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The recovery of the abyssal will continues.

At this moment, with the continuous recovery of the abyssal will, the whole abyss World will begin to tremble, the strength of the whole abyss will will be drawn away, instilled in a certain direction under the manipulation of the abyss will.

Adier closed his eyes silently and opened his arms at this moment, hugging the great abyss will.

At this moment, he felt the recovery and closeness of the abyssal will. At this moment, it seemed that the whole abyss World was integrated with him, and he felt a kind of infinite strength.

It seems like a Small World can be destroyed in every move. At this moment Adier within the body has a magnificent Strength, which is diffused in his within the body. Once it breaks out, it is absolutely terrifying.

In just a short time, he has been promoted from the original 5th-level Peak to 6th-level, and even climbed all the way up to the 6th-level Peak.

Even at this moment, the matter is far from over, the breath of him is still expanding, slowly climbing from the original 6-section Peak, reaching a higher level.

Start the impact towards 7th grade.

However, compared to the ease and comfort of being promoted to Tier 6 before, Adier felt an unprecedented obstacle when he was promoted to 7th grade.

The strength provided by the abyssal will is sufficient. Not to mention the promotion to the 7th grade, it is very easy to reach a very strong level in the 7th grade.

Based on the huge Strength that has been plundered by the abyssal will for countless years, all of it broke out at this moment, blessing one’s body, that kind of strength can be called vast, not to mention promotion to 7th grade, that is to reach a higher level of 7th grade It is by no means any problem.

But after reaching the Peak level of 6th level at this moment, Adier wanted to continue to strike upwards, reaching the 7th grade level, and felt a strong impediment.

It seems that in the midst of meditation, there is a mechanism that is blocking Adier’s upward impact, preventing him from being promoted to a higher level.

No matter how hard Adier tries or how to try, he can’t really reach that level.

This is not a problem with Adier itself.

In fact, this problem may appear to anyone, but it appears impossible only to Adier.

All conditions are fully satisfied.

As far as pure strength is concerned, the strength accumulated by Abyss World for countless years has been extremely large. At this moment, all the blessings are on Adier. That strength can be called like a sea, but there is not much problem with the simple promotion of 7th grade.

When it comes to the essence, Adier’s essence is a 7th grade wizard, whose essence is not inferior to any 7th grade existence, and there is no problem of being unable to carry out essential deficiency.

The conditions of Strength, Soul, Essence, etc. have reached the standard, and even far exceeded.

But in today’s situation, Adier still has no way to continue to impact upwards, no way to continue promotion, to reach a higher level.

The problem is not with Adier, but with the whole abyssal world within the realm.

At the moment when Adier tried to impact upwards and was promoted to 7th grade, there was a silent repulsion of Strength in the entire world, which was hindering him.

On the one hand, Abyss World blessed Strength on Adier’s body, but at the same time, there was a Strength restraining Adier, so that he could only stand on the spot and could not continue to impact upwards.

After trying a few times, feeling the existence of this strength, Adier also understood the root of this strength.

The self-exclusion of Abyss World.

In the abyssal world within the realm, there seems to be a natural mechanism that prevents any existence above level 6 from continuing to be promoted. No matter how powerful its strength is, it cannot always be promoted to that higher level.

The source of this strength is this piece of Heaven and Earth.

6th grade is promoted to 7th grade. In different world within the realm, its mainstream promotion method is also different.

In the realm of the wizarding world, the promotion of the wizard is not much related to the World itself. Whether the promotion is successful depends solely on the wizard itself, to see whether it can understand the nature of the World, whether it can understand the Strength and Profound Truth of World Strength, and the World Not at all is too relevant.

But in God World, whether the 6th level can be promoted to 7th grade has a great relationship with World itself.

In the material world within the realm, if you want to be promoted to a real deity, you need to master the authority of the world in order to truly become a deity.

The so-called authority, in essence, is the realization of the World Rule, which is a kind of mastery of World Profound Truth.

The demon of Abyss World wants to be promoted, but it does not need to master the specific rules, but it also needs to master the authority of Abyss World.

This is similar to the gods of the material world.

But unlike the gods of the material world, the form of authority of the abyss world is not the rules of the world, but the entire abyss world.

The authority of the Abyss World is essentially a fragmentation of a region of the Abyss World. The greater the authority you have, the larger the area you have mastered and fragmented.

In a straightforward way, it is similar to shareholders.

The entire abyss World is equivalent to a joint-stock company, and the devil who has the authority is equivalent to mastering a little share of this company.

No matter how tiny and thin the shares are, he represents the fact that he is the master, and represents the devil’s own interest in this company.

At this moment, the abyss will instinctively restrain the demon to be promoted to the 7th grade. Its manifestation is that it does not allow a single demon to hold too many shares, which is the so-called authority.

But as a demon who has authority, the strength of the devil itself is linked to authority.

A 6th-level Peak demon, the authority he possesses is extremely terrifying, reaching a level that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Once the devil is promoted to the 7th grade, the authority held by the demon is even more terrifying, and it can definitely affect the operation of the entire abyss World.

It is precisely because of this threat, that the abyssal will instinctively rejected the promotion of the 7th grade, so the instinct began to resist at this moment, and forcibly suppressed the promotion momentum of Adier, so that it could not really be promoted.

Feeling this kind of resistance, in situ, Adier secretly hooked the head, stopped the fearless effort, and stopped.

The breath on his body began to freeze. At this moment, it was completely frozen at the 6th level Peak level. He did not continue to climb upwards, so he stopped here.

But even so, the breath of him at this moment is also extremely powerful, reaching a Peak level.

His Strength has already surpassed the limit of the 6th-level Peak, and has gone further at this moment. Although he has not really been promoted to the 7th grade, it is far beyond the limits of the 6th-level Peak.

It may be called the 6th order limit, which is more appropriate.

The strength of the 6th rank limit is enough to compete with the 7th grade in a short time. If you count some of the powers Adier owns, being in the abyssal world within the realm, blessed by the abyss World, is no less than one. A 7th grade deity.

One is in Peak, comparable to the powerhouse of the gods, and it appears in the Abyss World.

If Adier went to the material world within the realm at this moment, excluding the suppression of the material world, his strength at this moment was enough to dominate the entire material world, which was invincible.

The majestic breath spread from his body. At this moment, behind Adier, a demon body slowly unfolded.

His body was so vast, the body that had been nearly 1000 meters high swelled again, and now he can no longer see the boundaries. At a glance, it is almost endless. Like a Great World, he can’t see the boundaries at all.

Above the body, countless lights are flashing, and a little purple Power of Origin emerges, which looks like a pure world light at a glance.

At the moment in Adier’s body, there is an endless strength erupting, every inch of flesh and every cell contains a majestic vitality, which seems to be a life is gestating, if it spreads out enough Affect a region, let each and everyone Small World be affected, and permanently change part of their nature.

He is extremely powerful, and his strength has reached Peak, reaching a point that ordinary people can’t imagine.

“Demon King! Demon King!”

In the distance, a burst of fanatical cries continued to sound.

Under Adier’s feet, the humanoid demon with a face of 1000 to 10000 turned into a frantic face, frantically worshipped Adier in front of him, knelt on the ground, and felt the breath from Adier all over him.

They felt the terrifying breath of Adier. At this moment, the flesh and blood of the whole body and even the soul were trembling gently. The whole source was echoing the breath of Adier in the distance, feeling a great excitement.

These all are Adier’s new generation of demons cultivated with their own Blood Imprint. At the moment, with Adier’s promotion, they spontaneously sensed something.

Standing on the ground, feeling the surging demons like tide below, Adier smiled on his face, silently raised his head, and turned to look into the distance.

In an instant, his eyes traversed a lot of isolation, in a moment he transcended the concepts of space and time, penetrated countless world distances, and saw a scene in the distance.

At this moment, he saw in the distance, that bright and huge material world within the realm, a silhouette was standing in it.

It was a silhouette of a black haired youth, with a face full of beauty, vaguely similar to Adier ’s demon incarnation, but more peaceful and gentle, and it seemed a lot calmer and softer, without the kind of evil charm possessed by the demon incarnation. temperament.

At this moment, with the eyes of the demon avatar looking towards it, on the side of the material world, it seemed to feel his eyes coming, the young man slowly opened his eyes, a pair of pure black eyes flashed a sharp glance Light.

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