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Understand what these sacrificial offerings demand, then their behavior can be explained clearly.

Whether it was assisting the demon lord of Ankra to open the door of the demon, or standing in front of Adier at this moment, its ultimate purpose is nothing more than to restore the god of destruction that’s all through these demon lords.

Understand this, the next thing is easy to handle.

“I can help you with the things you asked for …”


Adier’s face remained unchanged. At this moment, he looked at the sacrifices in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face: “What can you give me?”

“Or, how can I help.”

“What do you want?”

On the opposite side, the middle-aged sacrifice barely stabilized his body, Shen Sheng said.

However, although his voice sounded very calm, Adier was still able to sense through his powerful perception that his body was shaking at the moment.

This is understandable, and the reason cannot be placed on the other party.

Adier’s breath and aura are too strong at the moment.

After defeating Ankra positively and plundering the power of the abyss from the opponent, Adier’s breath became stronger at the moment.

At this moment, even if you don’t take the initiative to spread your own breath, just some instinctive reactions are enough to make anyone who is essentially below him feel fear and instinctively uneasy.

Even among mortals, the ordinary person will still feel embarrassed when facing a strong man with a strong aura, not to mention the two people whose life essence is so different.

In fact, if the sacrifices in front of him were very strong, he might have fallen down in front of Adier at this moment.

Where can I sit across from Adier and talk.

In this regard, Adier understood very well, so not at all said something, just looked at each other so quietly, with a smile on his face, and looked like a gentleman.


The middle-aged priest took a deep breath and then said: “As you said, we can help you open the door to the material world …”

“With this passage, you and your demon army can reach the material world within the realm at any time and get everything you want in it …”

“I have to say that this is a very good proposal …”

Adier had a smile on his face, paused here, and then said: “However, can your scepter really open the door of the devil without limits?”

The body of the middle-aged priest suddenly froze.

“You laughed …”

He looked calm and looked at Adier, seemingly casually saying, “It’s our business if we have the ability to do this …”

Adier didn’t continue to speak, just looked at the middle-aged sacrifice in front of him, looked at the other’s calm face, and secretly took the head.

The other party did cover up very well, but the difference in Life Level between the two was so great that some small details on the other party, as well as a breath, a heartbeat change, could not hide the Adier in front of them.

When Adier spoke before, some slight reactions from the other party had told Adier a fact.

“Can’t it be opened without limits …”

Adier secretly shook the head, looking thoughtful.

He just asked that question, not for ulterior motives, but simply to try that’s all.

The result of the temptation was not what he expected.

The Divine Item, the legacy of the Destruction God, can indeed open the channel of the 2nd realm.

However, judging from the reaction of the sacrifice in front of me, I am afraid that the channel opened by the Divine Item is also limited.

At least impossible unlimited open.

Of course, this is not beyond Adier’s expectations.

Conservation of energy is a common rule everywhere.

No matter where the strength of the Divine Item comes from, impossible has always opened the channel and continuously consumed its own strength without any supplement.

As long as the channel keeps opening, the Strength of Destruction, which is in it, will be exhausted one day.

Moreover, judging from the ritual reaction in front of me, the strength of the Divine Item is exhausted at this moment, I am afraid not already far.

Otherwise, you won’t be so nervous.

“Are you afraid of losing use value …”

Adier secretly shook the head, looking at the sacrifice in front of him and said again: “In fact, compared to opening the channel to the material World, I am more interested in you …”


The middle-aged priest in front of him was stunned for a moment, and seemed a little puzzled.

More interested in themselves.

He didn’t think they had anything to attract the attention of the demon lord in front of him.

Even their souls, in the eyes of the demon in front of them, have their value only this that’s all.

“The most precious thing is one’s own will, and that unique kind of creativity …”

Adier got up from the spot and stood there, pointing to the castle standing in the distance.

At this moment, after Adier’s journey to Material World, the castle in front of him has been built quite well.

The prototype of the entire castle has begun to be completed. At this moment, there are already some little demons around it who are constantly busy and begin to decorate it.

It must be said that this is indeed a rarely seen scene.

In the abyss, within this barren area, a lonely castle stands.

It can be called a scenic line.

“how are you feeling?”

Pointing to the castle in the distance, Adier asked with a smile on his face, looking at the middle-aged sacrificial opening.

“It’s very special … and surprise …”

The middle-aged ritual stared at the castle in the distance, and at the moment his eyes were also dignified, and he said sincerely.

As far as the castle itself is concerned, the castle in front of it, no matter its structure or material, or even its scale, is nothing special.

In the middle-aged sacrificial journey, he had seen too many buildings that were much larger and more magnificent than the castle in front of him.

But the castle in front is destined to be special.

This is a castle built by the demons standing in the abyss.

This alone is enough to be surprising, and it feels incredible.

Whenever the demon, who has always been known for chaos and disorder, can also have such creativity, and he can actively build a castle.

If this matter is said, I am afraid there will be a large group of scholars who will laugh at it and say that he is crazy.

But this incredible thing happened just now.

But the source of all this happened is not the other, it is the demon lord in front of him.

“The devil is indeed chaotic, full of a creature of destruction aura …”

“But this does not mean that their intellectual ability is very low …”

Looking at the little demon who is constantly busy in the distance and constantly working under the supervision of other demon supervisors, Adier sighed and said: “In fact, their wisdom is actually very strong, and their toughness is also very strong, far better Normal creatures are much stronger … “

This sentence, Adier absolutely said by heart.

From the moment they were captured to the present, the demons in front of them almost stayed awake, did not eat anything, and did not have the slightest rest. They have been busy here.

The so-called 9 9 6 cannot describe the intensity of labor.

For ordinary people, he died suddenly.

But these demons are still alive and kicking, and looking like this, they seem to be able to work for a long time.

If this toughness is not strong, what kind of life toughness is called strong?

Compared with the demons in front of you, who kind, what kind of elf, are all scum.

“These demons actually have great potential …”

With a smile on his face, Adier continued to say: “As long as someone is good at guiding and fully realizing the potential of these demons, the strength they have exploded is enough to exceed your imagination …”

“So … you want …”

The middle-aged sacrifice looked at Adier in front of him, and for a moment he could not understand the meaning of the other party.

“How about helping me guide these demons together?”

With a smile on his face, Adier turned to look at the middle-aged priest on the side: “Open the door of the devil through the Divine Item and sneak into the material world to plunder and destroy it. It’s a little bit angry …”

“It’s better to come with me to play the strength of these demons, and to show your ability in the abyss …”

“This also serves your purpose, doesn’t it?”

The priests in front of him suddenly froze.

From Adier’s mouth in front of them, they heard a strong confidence and lofty ambitions.

The new demon lord in front of him doesn’t seem to be satisfied with looting some souls in the material world, but has a greater ambition.

They can now imagine that in the future, when Adier’s strength is further enhanced, he will definitely fight against the surrounding areas and extend his claws to the other demon lords around him.

There is no doubt that in this process, they can also achieve their own goals, and even be able to achieve excess.

No matter how the material World is destroyed, it will not last long. It is only by secretly opening the door of the devil several times. How many strengths can be collected, which is very doubtful.

And if Adier in front of him grows up smoothly, he will fight with other demon lords in the future, and the destruction scene will be unprecedented.

The Strength that can be brought to the God of Destruction is certainly unprecedented, far better than their sneaking to the World of Material.

So at this moment, listening to Adier’s words in front of them, they couldn’t help but feel a little moved.

The only thing that puzzled them was.

Can the ordinary demons in front of them really play such a strong strength as Adier said?

They were puzzled, and even doubtful.

But this does not prevent them from cooperating with Adier in front of them.

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