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“Slaughter authority, I am looking forward to …”

Standing in the quiet courtyard, feeling the air coming from the four sides, Adier’s face was calm. At this moment, he looked up silently and smiled.

Strength all over his body is constantly flashing, rippling on his body.

At the time before him, with Adier’s successful promotion to Demi-God, the entire Adier empire began to boil.

The entire Adier empire began to boil, and its citizens fell into a carnival.

For ordinary mortals, they do not know the promotion of Adier. What does it mean? They only know that with the success of Adier’s promotion, there are various preferential policies distributed throughout the Adier Empire.

A large amount of tax burden was reduced and a large amount of voluntary labor was forgiven. During the year, the pressure from top to bottom within the entire Adier Empire was greatly alleviated.

The pressure of the people was liberated, and at this moment naturally fell into revelry.

Relative to the impact of Adier’s promotion, at least the changes are immediate and can be felt personally.

Ordinary mortals cannot understand the meaning of this, but they can also feel the changes in their own lives, and naturally fall into a carnival.

The entire Adier Empire began to fall into a carnival.

In this atmosphere, churches are also rising.

It was a brand new church, and it was no longer a god in the past but a brand new god.

The god was wearing a silver armor and a silver long sword in his hand, which looked like a young Knight.

For the mortals of the masses, this new deity is extremely strange.

But this is not important.

For the deity’s church, the biggest obstacle to spreading faith in one place is not that strangeness, but the obstacle from the local forces.

In this World where faith is widely practiced, no matter how calm the place is, there is the belief of the gods, and there is no barren blank place.

Even in the wilderness, some Barbarians and the like, who also believe in their own gods, the strength of faith is deeply rooted in it, and the foreign churches want to intervene very difficult.

It can even be said that simply cannot.

This problem obviously does not exist within the Adier Empire.

The Adier Empire was created by Adier a few decades ago, and each brick was built by Adier.

As the master who founded this country, for this country, Adier’s strength control degree is very huge.

It can be said that within this country, Adier itself is the strongest master of this country.

In the past decades, in the past, for future plans, Adier not at all accepted the mission of any foreign god. At this moment, in addition to some sporadic beliefs, there are only a few churches of the dim Lord , Also standing between the various cities.

This equivalent to is an empty lot.

The reason for this is to prepare for today.

After Adier was promoted to the half body, under the control of Mar and the others, some ready preparations could come in handy immediately.

Between Adier empire, a large number of churches were constantly being built at this moment, all under construction at this moment.

A group of idols belonging to Adier were erected, placed in various churches, and were publicly worshipped.

To a certain extent, this is also a convenience only available in this era.

If in the era of recovery of the gods, the faith within the entire material world will be monopolized by the gods.

The incomparable strength of the churches of various gods can directly monopolize the beliefs of various places, instead of being extremely inadequate for controlling strength in various places as it is today.

If at the moment when the god was in Peak, Demi-God like Adier could not stand on the whole material world within the realm, and could not find a blank place for mission.

In that era, the only thing Adi could do was the development of one by one, accumulating slowly from scratch, and impossible, as it is now, directly occupied the faith within the entire empire.

Churches around the country are gradually being built. Inside the church, new statues are moved to the altar, which means that Adier himself has also climbed onto the realm of the gods, and began to be worshipped by people everywhere.

And Adier ’s name was initially determined during this time.

God of Slaughter.

Yes, after successfully igniting Divine Fire and turning it into Demi-God, Adier chose the god name for himself as nothing other than God of Slaughter.

Strictly speaking, after entering the field of Demi-God, Adier has a much wider range of options than others.

As early as when the Demi-God field had not yet entered, Adier’s within the body accommodated the deity of a dozen gods.

Through the divinity of these gods, Adier can spread one after another to the realm of other gods, far wider than the other Demi-Gods in the range of choice.

But despite the wide range of choices, it really has strong potential, and the more appropriate authority is very scarce.

Therefore, in the end, Adier still regarded the slaughter as his own god’s name, and directly named God of Slaughter’s god’s name, and thus existed.

To a certain extent, this also represents his own attitude and the way forward.

The choice of God’s name is extremely cautious. Basically, once the choice is made, it will not be changed again in the future.

Adier chose God of Slaughter as his god’s name, which means that he will move forward along the path of the slaughter in the future and gradually master the domain of the slaughter.

After understanding this point, throughout the material world within the realm, almost all Spiritual God churches cannot help being secretly sighed in relief.

The Slaughter Domain was chosen as the domain of his own god, which means that Adier finally chose to challenge God of Slaughter instead of other gods.

For the churches of other gods, as long as they do not choose the field of the gods they believe in, then everything is easy to say.

There is no scramble between the powers of the gods, then there is no fundamental confrontation, it is an object of cooperation, and there is room for maneuver between them.

In addition to the church left by God of Slaughter, the church of the other gods’ choice of Adier may be sighed in relief at this moment.

There is no doubt that after Adier lit the torch, the gods’ churches and sacrifices were most afraid that Adier chose the area of ​​the gods they believed in and chose to challenge the authority of their gods.

Once Adier really does this, it means that there is no room for manoeuvre anymore, and there must be a difference between life and death.

This also means that they have to face Adier this one in the Demi-God of Peak.

This is undoubtedly nobody wants to see, even the most powerful churches are the same.

“Slaughter’s domain …”

Within the Adier Empire, after learning about Adier’s choice, Kudoni’s face was dignified, which was a bit unexpected at this moment.

As Adier ’s friends for many years and potential allies, they certainly do n’t have to worry about the authority of the Dim Lord being challenged by Adier.

But for Adier’s choice, they are still very surprised.

“Slaughter’s authority, this election means that in the future it is destined to match God of Slaughter …”

In place, Kudoni frowned, and his face was very dignified at this moment: “The strength of God of Slaughter is strong, even among the gods, it belongs to the batch of Peak …”

“Even so, the God of Slaughter has also fallen at the moment, and what is left is only the strength that’s all he left behind …”

Opposite Kudoron, Mare had a smile on his face and said: “If it is the entire God of Slaughter, then of course we will not be an opponent, but if it is just a little Strength, then it is not necessarily … “

“Moreover, we are not without any advantage …”

He said in his eyes that there was a radiance of reason in his eyes, which seemed very sensible at the moment, with a kind of wisdom: “The church of God of Slaughter has collected strength for God of Slaughter throughout the long years The material world within the realm causes disputes … “

“The birth of a son of a slaveter is behind the pain of the entire material world. I do n’t know how many gods’ teachings, and other strong Great Influences have been threatened by God of Slaughter. … “

The reputation of God of Slaughter is unquestionable throughout the material world.

This is due to the nature of the slaughter.

Slaughter is essentially the end of other life, the strength that the slaughter’s authority can grow, and it is also a result of plundering the original strength in other life to oneself through the end of other life.

In those times in the past, God of Slaughter collected as many strength of Slaughter as possible in order to restore his own strength. Through his own divine diffusion, within the realm, within the realm, one slave after another was made. the son of.

The sons of these slaughters set off slaughters throughout the material world within the realm, and most of the results are unpleasant.

No one will like the existence of a slaughter that will be carried out constantly. If this existence also attempts to point the butcher knife at you, it will be even more impossible.

The son of slaughter is such an existence.

Whether you are a good camp or Dark Faction, strong or weak, they are just prey in their eyes.

The more powerful you are, the more they will stare at you to some extent, and the more they desire to kill you, to plunder your predatory strength.

Faced with this existence, no one will feel like it.

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