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A faint silver breath rose into the sky. At this moment, a huge breath came out of Adier’s body and rushed towards the sky above the sky.

For a moment, with the entire Adier empire as the center, a violent wave erupted from it, and grandiose penetrated towards the four sides.

The entire world began to tremble, and at this moment the will of the world was swaying, and I was delighted with the birth of the first Demi-God in this era.

This is the first Demi-God of this era, to some extent represents the prologue of this era, but also represents the beginning of this era.

Adier can leap forward in this era. The first promotion of Demi-God in the material world will inevitably be concerned by the will of the material world, and there will be many advantages between the two.

If there is no accident, as long as there is no accident in the future, he will surely be able to become a god without falling down halfway.

At this moment, the breath of Adier’s body slowly diffused to the outside world. The breath that belonged to Demi-God was not concealed at all, and was directly released by Adier, madly rushing towards the endless void.

Throughout the material world, within the realm, in this brief moment, but the existence above Legendary is somewhat sensitive, being able to sense that a change is occurring.

They looked up subconsciously to the sky above, and then in their sight, they could clearly see above the sky, a silver moon was slowly rising, hanging above the sky, exuding Brilliance of its own.

The breath grandiose that belongs exclusively to the realm of the gods came out of it, and this moment spread throughout the entire world under the shock of the world consciousness.

“Finally succeeded…”

Looking at the silver moon rising slowly in the distance, Marl’s face was filled with joy, and this moment was deeply relaxed.

Despite strong confidence in Adier, it was only at this moment that the breath she lifted in her heart finally relaxed.

It is only now that the dust has settled, and it has really come to an end.

“This is the first place of the gods in this era …”

Looking at the silver moon in the distance, feeling the breath of Adier’s body, this thought flashed in Marr’s heart, and there was an unstoppable joy rising in this heart.

He raised his head and looked into the distance. At this moment, he stared at the body of the silver moon. His eyes seemed to penetrate the heavy isolation and looked at Adier.

Marr himself is the follower of Adier. The two have been together for decades, and their connection has long been inseparable.

At this moment, through that kind of connection, Marr looked at Adier at this moment.

The line of sight in front of me became hazy, and the surrounding scenery began to be stripped away. 5 The colorful world gradually receded. At this moment in Mar’s eyes, only one line of destiny remained to emerge.

In her sight at the moment, the lines of destiny are constantly spreading, which is spreading on Adier at this moment.

A brand new line of destiny has risen in Adier’s body at this moment, the line of destiny spreads far away, connecting a certain existence in the underworld.

This line of destiny connects nothing else, it is the world consciousness of the material world.

After being promoted to Demi-God and entering the realm of the gods, the individual itself has the qualification to connect directly with the will of the world, and truly establishes a connection with the world consciousness.

Only when this step is reached and a connection with World consciousness is established can it be regarded as a true companionship, and only then can it be qualified to move to a higher level in the future.

At this moment in the eyes of Made, through the thread of fate, the strands of fate of Strength are enveloping towards this place, gradually condensing towards Adier’s body, winding around his body, letting him on the body Strength becomes more hazy.

Destiny’s Strength is gathering, and it is quickly condensing towards Adier’s body, which soon makes his silhouette look very deep, and can no longer be seen by the Marr in front of him.

Feeling this, Mar did not feel the slightest discouragement, but there was a feeling of joy.

To a certain extent, the more cohesive Strength of Destiny, it means the richer the favor of Material World.

At this moment Adier was the first to be promoted in this era and became the first Demi-God in the entire world, gaining the favor of the material World consciousness without life, making the world consciousness deepened.

To some extent, this is certainly a good thing.

In the material world within the realm, the more the World consciousness cares for it, the more bright the Adier’s future will be.

It can be said that as far as Adier is currently concerned, as long as there is no accident in the future, the success of Fengshen is almost a sure thing.

The only thing that is not so sure is what happened after the gods were sealed in the future.

Whether to become an ordinary weak god, or to leap forward and become a powerful god enough to compete with ancient gods, all depends on Adier’s future choices.

But in any case, this situation is an excellent start.

At the moment, not only Mar, but Angola and the Blood Moon on the side are also secretly relaxed. At this moment, I looked at the silhouette of Adier in the distance, and felt the faint divine aura.

It’s not just them. It’s in the entire Adier Empire at the moment, but everyone who knows Adier now has joy in his heart.

Kudoni and Hilna looked at Adier standing in front of them. At this moment, they looked at each other, and they could see the joy in each other’s eyes.

For them, this is indeed an unexpected joy.

Who can think of a support that was readily available in the past, and the last thing that could be harvested was a Demi-God.

And it is far from ordinary Demi-God.

As a sacrifice to the gods, Kudoni and Hilna are naturally very clear about some of the secrets of the gods.

As a bystander, they are very clear about the whole process of Adier lighting the Divine Fire. ,

Adier as the first place to ignite Divine Fire’s existence in the entire era, will inevitably be favored by the entire material world.

With the care of the entire material world, if Adier has no accidents in the future, there is a high probability that the gods can be sealed and succeeded, and then jump to the altar.

At that point, even if they are the dim lords they believe in, it is only the same as that’s all.

It can be said that their investment in those years is now silent, and they have brought a strong ally for the Lord behind them.

This is of course a matter of joy and celebration.

Throughout the material world within the realm, this moment was accompanied by the success of Adier’s enchantment, and there were bursts of storms throughout the material world.

“He actually … really succeeded …”

In the city of the sun, a glare of the sun enveloped everything. At this moment, the figures wore golden robes, and the priest of the sun, the divine force, shone, looked up into the distance, and looked at the silver moon rising at the moment above the sky, his face was very dignified.

“As the first place Demi-God of the new era, he is likely to be able to conquer God in the future …”

“Even if it is not the future, just now, he is also a Demi-God of Peak, with the realm throughout the material world can be called invincible …”

An old man’s face was dignified and he looked at Yinyue in the distance and said.

In this day and age, the silent gods are still addicted, and have not yet fully awakened.

Even if some gods have begun to intermittently come at this moment, but most of them have not restored Peak at this moment, just like the Lord of Darkness, but just the kind of state that has just come, it takes at least a long time to restore strength.

At this point in time, a Demi-God is the Peak Strength of the world. It can be said that the strength of itself is invincible.

Of course, although in theory, none of the entire material world within the realm at this moment is his opponent, but in reality, there are still some strengths that can compete with Adier.

The churches left by the gods should not be underestimated. Once the strength of the legacy really breaks out, it can definitely play the strength that is not inferior to Demi-God.

Not to mention others, only those god churches that own Divine Item, once excluded, burn the strength of Faith accumulated for countless years, and completely activate the mark of gods existing in Divine Item, almost equivalent to god within a short time The incarnation comes in person and can definitely play a strength that is not inferior to Demi-God.

But these are only theoretical.

In fact, this method will never be displayed unless it is as a last resort.

The faith strength accumulated by the Church of Gods for countless years has been prepared for the recovery of its own gods, and it is by no means wasted on other places.

Once the accumulated strength of Faith is used elsewhere, the progress of the gods’ recovery will inevitably move backwards.

At the end, step by step, step by step, and finally step by step will be overtaken by others, directly lagging behind in this era.

Adier’s Strength is completely his own, and he doesn’t need to worry about any consumption. He can adjust his state to Peak every moment.

To a certain extent, Adier at this moment is definitely the existence that most people do not want to provoke.

“Prepare a gift …”

In the sacred Sun God temple, the old sacrificial sighed deeply. At this moment, looking at the round of the silver moon rising in the distance, he sighed deeply and said, “We have not thanked the last thing, this time will be Prepare a gift, let’s visit together … “

“Do not ask the other party to be kind to us, just ask the other party not to target us in the next time, just to hinder our plans …

He was deeply sighed, said at the moment.

It is not just the church of the King of the Sun. At this moment in many regions of the material world, I feel the vast and powerful atmosphere in the distance. At this moment, many churches of the gods made this decision.

A team started from different places. In this brief moment, they all walked towards the Desert, preparing to visit Adier in the Adier Empire.

However, not all deity churches hold this idea.

At this moment, after realizing the breath of Adier, a will began to rise in one place, and there were some waves at this moment.

“The Slaughter’s Strength has been devoured … my master’s divine blood …”

Inside the deep palace, a pair of bloody eyes opened, and a huge bloody field slowly spread, which shocked 4 parties at this moment.

“The blasphemer … not forgivable …”

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