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Time passed slowly, unconsciously, just years passed.

During these years, the Adier Empire began to expand slowly and gradually penetrated into the entire wasteland, and its sphere of influence continued to expand towards the outside world.

Under the leadership of Adier, Demi-God, at this time, the Adier empire appeared particularly strong, and this moment almost reached the top of the World.

Under this situation, the Adier Empire began to expand outwards and continued to penetrate into other regions.

The vast expanse of wilderness was gradually developed. Pieces of the area were occupied by Knight in the Adier Empire. The wilders were either expelled or conquered. At this moment, they were all under the Adier Empire and became a new life of the Adier Empire. Strength.

The large Desert area is occupied by the Adier Empire, and just a few years later, within the entire Adier Empire, its Strength has almost expanded several times.

In addition to the expansion of the site, the same is true above Strength.

Under the call of Adier, the first place Demi-God, in the entire God World, in just a few years, I do n’t know how many powerhouses are coming into the Adier empire. In recent years Joined Adier.

Among these Adier powerhouses, there are ordinary Knights that have just reached the bronze Knight, but there are also Legendary powerhouses that are powerful enough to be comparable to Tier 4 wizards.

Among them were Gumula and Katis, who once helped reincarnate the Dim Lord in the Dim Church and stood on the same line with Adier.

Now that decades have passed, the strength of these two people has already been further improved. With the special help of Adier, they have gone one step further in the field of Legendary.

Gemula’s strength has now reached the senior level of Legendary. It is no longer as good as Legendary in the past. It belongs to the bottom of Legendary. Now it has successfully perfected its own Legendary field. It is a true Legendary powerhouse. .

As for Katie, it has also been promoted to Legendary at this moment. Although its own Strength is not as good as Gemula, it should not be underestimated.

After all, this is a Legendary promoted by a mage, and its potential and future are much stronger than the ordinary Legendary.

This is the case with this World. Knight is often heavily suppressed at at first, which is not as promising as the Master’s future.

As a result, despite just being promoted, Katie’s future and potential are even above the already promoted Gemula.

Of course this is just the past.

After Adier came to this World, some things were taken from Adier, and some things that had been fixed in the past had changed at this moment.

With the advanced Knight Breathing Technique brought by Adier, the Knight of this World may not be able to compete with the mage in the future, and may even be able to compete with the mage positively, or even win the day.

But this is not destined to be resolved in a short time.

In a short period of time, some changes brought by Adier are destined to benefit only those around them.

As for the spread to the entire material world within the realm, so that everyone in the material world can benefit from it, Adier can not do it for the time being, and there is no way to be so selfless.

But no matter what, at least the advanced knowledge Adier brings from The Witcher World is a great advantage for the time being.

In these few years, Adier has cultivated many of his own Knights along the way through his own perfect breathing method, which has made many powerful Great Knights that were originally trapped in the bottleneck go further, not only playing their own reputation and signboard , And also made his strength more inflated.

These all are what the previous Adier cannot do.

In the past, Adier’s strength is strong, but if these things are taken out at once, there is no way to keep them.

At that time, although his strength was Peak of this World, but once some things were taken out, there was no way to guarantee that others would not leak out.

However, at this moment, the successful promotion of Demi-God is not only his own strength is invincible in the world, but after promotion to Tier 6, there are too many ways to use, so it will not be like the past, afraid of what he took out Be leaked by others.

It is with this condition that Adier can safely take out some of his things to expand his strength.

Time has slowly passed, and within these few years, not only the Adier Empire itself but also Adier itself has changed a lot.

In the past few years, some things Adier had planned in the past can now be slowly implemented.

At this moment of the massive expansion of the Adier Empire, everyone in the Material World thought Adier felt at ease in the Adier Empire and was still adapting to the changes in the Demi-God realm. Adier was actually not ready in the realm.

Within a barren world.

In front of me is a very desolate world. The entire world is full of various monsters, of which there are very few normal lives, and the entire world appears very desolate.

At the moment of Adier’s eyes, this is a world that is about to be destroyed. An inexplicable accident has appeared in the entire world, which has led to the mutation of a large part of life, reduced to unreasonable monsters.

These monsters backlashed the entire world and eroded towards the normal area until they wiped out all normal life, that is, the day when the entire world fell completely.

“It’s a very suitable World …”

Walking on this world within the realm on foot, feeling the atmosphere of the world within the realm, Adier muttered to himself.

The world in front of me is not like the other world Adier has seen in the past, and the entire world is full of a strange atmosphere.

Cold and weird, filled with the breath of destruction and slaughter, the breath of which assaults the senses makes Adier instinctively condensed by the slaughter Divine Realm feel a pleasure.

After condensing the Slaughter Domain, Adier has already mastered the authority of a part of the Slaughter, and in this Slaughter and the world of destruction in the realm, naturally feel very comfortable.

Of course, under certain circumstances, this is not a good sign.

The slaughter and destruction are all around the world, which means that this World is about to go to ruin. The dead creature far surpasses every moment and the born creature has reached an extremely unbalanced state.

Generally speaking, if a world within the realm has such an atmosphere, it represents the not already far away from the entire world.

Of course, to some extent, the reason why Adier came to this World is also because of this.

Slaughter’s field wants to quickly condense and quickly advance above the slaveter’s field, it is necessary to personally experience the process of the slaveter.

In the normal world within the realm, this is naturally not easy to do.

All creatures have their own meanings of existence, especially the intelligent creatures. They also have their own social networks and social relationships. Once one of them is killed, they will immediately become entangled with other people.

When the time comes, the slaughter will only push itself to the opposite of the entire world, like the God of Slaughter today, which is hostile to the entire material world.

And that is not in line with the true meaning of the slaughter.

In Adier’s view, the slaughter and death themselves only represent the side of the world, and represent the spontaneous metabolism of the world.

Within the normal world, there are continuously new births of creatures. If they are not destroyed, and the appropriate part is removed, sooner or later the entire world will be occupied by the creatures. When the limit is exceeded in the end, the resources of the entire world will be exhausted. , Consumed by that endless creature.

Only birth and no death, this mechanism is destined to be imperfect and will lead to the collapse of its own World.

Slaughter and death are therefore the side of the World cycle, representing the truth between between Heaven and Earth.

The slaughter itself is not wrong, it represents the end of life and represents part of the meaning of death.

But as God of Slaughter did, it seemed to Adier that it was too deliberate and too problematic.

The true slaughter authority should be silent and active guidance, as long as there is apoptosis of life within the world, its own divine force will be continuously, not like God of Slaughter, for a little strength The growth of the company deliberately encouraged his own strength to go to wantonly slaughter, and cast a butcher knife on those creatures that each and everyone has not yet grown to flourish and has not yet reached the stage of decline.

However, I have to say that although there are many repercussions like the behavior of God of Slaughter, it is indeed a way to let yourself grow quickly in a short time.

At the moment when this one urgently needs Strength to fight against God of Slaughter, Adier also had to pick up such a method, within a short time to quickly improve himself and improve his Strength.

But he won’t do this in the normal World.

If you do that in the material world or other normal world, and raise the butcher knife to ordinary creatures, then what is the difference between him and God of Slaughter?

If he really did that, sooner or later he would fall into the situation of God of Slaughter and be hostile to everyone, and finally there was only one person alone.

Although it does not matter to Adier, it is better to avoid this.

At least for now, Adier has better options.

Walking on the earth, Adier didn’t search deliberately, so he walked on this continent, slowly searching in it.

It didn’t take long for him to find an ordinary gathering place for creatures.

It was the ruins of a city. Among the ruins, there were some ordinary creatures living in it.

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