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The battle below continues.

Among the caravans, the dozen guards fought hard to fight each other, each struggling forward, and the strength all over him was used.

They united and cooperated to move forward together. Although the individual’s strength was not as good as those of the Lizard Warriors, they gathered together at the moment, but forcibly blocked the Lizard Warriors and blocked them.

Of course, this is only temporary.

These fighters are only ordinary person that’s all, and their strength is only equivalent to ordinary elite. Although they are much stronger than ordinary person, they are much weaker than the specially trained Knight apprentice.

The lizardmen warriors in front of them, however, each and everyone are powerful warriors comparable to Knight apprentices, each one taken out individually is an extremely powerful warrior.

2 The difference in strength between the two is too great.

If there is no accident, the following ending is doomed.

A burst of crying came from below, with a little blood.

The cries of children cried continuously from below, making Adier’s instinctive fluctuations of the demon’s body seem even more annoying.

He didn’t change his face, looked down and continued to follow.

Whether it is the guards who are gathered together to fight for the others behind them, or the few lizard warriors, they have characteristics that the devil does not have.

Order and solidarity.

Compared to demons, these people are naturally more cohesive. They are born with a kind of trust, and they can give their backs to each other and fight together.

This cohesion and orderliness is not available in the race of demons.

If you and the demon are comrades-in-arms, then what you should do is not to give your back to the opponent, but to be careful whether the opponent will stab your knife behind you.

Or you can escape when you step forward to fight the enemy, leaving you alone.

these all are bloody lessons.

After spending some time in the abyss, Adier has seen many similar incidents.

Standing in the air, Adier shook the head, and finally waved his hand.

A little Strength came out of him, and then everything changed.

Below, the bodies of the few lizardmen warriors froze directly, and at this moment the stiffness was motionless, like a few sculptures.

Under the stunned eyes of the guards, these lizardmen warriors gradually appeared one after another.

It seems that one after another crack appeared in the exquisitely made pottery. Under the eyes of the soldiers in front of you, one after another crack appeared continuously, and then spread to the whole body.

Finally, with a bang a light sound, the body of these lizardmen warriors broke apart directly, leaving no trace.

“this is……”

Several guards stared at the scene in front of them, looking at the Lizardman warriors who were directly broken apart. At this moment, they were a little shocked, and they didn’t know what happened.

Then they saw Adier who suddenly appeared in front of them.

In front of their eyes, Adier wore a black robe, a beautiful face and a strange look, and a pair of deep black eyes looking at them at the moment, which seemed to carry a mysterious Strength, which made people unconsciously attract attention past.

He stood beside the bodies of the lizardmen warriors and stood there looking at them quietly at the moment.

“you are……”

Hesitations appeared on the faces of several guards until an older guard stepped forward and looked at Adier in front, with a respectful opening: “Dear Master, I thank you on behalf of everyone for your shot …”

Compared with other people present, his knowledge is obviously wider, and he recognizes the spell just made by Adier.

He did not associate Adier with a demon, only thinking that this was a mage who came across by accident.

This is normal.

Regardless of the long distance between Material World and Abyss World, most mortals have never seen a real devil in their lifetime.

It is a real demon, and generally does not look like Adier.

As I said before, the appearance of the devil is always arbitrary, and often looks all kinds of strange things, each with different appearances, one is more scary than the other, one is more scary than the other.

But Adier in front of him did not seem strange at all. If he excluded the abyss of his body and the height beyond ordinary people, it was almost the same as the normal people.

The escort in front of him would mistakenly think that he was a passing mage, and it was quite normal.

Adier looked up, looking at the people in front, his face calm.

At the moment of looking at the people in front of him, an impulse surged spontaneously on Adier’s demon’s body, and the slaughter’s desire kept urging Adier, urging him to kill these people in front of him and enjoying the slaughter Pleasure.

Adier refrained from this urge, and isolated this desire, and looked at the other party now.

“This road will be dangerous next …”

He said lightly, a beautiful face was very calm: “If it’s terrible, go back now …”


The middle-aged guard was stunned for a moment, and was just about to continue his questioning.

In the next moment, the Adier in front of me has already disappeared, and the entire silhouette disappears in place.

Like it never appeared.

The guards present rubbed their eyes and looked at each other in blank dismay. At this moment, they doubted that they had hallucinations.

The area outside several thousands li.

Adier’s silhouette appears on the edge of a city.

He just not at all lied.

This area will indeed be very dangerous.

It’s just that the danger does not come from others, but from himself that’s all.

“let’s start……”

He looked at his face, with some indifference, and spoke lightly.

Above his body, a bloody strength gradually emerged, spreading to the surroundings.

The unique field of the complex mysterious mystery continues to expand towards the outside world, and there seems to be a surge of divine force. At this moment, all of them burst out and suddenly covered the area of ​​several hundred li.

In an instant, all vitality around started to be cut off, the life force of little by little was plundered by Adier’s Strength of Domain, directly plundered by all, and fed back to Adier’s body.

In his sight, each and everyone looks strange, looks like a humanoid, but has a pair of black wings, and the very short race continues to come out and screams.

The bloody realm covered everything, the flesh and blood of these lives began to disappear gradually, all strengths were plundered, and even the soul could not escape, directly swallowed by this unique strength of domain.

The bones of Sensen continued to emerge on the ground, and at this moment, all vitality around them was cut off.

All the moments of being in contact with the scarlet realm were swallowed directly by Adier, leaving no trace of it.

And this kind of swallowing has not yet ended in a bit. With the passage of time, Adier’s field is still expanding and expanding.

An inexplicable will began to be active. At this moment, the strength of Adier within the body began to boil. A massive strength was pouring from within the body, making his body quickly become strong.

As Adier continued to devour and looted the soul of the material World, the abyssal will began to react. A little Strength continued to feed back to Adier’s body, making Adier’s strength more powerful.

His breath began to change constantly, from the original to the 4th level, it stabilized suddenly, and it is still increasing.

This is why the devil wants to enter the material world.

As the devil slaughters in the material world and plunders the soul, the abyss world will instinctively feel joy, and thus feedback a little strength, blessing it on the demon, making the strength of the demon continue to become stronger.

For demons, a strong strength is everything.

Of course, with this slaughter, a sense of repulsion is constantly rising from the surrounding World.

As Adier began to slaughter, in the realm within the realm in front of him, a strength similar to that of the abyss, but full of order and peace Strength rose, gradually winding around Adier’s body.

Under the shroud of Strength, Adier’s bloody field that had been constantly expanding outward began to stop expanding, began to be affected by a Strength, and was gradually suppressed.

It was only an instant that the original Strength was suppressed. If it can be said that the Strength that can be used before is 7, then it is good to be able to use 8 1 points.

In this state, if you encounter the material World powerhouse, most of them will be very bad.

“Repression of Material World …”

Feeling the repression of the whole body, and the roar of World consciousness, Adier raised his head and muttered to himself.

Material World and Abyss World belong to the same system of God World, but they are strongly different.

This is more like twins bred from the same mother and child, each developing towards an extreme.

The material world is orderly and stable. The life in it is full of vitality and change, and there is a high vitality.

The Abyss World is full of chaos and violent, full of offensive, which is exactly the opposite of the stability of the material World and full of change.

2 The nature of the two is completely different, and the World consciousness born from them is also different, mutually exclusive with each other.

After coming to the Abyss World, the material World powerhouse will be infected by the abyss breath. After the Devil of the Abyss World came to the Material World, it would also be suppressed by the will of the Material World, and his strength could not be fully exerted.

Even Adier can feel that at this moment, along with the suppression of the consciousness of the world around him, the strength in him disappears continuously.

Once he hasn’t returned to the Abyss World before his own strength has completely disappeared, the final outcome may be very bad.

“There are so many restrictions …”

Silently shook the head, Adier didn’t care about his own state, just moved forward silently and continued to move forward.

He would also continue to be a slaveter to plunder Strength, who was promoted again.

To this end, he has made some preparations and will surprise everyone in this area.

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