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The material world within the realm.

The moment when the sight of Abyss World reached here, within the Desert, within the Adier Empire, a pair of eyes also opened sharply.

A magnificent breath rippled on the body. At this moment, Adier opened his eyes, and the breath in his body rose to Peak in this brief moment.

A dozen radiances of divinity flashed on his body. At this moment, Adier’s movements began to recover. Among them, a little divine force was emitted, and at this moment, he began to rumble continuously.

If you look closely, you can see that his flesh and strength are burning.

Whether it is divinity or soul, it is a deeper source. In this brief moment has started a crazy burning.

In this brief moment, the strength of his whole body was elevated to Peak, and the breath of his whole body was raised to the extreme, and he continued to hit the highest level.

A faint flame rose above him, starting to burn from the most basic flesh and blood, gradually filling the whole body.

In this brief moment, Adier burned all his strengths, and everything was promoted to Peak in an instant, and then ignited directly.

This is to burn yourself and ignite everything about yourself, just to get Peak’s strength for a moment, and use this strength to break the ultimate isolation and breakthrough limit, so as to try to enter the realm of the god.

A dozen radiances of divinity flashed on the body, and the faint divine force flowed within the body at this moment.

Life Energy, which was originally the most common, began to transform, and was influenced by the dozens of divine strengths. It gradually began to transform into another form, transforming into an inexplicable strength.

divine force.

The faint divine force began to flash, and this moment was born within Adier’s body.

The originally magnificent Life Energy began to sublimate gradually after the calcination of the Fire of Life, and gradually began to change under the transformation of the dozens of jumping divinities, and gradually transformed into one after another pure divine force.

With all this happening, Adier’s own body gradually became blurred, the flesh and blood of one body began to melt, and only a little white skeleton appeared in place.

If you look closely, you can find that at this moment, with the flame burning, a little golden appears on the pale white skeleton, and the original bones are stained with a little golden, which looks extremely bright, like gold. Cast.

The strength of the mortal is fading, replaced by another breakthrough limit, beyond the terror strength.

To some extent, this breakthrough is extremely rare.

No matter how strong the strength of the mortal is, in the end it is the strength of the mortal. Compared with the divine force of the gods, it is more than just innate.

Adier wants to be promoted to a higher level, and to advance to level 6 according to the rules of this World, it is necessary to melt all the strengths in one body and convert all strengths in the body into divine force.

At this moment, through the passage of the demons in the abyss to the 6th level, a strength emerged from this one of Adier at the same time, which brought an opportunity.

Adier’s avatars seem to be independent, but in fact they are also connected. Although they are independent, they are also connected at the same time, and the relationship is very close.

At the moment, the avatar in the side was promoted to the 6th level, which also drove Adier’s avatar to start to change, and the essence of vagueness began to change.

Adier’s avatar originally went to the 5th-level Peak, only one step away from the 6th-level realm of the aloof and remote.

This time the transformation of the Demon Doppelganger brought about the best opportunity, which allowed Adier to seize the opportunity decisively and began to promote at this moment.

Shock the 6th-order realm.

A field unique to Adier itself began to stretch slowly. It was the magnificent Strength belonging to a mythical Peak Knight. At this moment, it was revealed undisguisedly, covering outwards and sweeping outwards continuously.

In just a moment, Adier’s domain enveloped the entire city, covering everything in the entire city and over his palm.

The present is far from over.

With the continuous rise of Adier’s breath, his field is also constantly expanding outwards. At this moment, he gradually expanded outwards, and soon reached a point that ordinary people cannot imagine.

The entire Adier empire was enveloped by Adier’s own realm, and then continued to spread out, almost like to cover the entire Desert, completely transforming it into its own realm.

If such a thing is understood by other people, even the Legendary powerhouse will be shocked by it and feel a shock.

The strength of the field profoundly represents the strength of its existence.

Like Adier, it stretches out enough to cover the entire powerful field of Desert. To a certain extent, even if Legend Peak is impossible, at least not as easy as Adier does.

He has really reached the limit of the mythological realm at this moment, only one step away from the aloof and remote Demi-God realm.

And this step away, will soon be crossed by him.


A crisp sound came from mid-air, and the faint sound of breaking continued to sound, like the kind of shattering sound that Liuli was fading on the ground.

At this moment, in the moment of rising in the Adier realm, the entire people of the Adier Empire looked up instinctively, looking up at the sky.

In their sight, a round of silver moon was rising from the earth, gradually drifting towards the sky.

Above the sky, a golden sun stood side by side with a silver moon. At this moment, the whole earth was shining, and the whole earth was shining into a piece of golden.

At a glance, it looks extremely bright, extremely brilliant.

Just like the scene reproduction in Myths and Legends, the scene in front of me is full of a sense of fantasy, so that everyone who sees this scene feels a shock. At this moment, I don’t know how to express my mood and feelings.

A great majesty rose in everyone’s heart.

At this moment, through a certain sense between the haze, they seemed to see a young Knight slowly rising up in a palace in the distance, and a silver long sword was suddenly pulled out, toward the sky. go with.

A light sound slammed above the earth.

Adier’s own body is transforming, at this moment Bloodline and body are burning.

The whole body and even the body of Bloodline are beginning to metamorphose, and continue to go toward a deeper level.

The vast divine force response came out of Adier’s body. At this moment Adier’s body changed completely, and his breath began to change, becoming more profound and terrifying.

On top of his body, along with the burning of Fire of Life, the dozen or so divinities began to gradually melt, and the regular fragments contained therein were gradually calcined by the Fire of Life, slowly towards Adier’s body Melt away.

These divinities precipitated within Adier’s within the body, absorbing Adier’s Strength growth, and at this moment they returned to Adier’s body under the calcination of Fire of Life, becoming the best fuel for Adier’s promotion.

One after another divinity burned in Adier within the body, the rule of Strength within was deprived by one after another, and gradually integrated into Adier’s within the body.

Subsequently, with the integration of these divinities, a little golden radiance began to light up and gradually began to blink.

The flame is burning, and the dimmer force flickers constantly.

At this moment, Adier looked up at the sky, looking at the silver moon above the sky, with a smile on his face.

Subsequently, the flames on him started to burn again, and this time the burning was more vigorous.

At this moment, Adier has put everything on his own, whether it is his own soul or his source, he has put pressure on it, and has merged into the burning Fire of Life.

It can be said that at this point, Adier will either be promoted successfully or will be burned to death by the burning Fire of Life on the spot, and no accident will happen.

In this regard, Adier had already expected.

During the several decades in the past, Adier explored the remains of the gods in 4 places, groping around the world, and has been familiar with the steps to promote Demi-God.

The most dangerous thing to promote Demi-God is to completely burn your body and mind.

What is different from the past promotion is that the past promotion may be damaged even if it fails in the end, but it may not fall, and most of the time, no real mortal danger will happen.

But promotion to Demi-God is different.

In the process of promotion to Demi-God, you need to press all your own and burn them all, in exchange for the most vigorous Fire of Life.

In that vigorous Fire of Life, the promotion of Demi-God’s existence will burn everything in its own right in exchange for its own sublimation of Strength, and eventually sublimate to the divine force to construct its own Demi-God body. .

If this promotion is successful, it is better to say that it is naturally a successful Demi-God. From then on, Heaven and Earth is at your disposal.

But once it fails, its own life force and even the soul itself will be completely burned out and put into that point of Fire of Life. It can be said that it will fall on the spot, and it is the kind that has no vitality.

Tier 5 exists, even if it is a little blood, a little tiny cells, as long as it finds a suitable opportunity, it can still be regenerated and revived.

But in the promotion at hand, once the ascender fails, the final result must be signed to eternal damnation.

There won’t be any vitality left.

This is the most dangerous point of promotion to Demi-God.

In the past, there is no lack of the existence of the mythical Peak who dare not take this step because of hesitation in his heart.

Because the danger is too great and too dangerous. As long as there is a little hesitation in the heart, the will cannot withstand the burning of the Fire of Life, or the body ca n’t provide enough strength to build the Demi-God body, and the promotion will be immediately Will fail.

For the existence of the ordinary 5th order, the risk of such promotion is too great.

It ’s too big to try.

“Must succeed …”

In the distance, feeling the madly unfolding field and the new divine force reaction, Mar stood alone in a courtyard, looking at the round of silver moon that slowly rose in midair. With some sorrow.

She stood there, looking at the flame rising in the distance, feeling the state of Adier at the moment, and sending the most sincere prayer in her heart.

At this moment, she prayed from the heart, praying that Adier would be promoted successfully, and descended on this land in the attitude of Demi-God.

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