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God of Slaughter’s reputation in the material world is notorious.

Thanks to the sons of the slaveters of the past generations, the reputation of God of Slaughter has been ruined in the material world within the realm. Anyone who hears the name of God of Slaughter will be disappointed.

Any god’s church, any powerful forces, have no good feelings for God of Slaughter, as long as they find the slightest clues, they will take it without the slightest hesitation.

In the past, Adier had just come to this World, and was slaughtered by the slaughter into the blood of the slaughter, the moment when he just turned into the child of the slaughter.

At that time, due to the notorious reputation of the child of the slaver on the entire continent, Adier had to hide her name, concealing the unique characteristics of the child of the slaver, forcibly suppressing her own strength, so that it was not completely exposed.

The reason for this is that the son of the slaveter’s statement on the entire continent is too messy, as soon as it is discovered, it will almost inevitably cause the four parties of the god church to hunt down, leading to various consequences.

The claim of God of Slaughter’s reputation on the mainland is so messy, and the power of evil against God of Slaughter is so huge.

These moments have naturally become potential ally of Adier.

At this moment Adier set his own god name as God of Slaughter, and had already stated that he wanted to compete with God of Slaughter for the authority of the slavet.

Those forces that suffered in the past because of the losses of God of Slaughter and suffered will come to help Adier and the opponents of the forces left by God of Slaughter.

With the help of these strengths, Adier can easily gain an advantage in the battle with the strength left over from God of Slaughter.

This is one of the reasons why Adier chose the slaughter authority as the goal.

After all, the reputation of God of Slaughter is so bad compared to the authority held by other gods that it has reached the point where there are few allies at all.

With God of Slaughter as his future goal, Adier only needs to face the church itself that God of Slaughter has left behind, and even continuously gain support from other forces in the process.

If you choose the authority of other gods as the target, it will be very troublesome.

When the time comes, it is likely to face not only a single deity church, but also several other deity churches related to it.

After all, although God of Slaughter is powerful, it also belongs to Peak among the gods, but because of the uniqueness of its slaughter authority, there is no god at all as his ally.

Under normal circumstances, this is of course nothing. Just God of Slaughter alone is enough to withstand countless other weak gods.

But at this moment, at the moment when the gods were in silence, things were different again.

When the God of Slaughter itself fell into silence and could not shoot, all he could rely on was the church left by himself.

“I understand……”

In front of him, listening to the words of Mar in front of him, Kudoni’s face was dignified, but after a moment of contemplation, he was finally nodded.

“I support Your Majesty on behalf of the entire dim church.”

In front of Marr’s face, he looked dignified, so he said solemnly, and promised himself.

To some extent, this means that the entire dim church will choose to support Adier and his subsequent confrontation with God of Slaughter.

Suddenly in front of him, listening to Kudoni’s words in front of him, a smile appeared on Mar’s face.

She came to the dim church in person and found Kudoni. Wasn’t she just getting the support of the dim church?

Despite being promoted to Demi-God, Adier’s temperament is as strong as before.

In the full confrontation with God of Slaughter, any possible strength is precious and needs to be fought, not to be wasted.

The strengths of other god churches also need to fight for.

As long as it can win the support of most god churches and support Adier to replace God of Slaughter and become a new generation of slaughter authority ruler, Adier will undoubtedly occupy a huge advantage in the next confrontation.

After visiting Kudoni, the dim church, several people of Mar will visit other god churches one after another, one after another to gain their support.

Compared with the dim church, other god churches are naturally not as good as Kudoni, but after considering for a long time, most of them will also choose to agree and support Adier.

This is a matter of making choices without thinking.

On the one hand, God of Slaughter has already fallen, and only a portion of Strength that’s all is left at this moment.

On the other hand, Adier is a Demi-God who has just been promoted, and he is invincible in this era.

2 The strength that can be deployed between the two is not directly proportional.

Even if there is no Adier, the churches of the gods themselves will also shoot at the church of God of Slaughter, and they will also shout and kill the children of the Slaughter.

At this moment, even if they support Adier, it is nothing more than repeating what they have done in the past and implementing that’s all more firmly.

On the other hand, at this moment when Adier had just been promoted successfully and turned into the first Demi-God at that time, if they did not choose to support, they might be targeted by Adier in the next time.

This is precisely what the gods church is not willing to see.

In this era, a Peak ’s Demi-God is the highest military force.

Once this one Demi-God maliciously opposes any force and willfully suppresses it, the ending will be very bad.

For this, most people can see clearly and clearly.

The time is still passing, and soon after a few months.

On the earth, the sacrifices of many gods began to gather in the Adier Empire and began to come to the capital of the Adier Empire.

On it, a huge feast is beginning.

In an open area, a vast square has been constructed. At this moment, there is a silhouette of the road constantly in and out, and it is constantly busy walking in it.

The one after another silhouette has a divine force response on it, and this one has a dive force interwoven with each other, but it is different.

It has not been calculated that the people who have not yet arrived outside, just the people sitting inside at the moment, have at least 20-30 different sacrificial churches.

There is no doubt that this scene is very spectacular.

20-30 church priests of different gods rushed to this place at the same time and met at this place at the same time. This scene is destined to be very spectacular.

It is enough to be recorded in history, and it is recorded by those historians.

Among the sacrifices of the 20-30 different churches of gods, there are even gods sacrificed to each other by their gods who are deadly enemies.

When they are normally, if they meet in other places, they guarantee that they will immediately start their work if they do n’t say anything, and they will break the other person ’s brain.

But in this place in front of them, they lived together in harmony, sat down calmly, and looked like they loved peace.

If you exclude their cold eyes against each other, full of killing intent eyes.

“You came……”

“You are here too …”

“Can you come and why can’t I come?”

“You Old Guy is not dead yet, it’s unfortunate for World …”

A series of similar conversations kept ringing on the spot.

In all around, each and everyone’s sacrifices faced each other coldly, glaring at each other, and the divine force reaction on their bodies was extremely obvious, as if they were going to explode directly.

These people are sitting in each other’s place, very close to each other, and the divine force response on their bodies is constantly fluctuating. At this moment, it looks like each and everyone. The little sun generally seems to be able to explode at any time, flooding this area.

But nonetheless, no matter how grumpy and violent the words of these people are, in this place in front of them, they are suppressed and there is no real shot.

Obviously, they all came to Adier to promote Demi-God and successfully ignited the Divine Fire celebration.

To some extent, it represents the greetings of their churches to the new Demi-God Adier.

At this moment they attended the ceremony in this place. If they dare to take action, I am afraid that if they say nothing, the next moment will be bombarded immediately.

When the time comes, not only did the good purpose not achieved, I am afraid that it will leave a bad impression in the other party’s heart and be ridiculed by the competitors in front of me.

It ’s okay if they do n’t shoot. Once they get rid of them, their competitors might be happy.

As gods ’sacrifices, they are undoubtedly no fools. At this moment, regardless of the cold eyes, how vicious the words are, how surging the breath is on their bodies, but they are not looking at each other. Vice big eyes staring at small eyes.

“Okay, stop it …”

There are some sacrifices looking at the head, looking at the atmosphere with swords drawn and bows bent in front of me, a little speechless: “Isn’t everyone playing hard enough normally? Come to this place and relax, why not?”

“No matter how you do it, no one will shoot in this place, so rest more …”

“Earth Church … You came here …”

There was a priest who recognized the origin of the priest. This moment was a bit surprising.

The Church of the Earth, which is the church left by Goddess of the Earth, is the force left over by Supreme God. It is respected throughout the material world within the realm, and it is regarded as one of the strongest forces.

At this moment, as one of the strongest forces in the material world, they even sent people over.

“What are we going to say …”

In front of the face, facing the surprised look of one after another, the goddess of the earth sacrificed the head, pointing to one side.

In the direction he pointed to, the slight fluctuation of the golden divine force came slowly.

Several of them wore golden robes embroidered with intricate patterns of the sun. At first glance, they looked like the golden robe where the sun was rising. The sacrificial walked slowly from the outside. Each and everyone’s face was calm, and the powerful Sun God was rippling on their bodies. force.

“do you see it……”

Looking at the several golden robe sacrifices coming from afar, Goddess’s sacrifices are somewhat helpless: “Even the sacrifices of the Sun King have come, let alone us …”

The voice fell, and suddenly a cold breath sounded in place.

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