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“I think it’s time we talked …”

The huge demon’s body disappeared in place, and Adier’s silhouette appeared in place.

He was dressed in a black robe, and he was covered by a black robe. A piece of beauty was so beautiful that he had a smile on the monster’s face, and looked at the rituals in the distance and said softly.

Not far away, looking at Adier who appeared at that moment, the priests remained silent for a while. Only after a while did one person walk out, looking at Adier in front of him and said, “What do you want to talk about?”

“a lot of……”

Adier has a smile on his face. At this moment, he looks like a gentleman, full of a unique charm: “For example, your origin, or for example, what kind of purpose do you want to use the previous guy to achieve …”

“Of course the most important thing is whether you can reach an agreement with me …”

He looked at the sacrifices in front of him, the expression on his face was the same as before, and there was no change at all: “For you, I am very interested …”

In front, several priests were silent. At this moment, they looked at Adier in front of them and remained silent for a long time.

Under Adier’s gaze, it wasn’t until long after that no one spoke, breaking the silence.

“as you wish……”

In front, the middle-aged priest who walked out first said that the sound was very low, but it was accurately heard by Adier, and it was very clear.

“Sensible choice …”

Adier’s smile didn’t change, and he waved gently.

In situ, the silhouette of the people around suddenly disappeared, and left the place directly at this moment, moving towards the distance.

They disappeared in place instantly and came to the place where Adier had already prepared.

A dark and deep area where almost nothing can be seen.

In the surrounding area, a fiery scene is showing.

A small demon with a huge head, comparable to the adult Knight, worked in this place. Each and everyone carried bricks on their shoulders. Hey, hey, he walked forward, spit his sweat in this place.

In all around, each and everyone The tall and burly demon held a whip in his hand, pumping at the little demons from time to time, screaming and scolding them to work quickly.

A harmonious scene.

Looking at the scene in front of him, several priests were stunned. At this moment, they barely knew what to say.

What did they see?

Will the demon build the castle?

“It’s crazy …”

The headed priest was stunned for a while, and confirmed that he had no hallucinations. This made him speechless and could not help whispering.

“Welcome to my site …”

Adier had a smile on his face. At this moment, he looked at the sacrifice in front of him and waved his hand casually.

“As you can see, I am now the lord of this area.”

“But to you, I don’t seem to know anything yet …”

“Dear Demon Lord, please let me introduce myself first …”

The middle-aged priest headed set the mind, looked at Adier in front of him, saluted respectfully, and then said.

So in front of Adier, he quickly explained something to make Adier understand their origins.

“A believer in the God of Destruction?”

Looking at the several sacrifices in front of him, Adier was stunned. This moment was a bit unexpected. It seemed that didn’t expect was the result.

He did not think of the result in front of him.

Destroying God, this name is too strange. I did n’t even think about this possibility before coming to Adier.

This is a deity that has existed in ancient times. It is said that it was once brilliant in ancient times, and even competed with the king of the sun to compete with Supreme God.

Of course, from the fact that the deeds of the King of the Sun are now spreading in God World, and the deeds of the Destruction God have almost disappeared, the result can be seen who is the winner in this battle …

The King of the Sun won the final victory, and ascended to the top, becoming one of the Ancient Supreme Gods since ancient times.

As for the God of Destruction, he was knocked down into the dust. Now that the long years have passed, not only have he failed to temporarily restore his former status and strength, but even his own existence is nearly disappearing.

In addition to the Adier this Expo group book, and strive to search for the existence of the remains of the gods, the rest of the ordinary person may not even hear the name of the god of destruction.

speaking of which, because of its former glory, another avatar of Adier had the idea of ​​the god of destruction.

Only later, because the trail of the Destruction God disappeared too completely, no matter how Adier found it, there was no way to find the slightest clues, so in the end it could only be lost.

Adier originally thought that this was because the God of Destruction had fallen into the dust, and its existence had already been close to the cause of nothingness and disappearance.

However, from the current situation, the other party’s life may not be too good, but if it is said to be close to disappear, it will not be.

At least there are several sacrificial offerings on the other side, and there is even a Divine Item surviving. In terms of strength, it is not inferior to the dim main church at the moment.

the thoughts got to this point, Adier shook the head.

After knowing that the other party is the sacrifice of the god of destruction, Adier can roughly guess the purpose of the other party.

It is nothing more than trying to do things, so as to create opportunities for the God of Destruction to recover that’s all again.

As for why you will find the demon lord of the Abyss World, this reason is also very easy to explain.

In the entire God World, is there any more destructive and destructive strength than demons?

At least Adier can’t figure out what kind of existence exists, which can surpass the wonderful species of demon.

When it comes to creation and construction, the devil is definitely a layman, but when it comes to destruction, the devil is definitely a Peak expert.

The rest of the people want to challenge the devil in this regard, and also see if they have that ability.

“Tell me …”

Adier waved his hand. On the side, several demons lifted a table and placed a few chairs.

He was polite, just sat up, looked at several priests standing in front and smiled and said: “What can I do for you, what can you provide me with?”

In situ, several priests froze.

At this moment their Spirit was in a trance, inexplicably had an illusion, as if sitting in front of them was not a fierce demon lord, but a businessman who was negotiating with them.

When did the demon lord speak so well?

In the past, they cooperated with the demon lord before. The other party’s tone was not like this, but a gesture that regarded them as a slave. How could Adier be so sensible?

But anyway, this can be considered a good thing.

At least getting along with Adier in front of me is a lot easier than when I was with Ankra before.

Before getting along with Ankra, when they were working together, they always tightened the string in their hearts, fearing that the next moment the other party would suddenly shoot, crush them directly, and sink their souls directly into the sea of ​​demons .

It’s just as scary to get along with Adier in front of me, but at least there is no horrible pressure.

So, the sacrifice in front was slightly relaxed, hesitated a little while looking at the table and chairs in front of him, or chose to sit up, looking at the Adier in front of him and said: “We need you to lead the devil in the material world within the the realm unfolds … “

“This matter is completely in line with your interests. We can achieve our own goals. You can also throw your army into the physical world through us to plunder the soul and strength of the physical world …”


Adier nodded, looking at the sacrifice in front, it really looks like this.

For the sacrifices of the gods of destruction in front of them, Adier had already guessed the part about their purpose.

Actually this is easy to guess.

What else can the sacrifice of the god of destruction want the demon to do?

It is nothing more than killing quickly, destroying that’s all quickly.

For the devil, can there be anything better than this?

I’m afraid it’s gone.

Rather than obediently and honestly move bricks, these demons still prefer slaughter and destruction.

Whether it is the destruction sacrifices that are sent to the demon lord in front of you, or the demon door opened through the Divine Item before, the ultimate purpose is this.

In the material world, within the realm, war is raging.

As for doing so, what good is it for them …

Then nature is a help to the god of destruction.

The God of Destruction can be known by listening to this name. This is a Spiritual God who has the authority of destruction.

For this kind of Spiritual God, any field related to destruction that occurs in front of it can continuously increase the strength of its body and continuously expand the destruction of the divine force, stimulating its strength recovery and speeding up its recovery process.

Of course, general destruction does not have this effect.

Otherwise, these sacrifices will not need to be so vigorous.

In the entire God World, whether it is the Material World or the Abyssal World within the realm, there are huge destructions happening every moment.

If the divine ability of destruction is plain enough to obtain strength from these destructions, then these sacrifices do not have to be busy, just wait for the god of destruction to come.

Adier speculates that, similar to the destruction of this authority, although strength can be obtained from related events, it is actually limited.

The strength that can be drawn must be related to itself, which should be one of the limitations.

For example.

As a demon, Adier unfolded the slaughter alone in the abyss, killing some demon and destroying many things.

This is indeed a pure act of destruction, but the God of Destruction does not gain any strength in this act.

But if Adier carried out the devastating behavior under the assistance and influence of these sacrificial sacrifices, then through the connection in the underworld, the God of Destruction can get a little Strength feedback from Adier’s destruction behavior.

On the contrary, it doesn’t matter at all.

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