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The suppression of the material World is getting stronger.

Feeling all this, Adier took a step forward and came to other regions.

At this moment, as he continued to launch the slaughter on the mainland, some powerhouses around him began to find him.

However, Adier chose not to focus on the powerhouse in this place. So far, except for some miscellaneous fish, there is only a person who is a person close to Legendary.

The corpses and corpses stand on the ground, and the blood stains the whole land, and a blood-reeking qi soars into the sky.

At a glance it looks like a slaughterhouse.

In this regard, Adier looked calm and did not feel guilty.

The area he chose specifically is not a gathering place for humans, but a place where other dark races are located.

For Adier, his previous life was human, this life is elf.

As long as the race being slaughtered is not the two, there will be no guilt in his heart.

Some are just calm.

“Demon!” An angry voice came from the front.

Adier looked up, and in the middle of the air, a knight with a handsome face in silver armor and a giant sword in his hand was angry and glaring at him.

In the opponent’s body, a Legendary field is opening up, gradually colliding with Adier’s bloody field.

The two are intertwined and produce a violent reaction.

The Knight in front of him is a Legendary, and it looks much stronger than the Legendary Knight.

“Repent to the creatures of this land, demons!”

Holding a great sword, he glared at Adier and shouted at him.

In response, Adier looked calm, looking at the young Knight in the distance.

“Why are you so angry?”

Adier said, although his face was still calm, but at this moment there was a little doubt.


Knight’s face was even more angry: “You killed so many people, and asked me why!”

“I killed a lot of lives …”

Adier’s face was calm, and he said lightly: “But these don’t seem to be humans, nor your fellow race …”

Before he set off, he chose this place deliberately because it was mostly dark life.

Most of what Adier killed at the moment were also some dark races.

“These all are dark races. For your fellow race, it seems that it is not a friendly thing …”

Adier raised his hand. On the palm of his hand, a little blood spread out, looking very crimson, with some bright colors: “I killed them, even if you don’t thank you, I shouldn’t stop me?”


Young Knight roared, his face angry, and the sword in his hand pointed to Adier in front of him: “The devil is the devil, and you don’t have to make excuses for your sin!”

“Just because I am a demon now, is that so …”

Adier shook the head, with some regret between expression.

He continued to walk up to the young Knight.

Then, under the unbelievable gaze of the other party, he slowly extended his right hand and directly penetrated the other party’s chest.


In fact, I looked at Adier in disbelief in disbelief, feeling the strength of my whole body began to drain, and there was an inexplicable confusion.

“Sorry, I forgot to tell you …” Adier’s voice came from the side.

His face was calm. With some apologies at this moment, he looked at the young Knight in front of him and said, “You have been infected by my breath just now, but now I don’t have any strength on my body …”


In fact, glaring at Adier, he said with some strength, some gnashing teeth.

In the next moment, his whole body collapsed, and his body was torn directly by Adier, flesh and blood flew, and finally turned into a little pure blood Strength, which was integrated into Adier’s within the body.

This is far from over.

A vast will fluctuates.

The will of the abyss began to continually vibrate around him, and it seemed that he could not restrain that joy, and was accurately sensed by Adier.

He looked calm and looked to the side.

I saw in front of him, one after another The power of the bloody abyss condensed into tentacles, holding a pure and powerful soul, and headed into the abyss.

With all this happening, a strength rose up in Adier’s body, making his breath grow further.

The fall of a Legendary Knight brought greater gains than the massacre of several cities by Adier.

“not bad……”

Feel the strength of the body, Adier nodded.

In any case, the body of the reincarnated demon still has a little influence on itself.

At least, if it is Adier’s ontology, dealing with the Legendary Knight simply is not much, and it will directly and cleanly kill the other party.

However, instead of Adier, who is now a demon, he will use words to distract the other party’s ideas, and then secretly start.

It’s not that they can’t beat each other.

Just save a little effort, why not save a little effort?

By the way, you can make your strength more complete.

You know, after leaving the abyss, Adier is being suppressed by the material World at this moment, and the Strength on his body becomes a little less.

If it was a real fight with that Legendary Knight dignified, he might not be far away from being sent home when he killed him.

There is no need.

Adier shook the head, move on.

He did not proceed to the massacre.

Although the slaughter is refreshing, to some extent, the efficiency is too low.

After all, Adier is a wizard, and he prefers to pay attention to maximum efficiency.

By one-to-one slaughter, the efficiency is too low. I want to collect the number of promotions, but I do n’t know how long it will take.

So he came to a river.

“The potion configured by Demon Insect, hope not to let me down …”

Adier looked at the huge river in front of him and dropped a bottle.

As the seal strength above the bottle was lifted, a little bloody continuous began to spread from the riverside, spreading toward all directions at the speed visible to naked eyes.

A little breath of death and decay began to penetrate.

The bacteria after Adier’s improvement spread rapidly towards all directions.

It didn’t take long, just a dozen minutes, and it spread to several kilometers away.

This pathogen and its overbearing power are particularly powerful after Adier’s infection.

Both air and water can be transmitted. As long as a lifeform comes into contact with this pathogen, it will immediately be infected by it and become a pathogen.

After the infection, the pathogen will not have anything at the beginning, and even everything will not change, it looks the same as a normal person.

But as soon as a certain time comes, as long as Adier emits a signal, all the infected lifeforms will immediately die out, destroyed by the bacteria within the body, and directly killed from the root cause.

There will be no accidents.

“Next … just look on that side …”

After finishing what he had done, Adier looked up and looked into the distance.

Through some kind of connection with himself, he can feel that the scene is emerging on a piece of earth in the distance.


Desert, in the Adier Empire.

“This is the Adier Empire?”

With a few sacrifices on the side, Ankla walked to the border of the Adier Empire and looked at the city in front of him, a little surprised.

“Apart from the Master City and the Sun City, is there such a splendid country in the material world within the realm?”

He looked surprised, and had some interest in the Adier empire in front of him.

“Everything here has been built in the past 100 years …”

Aside, a sacrifice wearing a black robe said.

“The ability to build a Desert into what it is today in less than 100 years, the ability of this Legendary Knight cannot be underestimated …”

“I am looking forward……”

There was a smile on Ankra’s face, feeling the huge life reaction in front of him, and the smile on his face became more and more happy.

He moved forward slowly, took a step, and came to a city.

“What a huge city, what a beautiful life …”

Feeling the breath of life around him and the vitality within the material world, he took a few breaths intoxicated and felt a little intoxicated.

The next moment, he stretched out his hand.

A strength spread from him.

The huge demonic realm unfolded from his body, instantly covering the city in front of him, covering the whole city.

Anchor in front of him is ready to catch everything in one net, and engulf the creatures of the whole city at once.

Leave no trace.

A faint glimmer appeared above the city in front of me.

Silver’s Battle Qi continues to emerge, and in a moment, it cooperates with a certain field to develop, turning into an indestructible barrier, blocking the demon field.

Then two different fields began to collide, canceling each other out, completely blocking the strength from Ankra.


Feeling what happened below, Ankra’s face was a little surprised, and the whole body’s strength trembling, staring forward.

Under his gaze, in front, a silhouette of a young Knight was revealed.

It was a young Knight wearing black robe and long hair.

He has a handsome face, looks extremely outstanding, and his breath is extremely powerful, reaching the top of Legendary.

A long hair fell slowly, and the youth’s face was calm. At the moment, standing in the midair of the city opposite Ankra, a sharp breath radiated from all over him, like a long sword, ready to exhibit the deadliest offensive.

“You are the master of this kingdom?”

Looking at Adier below, Ankra’s face was a little surprised.

“The strength is a lot stronger than I thought …”

He laughed, looking at Adier below, his face more excited.

Underneath, feeling the breath of Ankra above, Adier looked up, and a smile appeared on a calm face.

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