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“You seem to … have a big misunderstanding of me …”

In front of him, facing the challenge of Adier, the divine presence of the great shore slowly opened, and the sound oscillated in the whole space, spreading to the four parties, so that the four parties could feel the majesty.

“I spread my blood and let different people inherit it. The purpose is not pure …”

His face was calm, facing Adier’s question at this moment, he admitted his statement: “But in the process, don’t you also enjoy it?”

Looking at Adier in front of him, there was a faint light flashing in his eyes at this moment, which seemed to reflect the scene of the scene.

In the distance, feeling the scene of God of Slaughter’s eyes, Adier’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Among the countless scenes, scenes of scenes kept spreading, and began to emerge from the perspective of each and everyone.

In the picture, countless people obtain the blood of the Slaughter from the time of being weak, and then continue to expand the Slaughter, continuously gaining Strength, and thus grow.

During this process, of course, many people died midway, but many more people grew up smoothly, obtained the strength they wanted, and harvested many things along the way.

Dreams, strength, power, these things are obtained one after another during the growth of these people, and they are very smoothly obtained.

In the scene after scene, after ascending the Peak of life, these people have bright smiles on their faces, each and everyone high-spirited and vigorous, with a slight slaughter breath on their bodies.

“Sometimes, the world always thinks that I am confusing others, so that each and everyone’s original ordinary child incarnation slaughter caused a dispute …”

The voice of the existence in the distance came out, this moment lightly opened the mouth and said, which is full of a sense of historical vicissitudes, like telling an epic: “But in fact, sometimes I am not looking for They, but they took the initiative to find me … “

“Among these people, including yourself, can you get to where you are today, don’t you also rely on my Strength …”

“I rely on my Strength to come to this step, what qualifications do you have, come here to question me?”

The voice fell, one after another sound continued to ring.

At this moment, the World in front of me seemed to be a storm, the stormy sea, the entire world began to turn upside down, and became confused in an instant.

The voice of God of Slaughter kept ringing in his mind, oscillating throughout his mind, and with the entire world, he was asking Adier a lot of questions, as if to dissect out his entire mind and pass him away Everything was magnified and observed on Microscope, scolded at him, and challenged him.

Some past experiences have emerged in the heart, scenes of guilt and sadness emerge spontaneously, and finally condense in the heart, like the same brand, which makes Adier raise an extreme emotion.

Adier’s face was calm, feeling this emotion, he didn’t speak, but the brilliance on his body still flickered, no matter how many emotions appeared in his heart, there was still no hesitation in his heart.

What God of Slaughter said in front of him seemed reasonable, but if he scrutinized it carefully, it was simply shitless.

What God of Slaughter said in Adier sounded like a drug dealer’s excuse.

Drug traffickers justify themselves, saying that someone really needs drugs, so they only have their existence.

It is not because of their existence that drug addicts appear, but because someone needs them, so they will do it.

The words may seem reasonable, but I want to get rid of myself completely, ignore all the things I have done in the process, ignore the benefits I have received for this, and directly cause the sufferings caused by myself. Ignore …

It is too much to have no shame.

“I don’t deny that you really helped a lot of people …”

In front of him, Adier took a deep breath, looking towards the sacred God of Slaughter in front of him, his face gradually becoming indifferent.

“Someone is naturally humble, but has aspirations in his chest …”

“Someone is born desolate, but my relatives are gone, but few friends …”

“Someone is unwilling to be ordinary, trying to go up …”

“These people have benefited from you …”

He pointed to the picture that emerged from the God of Slaughter in front of him, and pointed to the each and everyone or the sadness of the situation, or the unwillingness of the ordinary, or the silhouette of the natural humble.

“But … there are some people …”

Then, he turned around and looked at the God of Slaughter in front of him, whether there was any other emotion in his eyes at this moment.

“Their Perfection …”

An ordinary picture emerged above Adier’s body. At that time, a family of 3, parents looked after the child, and the child grew up under the care of his parents, happy scene of Perfection.

“They are ordinary …”

In another scene, an ordinary middle-aged man looked around and was busy in 4 places, one day after day, and lived an ordinary life.

“They work hard up …”

The 3rd picture appears in it. A young man is struggling to write a book, constantly training himself, just to get a little opportunity to move himself further.

Later, more pictures appeared on Adier.

Some people live peacefully, some family Perfection, some people are busy, but at least full, some people are humble but still alive, some people are in a difficult situation, but they still have concerns …

The most ordinary scene of a scene emerged on the silhouette of Adier, which is a strong contrast with the spectacular and epic scene of the scene of God of Slaughter opposite.

Similar to the scene emerged from the God of Slaughter on the opposite side, these scenes emerged from Adier are also the scenes that Adier witnessed in person.

Walking through countless worlds, and experiencing many things in countless worlds, in that countless worlds’ experiences, it is by no means a lively and colorful scene that dominates the subject, but it is precisely created by these ordinary mortals.

Including Adier himself, he was also a member of these ordinary people in his previous life.

And then, the next moment bursts began to change.

A torrent of blood rushed out slowly, along with the scenes that appeared on the opposite God of Slaughter, and the scenes that appeared on Adier also began to change.

As the blood of the slaughter continued to decline, a son of a slaughter was born, either to get rid of his humble identity, or to realize his ambition, or to make himself no longer ordinary, and embarked on his own journey.

They embarked on the path arranged by God of Slaughter, and then the blood of the slaver within the body began to move forward, unfolding the slaver all the way.

Ordinary people are constantly being slaughtered, the original happy family is broken up, and some people who are worried about one after another pass away. On the marble, bones stand on each other, which is the scene left after being sucked by the blood of the slaughter.

With the rise of a child who is a slaveter, I don’t know how many people’s peaceful life has been affected. The order is chaotic and the atmosphere of chaos covers everything.

Behind the rise of the son of the slaveter is not only the glory sung by 10000 people like an epic, but also the corpse mountains and corpses that can’t see the end.

Behind the rise of every child of the slaveter, endless creatures are slaughtered, and countless ordinary people are slaughtered by him.

“You said you used your own slaughter’s blood to change the fate of many people and bring the gospel to many people …”

Adier raised his head and looked to the God of Slaughter in front of him: “Then those people who suffer because of you, what should I say?”

A faint voice fell, and in the spot, ripples continued to emerge.

Between the faint, you can hear the sigh of God of Slaughter in front of you, as well as the kind of gradually cold voice.

“You smelt my essence, it means to be against me …”

“Withdraw now, choose to give up that authority, and still have time …”

The faint icy voice kept coming out of the space in front of me.

Under the sight of Adier in front of me, the existence of the vast land of the huge Land World in front of him began to collapse, and his body seemed to be rigid, and the radiance of the whole body began to melt and gradually dissipated in place.

At the last moment, the silhouette in front of me began to dissipate, dissipated in the air, and finally turned into a little golden essence, and began to gradually integrate into Adier’s within the body.


Outside, at the moment when the silhouette of God of Slaughter disappeared, the flames of the golden came suddenly.

At that point, the golden flame started to burn, and at this moment the powerful Fire of Life was catalyzed to the extreme, and it gradually merged with Adier’s body.

Under this powerful Fire of Life, the blood of that little golden began to dissipate, and the essence of the god contained in it was finally stripped out, and turned into pure Strength under the flame of the flame, and merged into it. Adier’s within the body.

boom! !

A burst of light sound sounded in place, and in this instant it seemed to be echoed through the entire world, causing four-way fluctuations, causing the entire world to begin to tremble slightly.

The will of the material world began to boil. At this moment, it seemed to feel the appearance of Adier. The material world always began to rejoice, cheering for the birth of a Demi-God.

The old body continued to melt, and new flesh and blood began to appear.

In this brief moment, a brand-new Demi-God body appeared in front of the eyes, and this moment fully revealed its majesty.

A touch of golden blood flows in Adier’s within the body, with a divine, and a dignified dignity alone.

In this brief moment, Adier looks like a god, and his breath seems to have changed, becoming stronger and more terrifying.

Originally constantly spreading, the huge area that almost covered the entire wasteland began to slowly disappear. At this moment, with the end of Adier’s promotion, it was re-integrated into Adier’s within the body.

A touch of golden blood was flowing within the body. At this moment, Adier within the body’s Divine Fire began to burn, reflecting his entire body in an incomparable brilliance.

He stood in place, at this moment the long sword of silver appeared in his hand, the sword edge pointed to the sky, and a little sword energy spread out without concealment.

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