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Above the Adier empire, 2 terrifying realms are spreading out against each other.

2 silhouettes stand like Fiendgod, and at this moment the eyes collide.

In the mid-air, there is a faint spark between the light and flicker. The surrounding space begins to blur and twist. The whole looks like it is affected by an invisible strength.

“Unknown powerhouse, report your name …”

A grin appeared on Ankra’s face, looking at Adier in front of him, and he looked a little excited at this moment.

For the chaotic demons, belligerence is also one of their natures. After seeing a powerhouse at this moment, the blood within the body immediately began to boil.

Of course, this is when it is known that the other party is only a Legendary field.

If Ankla knows that the other party is not only in the field of legend, but it is likely to be stronger than him, I am afraid that he will not be able to get bloody now.

It is also very possible to turn around and leave.

No way, it is so realistic.

“You leave here now, it’s too late.”

Adier’s face was calm, looking at Ankara in front of him, and said lightly.

“Great tone …”

Ankra was a little surprised, his right arm slammed down.

boom! !

Crisp sounds kept coming out, and the space here began to shatter, and bloody silhouettes appeared in the middle of the sky, forming 1000 to 10000, densely packed, and all rushed towards Adier at this moment.

It is a nightmare for intensive fearers.

Adier’s face remained unchanged, silently lifts the head, his right arm stretched out slowly, and pulled out the silver long sword hanging from his waist.

With the slamming of a light sound, the long sword of silver suddenly came out of the sheath, and then the silver sword energy flying all over the sky flew in mid-air. Declare your existence.

The energy of the silver sword from 1000 to 10000 is constantly spreading out from the body of Adier, and the majestic silver Battle Qi is surging. This moment has turned into a burst of pure Strength forward.

In within the body, those dozens of divinities also began to recover spontaneously. Among them, dao divine force began to emerge continuously, blessing on Adier’s body, which gave Adier a divine glory.

Then, his face was calm, and the silver long sword in his hand flicked, and he began to shoot.

Countless bloody silhouettes flashing in the midair were wiped out in an instant.

A gap appeared in the bloody demon realm.

Subsequently, 1000 to 10000 silver sword energies began to merge, turning into the most violent and the toughest a sword light.

Silver Flower! !!

Silver’s sword light was turbulent, the majestic Strength was almost endless, sharp and unstoppable, and suddenly fell towards Ankra’s body.

In an instant, it’s almost not like a single shot, but it seems that there are 100 to 1000 people appearing at the same time, each slashing all over Ankara’s body, wanting to crush him to 10000 segments.


Ankra’s face changed suddenly, and the tyrannical smile before this moment could not be maintained, and he felt a fatal crisis emerge from his body.

Before he had time to reflect anything, one after another scar appeared on his body, rising with a strong pain.

In an instant, he only had time to open up his own demon realm, covering his body as a barrier, trying to block the swinging sword.

However, this has little effect.

A silver long sword fell, next moment, the barrier of the demon realm was slammed, and the surrounding space was generally chopped to 7 8 pieces, not in shape at all.

Next moment, the most dazzling rays of light bloom in place.

Silver’s brilliance flickered, in an instant, like a silver moon rising, slamming down to the ground, completely covering the silhouette of a demon.

After the radiance of the place gradually dimmed and gradually disappeared, the scene here was revealed again.

Adier’s face was calm, and he was still standing there at the moment, his face calm, and he didn’t seem to move at all.

In his hand, the silver long sword was still held by him, but at the moment the brilliance on it looked a bit dim, and it seemed to consume a lot of strength in the previous sword.

Ahead, Ankra struggled to get up.

Adier was chopped off with a sword, he is still alive at the moment, but he looks very miserable.

On his chest, a deep sword mark appeared, and the black dirt blood was flowing continuously, and the demon’s Strength was dripped onto the earth, contaminating one after another.

The breath of him also continued to decline, and at this moment it fell to the bottom of the valley, almost falling into the field of level 5.

It can be said that just after that, he lost most of his strength. At this moment, his condition is very bad.

If the life force of the demon’s body is extremely tenacious, in his current state, he can almost declare the death penalty.

“You … not Legendary …”

Looking at Adier in the distance, Anchor lifts the head, there was a little disbelief in his eyes and a little bit of anger.

The information went wrong.

What is the Legendary field of Adier in front of me?

This is clearly a Knight who has reached the field of mythology, and even if it is in the field of mythology, it is by no means unusual Strength.

With just a sword, Ankara was hit hard. Such strength is rare even in the abyss.

At this moment, there was anger brewing in his heart.

He swears in his heart that when he returns this time, he will surely tear the sacrificial offerings to him.

This is to kill people.

Fortunately, it’s a Legendary Knight that everyone can pinch, but it turns out that it’s a mythical Knight when he gets to the place.

The gap is bigger than Divine Immortal elder sister to Qiao Bi Luo Hai!

Ankla scolded in his heart, but at this moment it was too late to think too much, a pair of bloody demon eyes staring closely at Adier in front.

The atmosphere does not dare to take a breath.

At this moment, the blood within the body subsided, and after discovering that Adier was an opponent he could not cope with, the devil’s nature began to attack again.

At the moment, Ankla no longer thought about how to fight, but only thought about how to protect himself and return to his territory.

Being in the material world, within his realm, his strength is still weakened continuously, suppressed by the entire material world, and getting weaker and weaker.

If this continues, I am afraid his ending will be doomed to be very bad.

To his surprise, however, the Adier not at all in front of him continued to shoot.

Adier looked at Ankra in front, his face calm, although the breath on his body was horrible, but not at all shot again.

“This is … waiting for me to reveal a weak spot?”

Ankra was puzzled in his heart, and the thought flashed subconsciously.

He took a tentative step back.

Adier did not respond.

He took another step back.

Adier’s face was calm and still no response.

Ankra took a deep breath, and then the next moment flew directly, without the slightest hesitation, flew out.

Look at this look is also very skilled.

I don’t know how many times I ran.

In place, Adier shook the head.

He looked at Ankara who had fled directly away from the distance, and there was a smile on his face at this moment.

“Do you think you can really run away …”

He laughed, took back the long sword in his hand, and then silhouette disappeared, and left the place directly.

on the other side.

“Is it almost …”

At the moment when Ankara was hit hard by Adier and fled directly, on the other side, another Adier, who was the Demon King, seemed to feel something, and turned around with a smile on his face.

Adier’s avatars are actually inductive.

When another avatar hit Ankara just now, Adier also knew about it through the unique connection between avatars.

“It seems to be going very smoothly …”

He laughed and looked very happy at this moment.

Then he waved his hand.

A silent message was uploaded from him and poured into all directions.

Then the World in front of me seemed to be still.

In this huge moment, in this brief moment, all life began to freeze, and the body froze there directly, as if by any kind of incantation, it could not move at all.

The entire world seemed to be at a standstill, and the pause button was pressed by a certain existence, and it stopped directly.

Then a change began to take place.

Along with the hustle and bustle, in this brief moment, all lifeforms exploded directly, and the flesh and blood of the whole body was directly broken, eroded by the bacteria within the body.

I don’t know how many lives in this brief moment completely disappeared.

Standing in place, vaguely, Adier seemed to hear a sad sigh.

That is the will of the material World, sighing at this moment, feeling the withering of huge life, and circling here.

The huge Strength began to rise from within the body.

With the germs killing countless lives in an instant, the will of the abyss became active and felt unprecedented pleasure.

A Strength feedback along the will of the abyss gradually conveyed to Adier’s body.

Then Adier’s body began to change.

Pieces of brand-new scales began to grow on his body, with fine texture on it. At a glance, it looked like a unique spar, extremely unique and beautiful, with a breath of elements.

Adier’s appearance also began to change. At this moment, the whole body not only did not expand, but became much smaller.

Its body began to shrink, suddenly approaching 3 meters, shrinking to about 2 meters.

The very handsome and fascinating face has become more unique. This moment is full of a unique charm. As long as you look at it, mortals will be attracted by that unique breath, and you can’t help being attracted by it.

A long hair fell slowly. At this moment, Adier’s body looked almost the same as a normal person.

A strong breath rises above his body, crossing the limit of the 4th order in an instant, reaching the 5th order level.

With all this, an extremely strong repulsion Strength followed.

It seems that he feels the danger of Adier. The entire material world is clearing, and the horrible strength is roaring, and the existence of Adier is being suppressed.

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