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In the abyss, scenes began to happen.

In that familiar dim area, the castle has been completely built. In all around the castle, there are 1000 to 10000 points of light flashing on it, like each and everyone lanterns illuminating.

At this moment, after repeated improvements by Adier, the light clusters formed by these brightening techniques are now very stable, and will not be extinguished easily because of various reasons as before.

This also brings light to this place, making the area in front of you look as bright as daylight.

Adier stood in a corner, thinking about his own things.

“Bloodline of the spiritual grass and bloodline fuse of the demon may be able to adapt to the strength of the higher abyss …”

In the corner in front of me, Adier cautiously used his own strong Spirit force to connect two completely different Blood Imprint cautiously together to form a brand new Blood Imprint.

Under his manipulation, the two broken Bloodline should be combined with the imprint, condensed in it, forming a brand new species.

This is just a combination of Blood Imprint, which is equivalent to genetic information to a certain extent, and has not yet been completely limited.

However, after this step is completed, the next thing is very easy for Adier.

Along with Adier’s Strength flashing, in front of him, that condensed Blood Imprint changed rapidly.

The surrounding surroundings quickly flooded in. All the materials, nutrients and energy needed for the growth and development of this Blood Imprint in front of us were fully supplied at this moment, allowing this Blood Imprint to fully develop in the earliest and shortest time.

Under Adier’s gaze, such a Blood Imprint began to develop rapidly, slowly growing up, and finally formed a brand new species.

It was a black vine. The vine looked black. The surface of the vine seemed to be condensed with scales. The surface structure looked like normal flesh, but at the same time it was filled with a plant texture. It looks very strange between animals and plants.

A little faint life force came from above. Although it is very faint, it does exist.

Feeling this, Adier lightly relaxed.

“After being busy for so long, I finally selected the right one from so many samples …”

Looking at the vines forming in front of him, Adier secretly relaxed.

Since ignoring the group of sacrificial offerings to work for him, Adier’s experimental progress has greatly improved.

To breed species that can survive on the abyssal ground, in addition to a large number of demons’ flesh and blood samples, a large number of normal life samples are also required to provide screening.

This work was originally very difficult, because there was nothing but a demon in the abyss, even if Adier wanted to find a sample, he could not find much.

But with the help of that group of sacrificial offerings, things suddenly changed.

As the strength left over by the God of Destruction, the strength controlled by the group of Destruction Sacrifice hands is huge, although it is inferior to Adier in terms of hard power. Adier may wipe them out by waving his finger.

But in terms of soft power, this group of people is really not to be underestimated.

Through their own channels, after understanding Adier’s needs, these people quickly obtained a lot of samples, all of which were sent to Adier.

These samples that meet the requirements of Adier are at least extraordinary plants with their own special characteristics, which have some special features before they can be sent to Adier.

The reason why you need to use extraordinary plants as samples is also because you need to match with the demon’s Blood Imprint.

no way.

The demon itself is extraordinary life. A truly shaped demon, even a little demon, has at least the equivalent strength to a Knight apprentice, and its essence is much stronger than ordinary life.

Ordinary plants are basically impossible to fuse under the pressure of the demon’s Bloodline. I am afraid that the moment they just touched will collapse.

To resist the repression of the demon Bloodline, try to be together with the demon’s Blood Imprint fuse together, at least also need its own Blood Imprint special, plants with extraordinary characteristics are possible.

And this has stumped the previous Adier.

After all, in the abyss, there are no extraordinary plants for him to screen.

But up to now, after a long work, Adier finally found a suitable sample, and tried the bloodline of the devil with the mark of the extraordinary plant fuse.

Although the result of the current fusion looks very bad, not only is its own breath very weak, but its resistance to the power of the abyss is also very weak, and it can’t be compared with the normal demon.

But this is a good start after all.

With this prototype, as long as we continue to optimize and improve on the basis of this prototype, sooner or later, we will be able to obtain species that will satisfy Adier.

Standing at the moment, Adier waved his hand.

A pure source of Strength emanates from him, and this moment is directly poured into it, serving as the most basic energy, catalyzing this vine’s Blood Imprint, so that its instincts continue to differentiate and continuously begin to split.

In just a moment, this vine quickly began to grow, after absorbing various nutrients and energy, it began to grow continuously, spreading in the surrounding ground, and soon grew to 3 meters long.

Then the vine quickly reached the end of his life, withered quickly, and the whole body withered directly.

Then on the vine’s corpse, several seeds that looked as big as human fists were left with a touch of abyssal force on them.

“not bad……”

Looking at the remaining seeds, Adier nodded, and then continue to repeat the previous process.

I don’t know how long it has passed. When Adier stopped, there was already that kind of vine everywhere in this place, and the spread occupied the whole ground.

As Adier continues to optimize and adjust it, these vines are constantly changing.

The morphology of some vines began to change, and the branches that had originally spread out became small, gradually changing to the grass.

As for some other vines, the previous shape is maintained, but the color on the surface is much darker.

At this moment, it is no longer necessary for Adier to further optimize and adjust the vines in front of him.

The reproduction of life will spontaneously make the Blood Imprint on these vines begin to change and continue to become more perfect.

This is a very simple genetic effect.

Just like ordinary human beings, men and women combine with each other, and the children born will have some advantages and disadvantages of both parents.

The reason for this is that when the two parties are combined, the genetic information between the two, that is, Blood Imprint in the eyes of Adier will split and combine with each other, thereby spawning completely different individuals.

The same is true for reproduction between plants.

Between different plants of the same plant, genetic information will be exchanged and combined, and the next generation will eventually have similar but different characteristics to the previous generation.

This difference is very small, but it does exist.

It is precisely because of this reaction that some evolution and domestication can proceed.

Some common crops within the realm of the Anthropocene, at first are not the same.

At the time of first, these crops may be just some ordinary wild plants, only because of their special characteristics, they were collected by the original people, and then they were continuously screened out and slowly domesticated during the long evolutionary process. , It became the way it was later.

The adaptability of life is extremely strong, as long as they can stand on it and give them enough time, they can slowly develop and breed, and finally multiply into the shape you need.

So are the plants in front of us.

After Adier did not know how many times of catalysis, the Blood Imprint of these vines has been different from the original batch of vines, and the Blood Imprint within the body has changed a lot.

What is shown is that these vines are much more resistant to the power of the abyss in the abyss.

No longer looks as sick as the vine that was just cultivated.

This is because in the process of reproduction, individuals who are not suitable for this environment have been screened out, and those who are left at this moment are individuals with strong adaptability to the immediate environment.

From generation to generation, it has become what it is today.

After reaching this point, we only need to wait for the time to pass slowly and let these plants continue to multiply. Sooner or later, we will get a species that is satisfactory to Adier.

Of course, if there is no external interference, this process is destined to be extremely long, so long that Adier is not willing to wait.

Therefore, in order to get the results required by Adier, human intervention is also required.

Adier is constantly screening samples, constantly trying to integrate various samples into it, and constantly creating more new species.

This matter has reached this point, and the cultivation in front of it is already considered a preliminary success.

Just wait for enough time to pass, you can harvest enough fruit.

In the midst, it seemed to feel Adier’s movements, a will began to trance, this moment seemed to have some reactions.

It was a change in the will of the abyss. At the moment, with Adier’s actions, he began to react spontaneously.

Between the faint and vague, the strength of Adier seems to be more powerful, and there is a stronger strength feedback from the faint, which makes the strength of Adier continue to grow.

Obviously didn’t do anything, didn’t launch the slaughter, or did anything else, just did a small experiment, and the strength on Adi’s body was so automatically improved.

“Have you felt …”

Feeling the continuous improvement of Strength, Adier smiled.

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