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A sound of breathing down came from the spot.

“Even they came …”

Several of the sacrifices present looked at the golden robe sacrifices coming from afar. At this moment, they had some unbelievable faces, and they seemed very shocked.

“What’s so unexpected?”

The Goddess sacrificial face with a smile on his face stood there at the moment, opened the mouth and said: “This is not the so-called Legendary in the past, not just the legendary field, but a standing in the realm of the gods, the real Demi-God … “

“A true Demi-God, not to mention their sacrificial offerings, even if it is the real recovery of the Sun King, I am afraid that in the face of this and the others, they will not be rude …”

“Not to mention when the Sun King has not yet recovered.”

“No matter how arrogant the sacrificial offerings of the Supreme Sun Cult will be, at this time when facing a Demi-God, can’t you dare to do anything?”

There was a sneer on his face, which seemed to be very insignificant for the sacrifice of Supreme Sun Cult.

Not just him, at this moment on the whole square, looking at the sun sacrifices of the golden robe in the distance, there are not a few gods’ church sacrifices that will have a good impression.

Those with vested interests are always hostile to others.

In the past, Supreme Sun Cult will be the power left over by the Sun King, occupying the most Peak position on the entire continent.

They enjoy the best resources, the broadest beliefs, and their own style and very overbearing style. Naturally, they are subject to hostility from other churches.

The churches and forces that are hostile to them, within the realm of the material world, do not know how many.

In the past, no matter what kind of scene it was, Supreme Sun Cult ’s sacrifice never looked down, every time it was forcibly just passed, let those who dare to provoke Supreme Sun Cult will pay again and again A heavy price.

From the time when the dim church led the dim lord to come, we can see how brave Supreme Sun Cult is.

Even a god’s reincarnated body dares to start, and dare to send people to attack directly. The car attempts to imprison a god’s Reincarnation Body. This kind of courage is not necessarily true of ordinary people.

After all, the Dim Lord ’s status is not too high even among the gods, but in the end it is also a god. If he really recovers, he wants to deal with the entire Supreme Sun Cult.

Those who worship the Supreme Sun Cult will dare to shoot even the reincarnated body of the dim god, let alone others.

Basically, in countless years in the past, few of the god churches present were offended by Supreme Sun Cult.

At this moment, seeing Supreme Sun Cult will be equally subdued and sending people to come here, they will naturally feel a hurry.

You have such a day.

But despite their indifference, on the surface, they were still polite, and even a few other church ceremonies were still standing up, saying hello to the Supreme Sun Cult meeting ceremonies in the distance.

For a while, it was a happy scene. The surroundings looked very lively, and there was no slight contradiction and tension.

If you don’t know the details of these people, I’m afraid you might think how good these people are.

After standing there for a while, they suddenly felt a little surprised.

In front, a teenager did not know when he had been mixed with their crowd, and was watching them there at the moment.

In this young man’s body, a hazy divine force breath spread from his body. This moment spread to the 4th party. Although it was very obscure, the oppression between the hidden faints still caused many sacrifices in the heart to startled.

“you are……”

The sacrifices of other gods’ churches looked at the teenager in front of them, with some shock on their faces. This moment was a little unexpected.

The breath of the divine force on this young man is very strange. In spite of the faint breath of other divine forces, the divine force of his own is extremely huge, and its essence is extremely horrible. Say, I’m afraid it is at least above Legendary.

It’s much stronger than their combined sacrifices.

So they were a little curious about which church this young boy came from and which god was born.

“My name is Kate.”

Faced with the enquiry of the sacrifice in front of him, the teenager had a smile on his face, and politely returned to the other party a courtesy between the sacrifices, then with a smile on his face, turned and walked away.

Looks like this, looks very busy.

“That’s the recipe of Adier Your Majesty …”

On the side, there was an attendant who maintained normal order and explained to the surrounding sacrificial priests, explaining to them the identity of the young man.

“The disciple of the adult …”

Listening to this, many sacrifices in the field were stunned for a while. After a long time, they reacted and sucked in a cold breath.

As the first place Demi-God born in this era, after Adier’s promotion was successful, some of his messages have been spread by many churches, and widely spread in the entire world within the realm.

Therefore, as sacrificials who came to celebrate each other, they knew very well the situation of Adier and those around them.

In their understanding, as the only one Demi-God in the world, Adier seems to be only a person disciple.

That is the reincarnated body of the Dark Lord.

“The grown-up just now … is His Highness …”

After trying to understand this key point, many of the sacrificial hearts trembling in the presence, almost did not stabilize his figure at this moment.

Even if I just came here before, I stand alone at the moment, and the sun worshippers sitting there are the same.

A reincarnated body of a god.

This kind of existence can be said that if there is no accident in the future, there is a great possibility that it can recover to the strength of the previous life, be able to take back the former god position, and re-enter the divine throne on the god.

This means that what stands before them at this moment is a future god.

A future god.

This existence is enough to make anyone tremble.

Don’t look at the dim lord in the gods can only be regarded as the last stream, but no matter what the last stream, that is the god.

And a deity, whose essence is destined to be magnificent and great, for many of the church sacrifices present, the dim lord itself stands at the same level as the priest they believe in, which is a great existence that they cannot imagine .

In this brief moment, I don’t know how many people are looking at each other, and at this moment my heart is inexplicably flustered.

This is especially true of the sacrificial offerings of the Church of the King of the Sun.

After all, after all, they once sent someone to intercept the Reincarnation Body of the Dim God, trying to seize the other side to his church and imprison him while the Dim Lord was just reincarnated.

Although this matter was not reached in the end, it was something that had been done after all. At the moment, facing the Lord was still in a hurry.

But no matter how uncomfortable it is, they have already come to this place, and it is impossible at this time to turn around and leave.

So looking at the young man standing in the distance, they had to take a deep breath, trying to suppress the uneasy mood in their hearts, sitting at ease in this place, waiting for the next festival to begin.

While waiting for them, the time passed slowly, and it was noon.

At noon, some of the programs arranged here started intermittently.

In order to entertain many guests at this time, Mar and the others have also made some elaborate arrangements.

Some of the unique songs and dances in the Desert, as well as some other unique programs, all started intermittently, continuing in this place.

If you exclude those with a dignified complexion and a straight body, it looks like a nervous sacrifice, the atmosphere is quite warm.

It’s a pity that under the gaze of the young man in the distance, these priests are destined to have no mood to enjoy these programs, and can only tighten their minds, fearing that they will leave a bad impression in each other’s eyes.

There is no doubt that time becomes very difficult in this waiting, just like being tortured.

Fortunately, at this time, the show in front of them was finally over.

The real sacrifice is about to begin.

A little golden radiance began to blink.

A faint light swayed in this place in front of my eyes, covering the whole place, for a moment it seemed to turn this area into a unique Divine Realm, and cut this area from the entire material world within the realm forcibly.

In situ, in this brief moment, many sacrifices in the heart of the scene moved, and at this moment I felt a sense of inexplicable throbbing in the heart rising.

In their induction, not far away at this moment, an extremely bright and extremely divine, like the Lord of the World, the existence of the great shore gradually appeared, and in their induction began to release their own breath.

The existence of the sacred great shore began to come, and at this moment the divine force shone in four directions, and then a silhouette appeared in front.

It was a young man with a black robe on his body. At this moment, his long hair was drooping naturally, with a pair of golden eyes in his eyes. It looked like it contained 2 suns and looked extremely bright.

His appearance is beautiful, and this moment is perfect under the shining of divine force, more perfect than anyone imagines in the world, full of an indescribable charm, people can no longer open their eyes at a glance.

The life essence far above the mortal slowly diffused away from the body of this great shore. At this moment, in the induction, it was like a golden sun burning, full of a kind of strength.

To mortals, this existence seems to be shrouded in a piece of rays of light. It is impossible to see the truth at all, it is impossible to see the true appearance of this great shore, naked eye can only see the glory of everywhere.

But in the sense of these gods’ sacrifices, the situation is different.

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