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“He devoured my master’s divine force and part of Divine Spark and was promoted to Demi-God …”

“The Divine Spark part of my lord must be taken back, otherwise my lord’s recovery will be greatly delayed …”

In the deep palace, the voice of one after another will continue to sound here, and this moment is constantly fluctuating, as if discussing something.

“He has been promoted to Demi-God, even if we go out, impossible is his opponent …”

“The plan must be quickened, and the Slaughter Son must be born as soon as possible …”

“We need enough strength to take my Lord’s Divine Spark back from that person …”

“Let the children of the slaughter meet as soon as possible and let them decide the final victory …”


The voice of one after another rang continuously in this palace, but in the end it slowly fell into silence.

Along with a faint divine force fluctuation, the place in front of him returned to calm again and disappeared completely.

In the distance, within the Adier Empire.

Adier converged his own strength, converged the breath that he had unscrupulously spreading out, and returned to the courtyard where he was before.

He was wearing a silver robe and a long sword on his waist. At this moment, his long hair fell so gently. The handsome and elegant face looked so calm that it seemed a bit indifferent.

A faint and unique breath rose in his body, his handsome appearance, this moment reached a kind of extreme, more outstanding than before.

Even people who are experienced and knowledgeable again, after seeing Adier at this moment, will have a heartfelt sigh, lamenting why there are such people in the world.

This is the change brought about by the sublimation of Life Level after the promotion of Demi-God. This moment has a fatal attraction, which has a strong attraction for any existence around.

Feeling the changes in himself, Adier turned around, waved his hand, and a mirror appeared in front of him.

In the mirror, Adier appeared at the moment.

Adier noticed that in addition to the changes in his appearance, his eyes had now become golden.

A faint golden divine force was brewing in his eyes. At this moment on his body, a little bit of subtle texture was constantly emerging, as his thoughts began to surface, and then concealed.

“Finally … at this step …”

Feeling the changes in his body, Adier was deeply sighed.

Almost half a year after coming to this World, Adier finally reached the top of this World.

Although to a certain extent, a Demi-God is nothing to this World, but in this era, a Peak ’s Demi-God has the strength of the current Peak.

Those past gods are indeed powerful and terrifying, but they have not returned to Peak at this moment. Each and everyone is either in silence or has just arrived, and they are not Adier ’s opponents at this moment.

Adier’s strength at the moment is enough to do many things if he wants to.

So at this moment, Adier is already preparing for the next move.

In this time of day, Adier can still occupy a huge advantage. With the power of Demi-God, there is no god church in the entire material world that wants to provoke him, even if it is the most powerful Sun King church. same.

This is not that Adier’s strength is really strong to an invincible level, but the reason why it is not worthwhile.

As a church passed down by the Sun King, one of the ancient Supreme Gods, if the Sun King Church wants to, it can definitely come up with a method comparable to Demi-God.

But what about that?

A living half body, as long as no real gods appear, almost impossible fell by other means.

Although the Sun King Church has some means, but at most it can only compete with Adier that’s all at the moment, not only outweigh the gains, but also consume the infinite Strength accumulated in the past, which will continue to lengthen the progress of the Sun King’s recovery.

There is no doubt that this choice is extremely unreasonable for Supreme Sun Cult.

So as long as Adier doesn’t do too much next, the Church of the King of the Sun will definitely not shoot Adier.

Even in order to allow Adier to spend some time in the future, he will not take the initiative to target the church of the Sun King.

For these reactions, Adier has already previewed the thought, and the final result is mostly pretty close.

Of course, as a deity church with deep heritage, Adier does not want to provoke if it is not necessary.

After all, there are no good things, and there is no point in doing it.

What he really thinks at this moment is the next goal.

Promoting to Demi-God and becoming the first place in the entire material world in one leap into the realm of the gods is certainly a huge first-mover advantage, but if it stagnate, it is also likely to be surpassed by others.

Judging from the changes of the times, Adier estimates that if there is no accident, at most 100 years, there will be enough powerhouses to rival him.

Once that time is reached, Adier ’s first-mover advantage will be weakened a lot. When the time comes under the mutual restraint, some things will become more and more troublesome.

So before that, while still maintaining a huge advantage at this moment, Adier felt that he should do something to continue to consolidate his first-mover advantage.

He turned around in his mind and finally locked 2 goals.

God of Slaughter, and the Church of the God of the Night Watch.

These two deity churches are extremely obvious goals.

Needless to say, the church of the night watchman, in the past decades, has caused Adier many troubles many times, giving Adier a very bad feeling.

And the future road to God’s closure in Angola also needs to be found in the night watch church.

As one of the callers who inherited the part of Divine Spark, the god of the night watchman, Angola will really want to take the path to Godhood in the future, and must defeat the callers of several other night watch gods Divine Spark can only get it within the body itself.

In this process, the role played by the Night Watch Church cannot be underestimated.

If the whole night watchman’s church can be obtained and the strength of the whole night watchman’s church is in his own hands, Angola’s future path will surely go much smoother.

With the help of Adier, it is not impossible even if the gods are truly sealed in the future.

As for the Church of God of Slaughter, this is inevitable and must be matched.

As early as early in the year, the priest in the city of Slaughter hit a drop of blood from the Slaughter into Adier’s within the body.

That drop of blood from Slaughter is the root of Adier’s rapid growth. It can be said that without the help of that drop of Blood, Admir wants to go to this level of the present, and the time required will be at least decades later. .

That drop of slaughter’s blood was smelted by Adier’s Divine Fire at this moment, and part of the essence of God of Slaughter contained in it was smelted directly into his within the body by Adi, and into his own Demi-God body.

This of course made Adier’s own Demi-God body extremely powerful, and became a senior in Demi-God, but also offended the God of Slaughter’s church.

There is no doubt that in order to recapture this part of God of Slaughter’s Divine Spark and essence, God of Slaughter’s church will do everything to find Adier’s troubles, just to recapture the part of God of Slaughter essence within his body.

2 The conflict between the two is irreconcilable. Even if Adier does not take the initiative to find the other party, the other party will find Adier someday.

Rather than doing so, it is better to take the initiative to find the church of God of Slaughter and take advantage of the huge first-mover advantage at the moment to directly hit the other party to the bottom.

You can even use this to get the remaining broken Divine Spark from God of Slaughter.

After being promoted to Demi-God, if Adier wants to go further in the future, sooner or later, he will need to embark on the path of God.

In this World, if you want to become a true god, you must master the strength of strength.

The history of this world is very old, and some powerful powers are mostly in the hands of some ancient deities.

For example, the ancient Supreme God, the king of the sun, holds the two powers of the sun and the light. Its strength can be called Peak, even if it is among all the gods, it can be ranked in the top 2.

If Adier wants to be promoted or even become the Peak God of this World, he must find a good authority for himself in order to embark on the road to God.

Slaughter’s authority is very good in Adier’s opinion.

The strength and status of God of Slaughter are not as prominent and ancient as the God of the Sun, but they should not be underestimated.

If the king of the sun is one of Supreme God, then God of Slaughter is under Supreme God, and the second only to Supreme God exists.

The power it holds is strong enough.

And the upper limit of the slaughter authority is also high enough, in theory, it will never be inferior to the sun and light authority held by the sun king.

Theoretically speaking, it also possesses the potential to be promoted to Supreme God, and it is enough to compete with the supreme authority of light and destiny.

The potential upper limit of authority is high enough, which is one reason.

Coupled with the fact that Adier has part of God of Slaughter’s residual Divine Spark smelting lane within the body, at this moment he has mastered the strength of part of the Slaughter.

Taking this part of Strength as the traction, then continue to collect the authority of other God of Slaughter, and slowly collect the remaining Divine Spark of God of Slaughter, it seems logical.

After all, instead of looking for a brand-new authority and starting from scratch, it is better to walk directly along the path in front of you.

At least this is a tangible road. Compared with groping alone to find a new authority, the risk is much smaller.

It’s also easier.

A single thought flashed through Adier’s heart, and then he could not help looking into the distance, and at this moment his face slowly showed a smile.

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