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The faint slaughter strength began to gather, and began to gather constantly among the ruins of the city in front of me.

After obtaining the initial help, the people in this city began to take the initiative to attack, began to look for weak monsters in 4 places, and started slaughter in 4 times.

This slaughter was very cautious at first, only daring to target some weak monsters, but as time passed, it began to change constantly.

After just a few months, some people who obtained the initial strength gradually expanded their hunting scope to some powerful monsters.

Later, these people developed as fast as snowballing, and in just a short period of half a year, they developed to a point that surprised Adier.

The originally abandoned city began to be used again, some buildings that were originally on the ground began to be repaired again, some people came out of the ruins again, and began to build their cities.

In just a short time, with this city as the center, a large number of monsters in the surrounding area were directly slaughtered and exhausted. Simply not many monsters dared to approach this city again.

Moreover, because the population gathered in this city is not too much, at this moment not at all powerful monsters are staring at this area.

As a result, people in this city are able to live very calmly, and they can start to develop calmly and fully develop their strength before those strong demon objects stare at them.

By the time the nearby strong demon objects begin to notice the situation here, they may be so powerful that the monsters cannot cope with it.

Adier observed everything quietly in this place.

He observed the ruins of this city for several years before he got up and left to go to the next place.

Finally, within a short period of time, everyone in the entire world owns the Slaughter System, and all have the means to obtain Strength from the Slaughter.

Later, in the following time, Adier successfully realized the feeling of God of Slaughter.

The people who accompany the entire world have acquired the slaver system. In this brief moment, the slaver becomes the atmosphere in the entire world.

A faint Slaughter Domain enveloped the entire world, and the terrifying Strength continuously spread from all over the world to Adier.

The Slaughter in this World is due to Adier, so all Slaughter behaviors in this World will give Adier a little Strength in the midst of the world, making Adier’s own Strength continue to become stronger.

Moreover, this powerful speed is absolutely amazing, reaching a point unimaginable by ordinary people.

Almost every day, the strength of Adier’s growth is terrifying, reaching a point that surprised Adier himself.

This is the change brought about by the slaughter’s authority.

After feeling this, Adier also understood why God of Slaughter would make such a choice in God World.

It’s too fast.

Obtaining strength in this way is much faster than obediently and honestly spreading faith, and obtaining strength from some conventional ways.

On the one hand, the speed is much faster, reaching a level unmatched by a normal way, on the other hand, it is also the oppression of other gods.

The gods are hostile to each other. God of Slaughter has the slaver’s authority in God World. If you do not step up your progress, your Strength will be quickly improved. In the end, when you face each and everyone’s challenger, you will only be constantly rushed ‘S follow-up challenger pulled down the altar and eventually plunged himself into a dangerous situation.

It is in this situation that God of Slaughter had to choose so.

Just like the choice of capitalists.

Capital instinctively finds the way that consumes the least but gains the most as its own behavior model, because if it is not done, then other capital that consumes less and benefits more will squeeze it out, thus Eliminate it.

God of Slaughter will make such a choice in the face of heavy competition from the gods, also because of this.

Including Adier itself, if he is still in the realm at the moment, facing the competition of God of Slaughter, if he wants not to lose in that competition, he can only choose the way of God of Slaughter. Get Strength in the most efficient way to win the God of Slaughter competition and get the final victory.

But the situation in front is much better.

After all, he has advantages and channels unmatched by God of Slaughter, so naturally he does not need extremes like God of Slaughter on the form, and can calmly layout to do everything he wants to do.

This World is still changing slowly.

Just a few decades passed quickly, and in this World, the atmosphere of the slaughter was gradually full to the extreme, reaching a limit.

In the original group of ordinary people, some powerhouses have begun to emerge, reaching a level comparable to that of Tier 4 wizards, enough to start a battle with the most powerfulhouse among the monsters.

This originally chaotic World gradually calmed down, and the trend of destruction was stopped and returned to the normal ecology.

Although at this moment in the World, large and large-scale monsters with chaotic atmosphere still exist, they are still stubbornly entrenched in all corners of the World, and it will never disappear in such a short time.

But with the passage of time, with the continuous strengthening of the human side, sooner or later, the side of the monster will directly fail, and eventually slowly disappear into the corner of the World.

By this time, Adier had also foreseen what might happen next.

With the constant change of the strength of both sides, in the end, the monster side will inevitably disappear gradually, squeezed into the living space by humans, and finally become the object of acquisition of the strength of Slaughter, directly slaughtered neatly and cleanly, there is nothing left.

After that time, it’s time for his God of Slaughter to exit the stage.

This is the power of slaughter. It is extremely powerful in a certain period, even enough to compete with Supreme God, but it will be suppressed in ordinary times. Although it is still strong, it is far less than those of Eternal Existence.

To some extent, this is the lack of slaughter’s authority and the reason why God of Slaughter is not as good as the King of the Sun.

After all, in a normal world with the realm, a slaughterer is not normal after all, but something that only happened in a very small period of time.

In the long time, the normal development is in line with the tone of World’s progress.

Proper slaughter can help World to carry out better metabolism, and the long and long-lasting slaughter will only eventually let the entire world die slowly, and eventually fall into the abyss of destruction.

Adier understood this at the moment, so he began to try to grasp other powers.

In the ensuing time, in the entire world, Adier’s deities began to change gradually, from the original simple God of Slaughter to a slaughter and God of Death.

One more authority to die.

Compared with the slaughter, the scope of the authority of death is wider.

Compared with the meaning contained in the slaughter, the meaning of death is much broader. In a normal world within the realm, there is absolutely no lack of death.

This is also an extremely constant authority, so as not to float up and down like a slaughter.

At the same time, the slaughter authority and death authority are also extremely compatible.

Slaughter itself is a method of making death, and itself is a kind of authority close to death. The two are extremely close and very similar, and their properties are very consistent.

While in the realm within the realm, through the part of the message from the demon avatar, Adier mastered the authority of partial destruction, which now coincides with the authority of the slaveter, and then the authority of death. It’s too big.

Of course, this is only for Adier.

In this world for decades, Adier has witnessed too many too many slaughters. Almost every day under the slaughter, there are incalculable lives dying and dying.

In this unique environment, with the assistance of World Strength, Adier grasps the essence of the authority of death very fast and very convenient.

Therefore, in just a few decades, his Divine Realm changed rapidly, from the original pure Slaughter Divine Realm, which brought some dead Divine Realm nature.

Time is gradually passing.

Soon, several decades later.

Several decades have passed, and in the entire world, the situation has gradually changed.

Through the continuous growth of its own slaughter, within the scope of the entire world, the human side has gradually gained the upper hand and began to suppress the monster side.

Under the constant suppression of the human side, the powerful strength of the monster side has been continually declining. At this moment, it has been transformed from the originally dominant side to a stalemate, and there is a tendency to gradually fall into a disadvantage.

In this case, a mutation has begun to take place.

The people on the earth began to find out, I do n’t know when to start, the new generation will no longer have the God of Slaughter ’s blessings on them, and the slaughter system that everyone would have had disappeared from these people .

According to the current situation, when all of their ancestors with the slaughter system are withered, the grace granted by God of Slaughter will disappear within the entire world.

After discovering this, the entire world began to be in an uproar.

People responded differently to this incident, but without exception, all forces invariably accelerated their pace, and their behavior became more radical.

Soon, in less than half a year, the magic disaster that had almost destroyed the entire world was quelled directly, leaving only some rare and valuable monsters that were locked into institutions like zoos. For the latecomers to look up and study.

Science and technology in the entire world began to develop rapidly, civilization quickly advanced, and quickly returned to the level of civilization within the realm.

The God of Slaughter Adier ’s name changed from the original God of Slaughter to Slaughter and God of Death.

Even after entering this relatively peaceful era, the reputation of God of Death will gradually overwhelm the simple God of Slaughter.

In this case, Adier also left this World and went on to the next World.

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