has definitely reached the point of demon Commander …”

“Some time ago, the other party seemed to have assembled a group of little demons to build a castle in this place …”

“Build a castle, in this place?”

The burly demon leader was stunned, and at this moment an extremely inexplicable expression appeared on his face: “Are you sure you are not kidding me?”

For a demon, building a castle and so on is really an extremely remote thing.

After all, for demons, castles and so on are not at all useful.

In the World of Demons, the difference between strength and level is the difference between Heaven and Earth. If the opponent is really stronger than you, what if you own a castle?

This is not a mortal world, everyone’s individual strength is similar, relying on the castle can also carry out tenacious defense.

In the extraordinary World, the role of the castle is really not too much. It is more of a decorative role than practicality.

And building the castle here is even more unimaginable.

The burly demon 100 can’t understand it, and finally can only shake his head and let the demon in front lead the way.

He really didn’t know that the reason why Adier wanted to build a castle in this place was not to look good, nor to defend against other demons.

What Adier really wanted to build was actually a wizard tower.

The castle is just the pre-engineering of that wizard’s tower that’s all.

It looks like a castle, but it is actually a semifinished product of a wizard tower.

As for why the place was built in this place, there is also a big reason.

In the eyes of other demons, the power of the abyss in front of this place is silent, and it is an extremely bad place.

But for Adier it’s just the opposite.

The power of the abyss is not active, which means to some extent that the interference of the power of the abyss will become much weaker.

To some extent, this place is very suitable for some experiments.

On the other hand, the weak power of the abyss means that the attraction to other demons becomes smaller, and the disputes it can cause are much smaller.

After all, no one wants to brave enough to grab such a place where the bird does not shit.

Adier is not afraid that others will come to trouble, but sometimes it will be less troublesome, which is a good thing.

Before you have grown up, there is no need to be too high-profile.

The burly demon continued to move forward, and soon came to the castle that had not been formed, and saw the silhouette of Adier.

Then he knelt down.

Before he came, he was so energetic and arrogant.

After coming, he whispered, humbled and obedient.

The speed of changing faces is faster than that of tricks.

“This aura … definitely a big devil!”

Kneeling on the ground on his knees, looking at Adier who was not taller than his chest in front of him, the burly devil scolded at the moment: “Who gave the information!”

“There is such a place where the bird does not shit, how could there be a big demon entrenched here!”

There is also a set of standards for levels in the abyss.

Generally speaking, the existence under the 4th order has its own name, but for the 4th order, there is a unified saying.

That is the great devil.

As long as it has entered the 4th class, for other demons, this is a big demon.

Peak takes its place in the demonic social structure.

It can be said that if a big devil wants to think about it, he can smash it into 1000 to 10000 ordinary demons by waving his hand, and even a trace will not stay.

This kind of demon is at least a lord who occupies a large area.

Like Adier in front of me, staying in such a small area and not going out to do something and so on is really rare.

So the burly devil didn’t think of it.

This is undoubtedly the same probability of winning a lottery.

Who knows that if you go out and walk to a ditch where the bird is not shit, you can meet a big devil?

Adier looked at the burly devil with some surprise, and he was speechless at this moment.

Although the devil does not have any rhythm, but you kneel a little too fast?

He said nothing.

Yes, from the meeting of the two demons to now, Adier has not had time to say a word, and the burly devil just knelt in front of Adier without saying anything.

The whole process can be described as flowing clouds and flowing water, and at first glance it is extremely skillful.

Skillful is distressing.

Adier shook the head, inexplicably feeling a little speechless, and then waved his fingers at will.

A moment of strength spilled out of him instantly, covering the burly demon’s body and directly lifting him up.

“Get up and talk …”

Adier glanced at the burly demon in front of him and motioned to the other party to speak.

Kneel and so on without moving, it is too cliché.

It’s a waste of time.

But Adier’s good-talking attitude seemed to make the burly demon in front of him misunderstand something.

In front of him, his whole body trembled there, watching Adier’s eyes more frightened.

“Dear Lord of the Great Devil, I came to find you on the orders of the great demon lord, Ankra …”

He shivered and looked at Adier in front of him.

“Demon Lord?”

Adier froze.

The so-called demon lord is the existence above the ordinary devil.

According to Adier’s criteria, this is at least 5th order.

As for the name Ankra …

Adier wanted to think about it for a while. The other party seems to be the lord of this piece, responsible for governing this large area.

The place occupied by Adier at the moment is also theoretically owned by the other party.

Of course, this is only theoretical.

In fact, the other party has so much free time to manage so many things.

Some abyss forces are active, and for other demons it is equivalent to a place of treasure.

Adier is a place where birds are not shit at this moment, but also want to be concerned by the other party?

Go dreaming.

But then come back.

The reason why Adier chose this place as his own site was that it was one of the reasons why he wanted to avoid the demon lord in addition to experimenting with peace of mind.

After all, he has limited strength at the moment, and he is only promoted to Tier 4 for the time being. There is still a certain distance from Tier 5 and needs time to make up.

Absolutely didn’t expect. He stayed in this small corner and farmed with peace of mind, but the person of the other party even came to the door.

“What’s the matter?”

He looked at the burly demon in front of him, and said casually.

For the strange demon lord, Adier’s attitude is not too concerned.

To some extent, the opponent’s strength is indeed far stronger than he is at this moment.

But the other party really came to him impossible.

Really not. Adier can’t beat each other, can’t he still run?

The abyss is so big, where can Adier hide in any corner?

“Dear Lord Devil …”

The burly demon trembles and waits for a while before speaking to Adier: “The great lord is about to launch an expedition, so he asks many great demon lords within the territory and calls many lords to participate together.

He said truthfully, it sounded like it was.

Of course, in the spirit of the devil, the original words of the demon lord must not be a so-called request, but another kind of rhetoric.

But in front of Adier, if the burly demon really dared to speak the original words, it would really be dead.

The devil is a very realistic creature. Seeing the wind makes the rudder and so on, this is just a basic operation.

In this regard, Adier did not care, just pondered and began to think about this matter.


He pondered for a while, then raised his head, looked at the burly demon in front of him, and continued to ask, “Which demon lord is fighting?”

Expedition, in Adier’s opinion, is nothing more than to fight that’s all against another demon lord.

He was already thinking at this moment. Which one of the surrounding lords was this Ankra going to fight?

Or, once the war starts, where does he have to go to be safe?

“No … not to fight against other demon lords …”

In front of him, the burly demon trembles all over his body, standing there intermittently and saying, “The lord’s expedition for this time is a battle against the material world …”

“Material World …”

Adier was stunned for a moment, a little unexpected at this moment.

He was really didn’t expect this result.

Abyss World and Material World 2 are not connected.

Generally speaking, it is not a simple matter to want to enter the material world from the abyss World, or to enter the abyss world from the material world.

Adier’s other avatar, Yasuo, entered the abyssal world within the realm from the material world, still thanks to the blessing of another great demon, and successfully entered the abyssal world within the realm through the other party’s channel.

This channel generally enters one or two people, but it is better to say that as long as the price can be paid, there will always be a way.

But if you want to enter and exit on a large scale, it will be a bit difficult.

And now, a demon lord is about to launch an expedition to the material world?

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