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A faint divine radiance was shining, and this moment enveloped the 4 squares.

In the sense of many god sacrifices in front of me, the silhouette in front of me started to change.

The faint light of the world shone on the silhouette. At this moment, it was like a world was slowly unfolding, which was full of various scenes.

There was Knight fighting above the earth, rising in the middle of nowhere, there were scenes of bloody slaughtering beneath the abyss, and in the deep night, a Divine Fire ignited, a blazing sacred scene …

Various scenes are different, in this brief moment emerges at the same time, shining in all four places in this place, for a moment, it seems that the whole earth has started to light up, full of a unique brilliance and color.

At this moment, above Adier’s body, the pure brilliance of Dao Dao was shining, that was pure brilliance of life, and this moment was extremely bright among the induction of many sacrifices.

He is like a golden sun, extremely dazzling and sacred, but standing there quietly, the breath of his body spreads out, illuminating the earth in all directions, making each piece of the area appear extremely bright, with an unspeakable power .

“How sacred … how powerful …”

Sensing the silhouette coming in front of him, a sacrificial unable to bear said with a slight sigh in his voice.

Only as a priest serving the gods can one truly understand how terrifying the silhouette standing in front is.

At that time, it was endless. It seemed like an entire Great World showed its brilliance in front of its eyes, spread towards all around, and covered most of the World.

On the other side, the breath that is unique to the gods is so clear that the essence of the pure gods is so powerful that it can’t be seen directly, far above their sacrificial gods.

Demi-God is also a god, to some extent, he has also stepped into the realm of the gods, with a trace of real divine aura.

In a way, this is equivalent to being a true master and a true god.

And these sacrifices, no matter how powerful their own strength, how great the gods they serve, are essentially just servants of the gods, and they are nothing to the real gods.

At this moment, when facing this one Demi-God in front of them, they are more than one weak in nature, their own essence is facing each other, and the moment they feel the other person’s breath, they will be instantly suppressed by them, and they cannot Have the slightest courage and confidence in the premise.

In the past, when facing the reincarnated body of Kate, the dim Lord, they also had this feeling in their hearts, but it was not strong.

Although Kate is the reincarnated body of the Lord of Darkness, its essence is theoretically stronger than Adier at this moment.

But after all, it was just the strength once.

After undergoing reincarnation at this moment, Kate is still far from regaining the strength that was once the dim lord, and has not retrieved his previous authority and glory. Although the strength at this moment is powerful, it is for these sacrifices in front It’s nothing.

The Adier in front of him, although it may not be as good as the dark master Peak at the time, is a real Demi-God at this moment, which is truly the existence of the power of God.

2 There is naturally not much comparability between the two.

In situ, feeling the presence of Adier in front of me, the many sacrifices taking a deep breath in the presence, tolerating the tremor in my heart, forcibly keeping my face calm, just watching the other party, watching the other party step by step Go ahead.

Under the gaze of the surrounding sacrificial eyes, Adier’s face was calm, and the light golden divine light flashed on his body, wrapped around the four sides, and he walked forward slowly.

As he continued to move forward, the appearance of the earth began to change.

In this brief moment, as Adier keeps moving forward, Dao divine force remains geologically, leaving one after another breath and branding in it, which will directly change the nature of this land.

It can be said that Adier hasn’t done much. It’s just that the area he has traveled at this moment, after withstanding his own breath infection, this area will be permanently changed into a vast sacred place , With all kinds of peculiarities.

As he continued to move forward, at the forefront of the square, a golden throne emerged spontaneously in it, and this moment condensed out.

Adier stepped forward slowly and sat slowly under the gaze of many sacrificial eyes.

The faint golden divine force is shining, this moment illuminates the four sides, so that many of the sacrifices on the scene are solemn, and they dare not look directly at the silhouette in front.

“I am God of Slaughter Adier …”

Sitting on the head, Adier looked at the densely packed silhouettes in front of him, and felt the divine force response from the sacrifices in front of him. This face was calm and said lightly.

With his opening, on his body, a divine force rushed directly out of his body.

It was a bloody divine force, and it looked bloody. There were countless creatures slaughtered vaguely among them, and the scene of the end of their lives continually emerged on the earth, which contained a Supreme meaning.

slaughter authority!

What emerged on Adier at the moment was a pure slaughter divine force, and a slaughter Divine Realm that had been initially condensed.

To some extent, this already represents Adier’s choice, and has taken the slaughter field as his next goal.

A faint slaughter Divine Realm emerged in front of this place, but it was different from the slaughter domain in the child of the slaughter in the past.

If the Slaughter Domain condensed from the Slaughter’s son is inherited from the Strength of the previous generation of God of Slaughter, it naturally possesses a chaotic character and is more inclined to boundless Slaughter and slaughter.

Well, at this moment, the Divine Realm of Condense on Adier has changed its nature.

It is not so much a pure slaughter as it is the end of life and even destruction.

Divine Realm is the unique existence that emerged after entering the Demi-God realm. It is the sublimation of the realm. It represents the existence of a god realm and the realization of authority.

Although walking on the same path as the slaughter, Adier’s understanding of the slaughter is obviously not the same as that of the God of Slaughter, so the form it exhibits is also different.

After the influence of the demon avatar, I felt the feedback mechanism existing in the abyss. Adier’s understanding of the slaughter went a step further and expanded the concept.

It is no longer just a slaughter, but extends it to the end of life and even the deeper level of destruction.

Of course, despite the domain of destruction, the real authority that Adier himself holds is the slaughter.

To some extent, not only all of the characteristics of the domain of destruction are borrowed, not at all really changed completely.

The reason for this is thanks to the sacrifices of the gods of destruction.

In the abyss, Adier’s demon incarnation cooperates with the sacrifices of the gods of destruction, so he also has a very deep understanding of the divine force and authority of the god of destruction.

And at this moment, all the understanding and comprehension of the demon avatar are now transmitted to this avatar of Adier, so that his understanding of the slaughter authority has been further extended to other fields.

“This authority …”

At this moment, I felt the kind of authority breath exuded from Adier in front of me, and I felt a heavy pressure in the hearts of many church sacrifices present.

“Just promoted to Demi-God, did you have such a deep understanding of the slaughter’s authority …”

The thought flashed through their hearts, and at this moment they felt the kind of authority breath emanating from the distant Adier, and their hearts were extremely dignified.

Generally speaking, Demi-God just ignited Divine Fire, initially condensing the existence of the body of the gods.

The biggest difference between this kind of existence and the gods is that they do not have real authority, they only have the basic divine force, and they have not really achieved further authority, and they cannot make further transformation.

And this Demi-God existence wants to go further, the first thing that needs to be done is to grasp a power of authority and condense it into its own Divine Realm, and then slowly improve and evolve it over a long period of time, until Enough to control that authority.

This process is often very long. For the ordinary Demi-God existence, it may be enough tens of thousands of years to condense its own Divine Realm and master the power of a certain authority.

But in front of him, Adier’s body at this moment clearly has already formed the Divine Realm.

To some extent, this means that the other party has mastered the strength of a certain strength at the moment, and has truly condensed Divine Realm, which is its own. It is no longer a Demi-God with only a god body, but a real Existence towards the path of gods.

According to common sense, in terms of the amazing performance of the other party in the past, the other party can understand the power of authority. Condense belongs to its own Divine Realm, and it has truly embarked on the path of the gods. This is not surprising.

But how long has this passed?

Since the other party ignited Divine Fire and promoted to Demi-God, it hasn’t been a few months since now.

In just a few months, for the average person, they may not have time to adapt to the new strength, and there has been such a huge change in the other party, directly condense the formed Divine Realm.

This huge change almost made many of the gods and sacrifices present unbelievable.

But while feeling unbelievable for a while, they felt the slaver Divine Realm from Condense on the front Adier, and they couldn’t help but feel deeply sighed in relief in their hearts.

Fortunately not us.

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