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Among the ruins of a vast city, many creatures survived tenaciously.

It can be seen that this World was originally a technologically advanced and prosperous civilization. Many of them lived in it and lived happily. Like the previous life of Adier, they established a prosperous city.

It was only later that World’s mutation occurred, and the entire city was directly affected by an unknown disaster and was directly destroyed. A large number of buildings were abandoned and reduced to rubble.

The prosperity of the past has long been lost here, and the voices of those people have long disappeared, but in it, there are still traces of life.

In Adier’s eyes, some of them are still alive, hiding in the corner of the ruins of the city at this moment, stubbornly surviving in 4 places, and living the humble survival day after day.

In the 4 ruins of the city, from time to time, monsters infected by the chaotic atmosphere came here to find things. From time to time, some people were discovered by these monsters, and then they were not killed by them. From time to time, several people were directly dragged away.

The people around were already accustomed to it and were not surprised.

Surviving in this world that is gradually going to destruction, no one knows what his future will be. Maybe it was alive yesterday, and the familiar person who greeted you with a smile turned into a cold on 2nd day. The corpse, even the bones, were dragged away by the monster and directly swallowed by a large monster.

Perhaps following this rhythm, after another 100 to 1000 years, this World will completely disappear, and all normal creatures will be completely engulfed, leaving only pure monsters to reproduce in this World. The entire world brings to an abyss.

Adier walked quietly in this place, observing four scenes.

In the eyes of Adier, the living conditions of this place are very bad.

Despite having civilizations, under a catastrophe, the civilizations have been destroyed, and people today have long forgotten the prosperous civilizations they once had.

At that time, they lived under civilization and possessed rich knowledge. The well-educated generation has long since passed away. What is left now is only their descendants, and all they can have is only part of the knowledge they had.

In fact, under normal circumstances, just this part of knowledge is enough, enough for them to start from scratch, and once again build a prosperous civilization from the ruins of the city.

But the threat of external monsters prevented them from developing safely.

These monsters seem to have a unique sense of ability. As long as people gather a little and gather to a certain size in a place, they will launch a surprise attack and directly destroy that gathering place.

It is precisely because of this, that people living in this era have already remembered the truth, try not to stay with other people, so as to avoid being perceived by other monsters.

Human beings are social animals, there is no highly concentrated gathering place, no highly differentiated division of labor and cooperation, and it is impossible to develop a prosperous civilization simply by fighting alone.

It is precisely because of this that the civilization of this World has not only not been restored, but has a tendency to retreat.

“Mommy mommy……”

A slight cry was heard from the corners of the four sides.

Adier’s footsteps were paused, following the voice and looking into the corner.

Through the perspective of his own god, he saw that in the corner of a building, there are several Life Auras in it.

A little girl who looks about 7 or 8 years old is holding her mother’s body, crying there quietly.

Her mother had a wound on her chest. At this moment, the breath of her body was weak and extreme, look pale, and there was not much breath.

Although there is still some temperature above the body, in the sense of Adier, her Life Aura has already dropped to the extreme, and it is almost no longer in the eyes of normal people.

At this level, it is almost dead.

In Adier’s eyes, he could clearly see a little soul haunting the mother’s body in front of the little girl, unwilling to wander around the little girl, with some nostalgia, looking at the eyes Little girl.

Under the influence of World’s laws, the tiny Spirit Physique gradually began to dissipate, and could not stop the influence of the entire world rule. It slowly dissipated and soon disappeared.

After the death of this mother, if there is no accident, a child of about 7 or 8 years old survives in this place alone, and will die directly within a maximum of 2 or 3 days.

Adier looked calm and looked at the scene quietly.

The scene in front of me looked very miserable, but in fact it was nothing to Adier.

Walking through countless World, his life experience has already been countless rich. During the several experiences he has traveled before, he is not even more miserable than this story. He has not seen it. Although there is still some sorrow in his heart, he has already become accustomed to it. Too.

But at this time, he moved a little in his heart, and finally stretched out his hand.

A little divine force is spreading, gradually covering the woman.

In an instant, the breath of the woman began to recover. Under the gaze of the remaining little girl’s eyes, the wound on the chest began to slowly recover completely, and there were strips of granulation growing continuously, directly in a few seconds Healed directly within the clock time, with no traces visible.

Spirit Physique, which was constantly melting, began to be pulled back to his body under the influence of Strength. Then, after a brief haze, the woman opened her eyes and saw the daughter in front of her again.


She regained her consciousness and regained control of Fleshy body. At this moment, she stared at the daughter in front of her with some surprise, and some were unbelievable: “Am I not dead …”


She was puzzled and shocked.

Only then, she clearly felt that her life had disappeared, and the last bit of consciousness broke away from her body, watching her daughter from a unique perspective in another place.

But in the next moment, a warm strength came in, forcibly pulling her back to her body, making her own body recover.

Directly restored to its heyday.

I didn’t understand what was happening yet, and a voice rang lightly in her mind.

“I am God of Slaughter Adier …”

A faint voice sounded in my mind, sacred and magnificent, this moment sounded like a god like a great shore, like splitting heaven and earth apart since Fiendgod spoke gently in his mind, with a terrible majesty unimaginable by ordinary people .

Then, before the woman could react, a light suddenly lit up in the distance.

The radiance began to illuminate from the center of the city. At this moment, it slowly spread to all around, directly to the whole city, and contained the whole city.

Under the hood of a streak of divine light, at this moment in the entire city, everyone ’s state was restored to Peak, the injured person ’s injuries began to recover completely, and the sick people ’s injuries were also affected Expel.

Even some people who have reached old age, at this moment under the radiance of that bloody divine light, also feel a vitality, it seems that the body has begun to strengthen and restore a little vitality when young.

Suddenly, the people in the whole city were in shock. At this moment, they didn’t understand what happened.

They haven’t waited for them to react completely, and then next moment, in front of their eyes, an interface began to slowly emerge.

“Your slaughter system has awakened …”

A faint voice rang before my eyes, and this moment appeared in everyone’s mind.

Suddenly in this brief moment, everyone was stunned.

The slaughter system was naturally created by Adier.

Based on the previous chip, he copied the chip, differentiated the child of each and everyone as the core of the slaughter system, and then covered the chip with his own slaughter authority to create a small slaughter system of each and everyone .

The function of this slaughter system is very simple. One is to digitize the body values. Just like the previous Adier, it completely digitized its own body values.

And then, it is possible to accumulate a little bit of slaughter points through the slaughter, and then use these slaughter points to strengthen oneself, so that one’s own physical quality is constantly strengthened.

In addition to these, Adier also implanted a store template for the slaver system, and directly implanted some knowledge products such as Knight Breathing Technique and wizard Meditation Method, which were not used in kind, and placed them in the slaver system. Among.

As long as these people are willing to go to the slaughter, they can redeem those things through the slaughter point, and they can be redeemed in an instant.

After doing this, Adier not at all continued to do something, just lurking in this city quietly, quietly observing the changes in this city.

Time passed slowly, and soon in the past. After a few days, someone finally began to take risks, trying to slaughter some weak monsters.

After the beginning of the temptation, the people in this city were suddenly out of control and immediately tasted the sweetness given by the slaveter system.

In just half a month, the people of this city changed from conservatively avoiding those monsters to actively attacking, actively looking for some weak monsters to start attacking, in order to get as many slaver points as possible.

A little strength of Slaughter began to diffuse all around in this city.

The slight Slaughter Strength began to emerge, and finally slowly appeared on Adier’s body.

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