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The time passed slowly. In front of me, I don’t know how long the time passed.

With the ebbing of time, there are many things being changed in this World.

Silently and silently, a change began to take place quietly and silently, in this brief moment gradually affected the four parties.

In the material world within the realm, with the continuous passage of time, a change is constantly occurring.

A world of deep calm, full of slaughter strength.

A little blood spattered in it, and at this moment there was a continuous spread of bloody brilliance, gradually covering the whole area, and turning this area into a piece of blood.

Among them, there is a corpse with a quiet display, the breath on each corpse is extremely horrible, even the weakest silhouette, the breath on its body is at least equivalent to a Peak Legendary, the strength has reached A level that scares ordinary people.

If a Legendary Legendary level is placed outside, it will frighten the world and make many people feel awe. Even the church of the gods will be awed by it. Dare not to have the slightest slack and rudeness.

But in this place, this Legendary Peak powerhouse is everywhere. At this moment, one by one fell to the ground, the temperature on the body gradually faded, and gradually became cold, not much different from the mortal body.

There is even a powerhouse that is far more powerful than Legendary Peak. The powerhouse is quietly asleep in this place, and this moment has fallen into a permanent long sleep. Although there is still some temperature above the body, its origin has long since disappeared and was swallowed by an inexplicable presence.

Slaughter’s Strength is boiling in this place. Several Slaughter Divine Realm gradually collide in this place, gradually merge together, and at first glance feel like the boundless past, turning this area into a Slaughter field.

In front of me, affected by the Slaughter Strength, this field is constantly expanding. At this moment, it is no longer a mere field, but more like a huge world.

But compared to the normal World, this World is completely supported by the strength of the field, which is filled with the Slugger’s Strength, and there is no such complete World Rule Strength in the other world.

At this moment, in the center of the world in this field, a silhouette is independent, and this moment is in the roar towards the sky.


A sound whirls through it, like Fiendgod’s roaring sounds continually echoing in it, alarming 4 parties.

Horror like Fiendgod’s Strength has been circling within the realm for a long time in this field, and it cannot be subsided at all.

In the center of this World, above the corpse, Duron stood quietly in it. At this moment, the white priest’s robe was stained with a red blood, and there was a bloody breath around it. At a glance, it was bloody and cruel.

He stood on a sea of ​​corpses, in which he laughed impudently. At this moment, his strength was roaring. At this moment, with the emergence of one after another silhouette around him, the breath of his body was rapidly climbing up to a limit.

The bloody field hangs over the entire world. At this moment, the huge Strength is completely displayed, almost endless. At first glance, it looks like it is in an abyss. It is extremely bloody, extremely cruel, with one of the most lethal killings. intent emerges in this place.

boom! !

A light sound sounded from his body. At this moment, along with the continuous influx of the surrounding strength, the breath of his body was constantly transforming, and soon the original myth Peak was further transformed into an unpredictable field .

The divinity of God of Slaughter whirls in his within the body, with the fall of all the children of the slaver, all the slaver Divine Spark of the child of the slaver within the body are all converged on the body of the central Duro.

A drop of blood from the golden slaver converged. This moment was within the body of Doron. An unpredictable change was taking place.

After gathering the blood of a huge slaughter, the mortal essence of his within the body is rapidly transforming. This moment is rapidly changed from the original physical body and mortal flesh, gradually starting to transform into the realm of the gods.

In other words, he has now reached the extraordinary and refined step, which is about to transcend the boundaries of mortals and transform his body into the body of Demi-God.

In a way, this is an incredible thing.

The mortal wants to transform, jump from the essence of the mortal, break the ultimate limit, and transform his body into the body of Demi-God, which is an extremely difficult thing in itself.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to do this, you must ignite all your own, ignite the Divine Fire, which is said to be able to burn everything, and continue to calcinate your own origin through the Divine Fire.

But at this moment, Doron obviously not at all ignited his Divine Fire, but under the influence of the golden divine blood, it was also constantly changing, and its own Life Level was constantly changing, gradually becoming Demi -The body of God.

The ability to do this is not caused by his own Strength, but because the nature of the God of Slaughter once influenced him.

The blood of slaughter as the blood of gods separated from God of Slaughter within the body, its essence is naturally above Demi-God, possessing the extraordinary nature of gods.

Inheriting the blood of the slaughter, the child of the slaughter itself also has some traits of the gods, but because that trait is very small, it is impossible to transform its own essence together and climb to a higher level.

But at this moment, at the moment when one of the other slaughter’s sons fell down, the blood of the slaughter that was originally scattered was reassembled and gathered on a person, the huge essence of the god immediately began to have an impact, let Doron’s own body began to change, from the original physical body and mortal flesh to the body of the gods.

If he inherited only part of the essence of God of Slaughter and part of the blood of the slaughter at this moment, then at this moment alone, he could immediately transform into the body of the god, above the Fleshy body, enough to match the god of 7th grade Contend.

Of course, to some extent, this is not a good thing.

The existence of the soul is formed by the fusion of the flesh and Spirit. The connection between the two is extremely close and inseparable.

Any party that is too strong will cause this connection to be out of balance, which will have various unpredictable effects.

Although Duolong’s body is strong at this moment, his own soul is obviously not at all keeping up, and the body is much stronger than the soul.

What impact will such a result have?

The most direct influence is that the influence of fleshy body will increase, and the instincts from fleshy body will more easily affect people’s will, which will lead people to more conform to fleshy body’s behavior and do all kinds of things that they do not want to do. .

An easy-to-understand analogy is, for example, smoking, drinking, and taking drugs.

When people do these things themselves, don’t they know that these things are not at all good for them, but are they very unfavorable?

However, under the influence of their own flesh and blood will, many people will also die, and will not stop because this kind of thing will hurt themselves.

In a way, this is an example of Fleshy body’s will overwhelming Soul Willpower.

At the moment, the same is true of Duolong.

The fleshy body was gradually transformed into the body of Demi-God under the influence of the blood of the slaughter, but it is clear that Doron itself not at all really entered the realm of Demi-God, and his own soul was not at all being calcined by Divine Fire , Still the same level as before.

The fleshy body is striding forward, but the soul is still at the previous level. The matching degree of fleshy body will and Soul Willpower is beginning to be uncoordinated. The influence of fleshy body will gradually overshadow its own reason and produce all kinds of unpredictable effects.

However, it is clear that Doron didn’t feel anything at this moment for this unknown evil, but he really enjoyed this feeling, standing at the moment among a corpse of a child of a slaughter, standing in it and spreading his arms , With some satisfaction on his face, as if hugging something.

“This Strength … this feeling …”

He opened his arms, this moment seemed to hug the entire world, a handsome face full of intoxication, this moment seemed to feel an extreme sense of pleasure.

In his all around, along with the unity of the blood of the slaughter, the strength of the slaughter continued to oscillate in it. At this moment, the constant turbulence in the all around caused the world in front of him to start shaking, as if echoing the slaughter The ultimate birth of the Son of God.

“at last……”

In the corner of the World, several wills began to open their eyes. At this moment, they looked at Dulong in front. At this moment, the voice was filled with joy and gratification: “After countless years of slaughter, the slaughter son is finally born. … “

“I can feel the strength of his within the body, which definitely reaches Demi-God level, and with the means left by my Lord, I can definitely defeat that blasphemer!”

“Get started now!”

“At this moment, the blasphemy has not yet been promoted for how many years, taking advantage of the present and immediately using the strongest means to solve it!”

“Otherwise, after a few more years, if he waits for some preparation, it will be difficult to try to deal with him!”

“it is good!”

The will of one after another keeps whirling around in this place, what kind of decision is made at this moment.

As they jointly made a decision, a silent breath was transmitted in this place, and gradually spread to Duolong’s body in front of him, which was instantly felt by him.

Suddenly, Doron opened his eyes, and at this moment the movement of whispering laughter stopped, turned to calm down, and looked into the distance.

He looked at the direction of the Adier empire in the distance. At this moment, a burst of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and the breath all over his body was roaring, which seemed even more terrifying.

“The blood of the last slaughter …”

He whispered, murmured there, and finally leapt, the whole person disappeared directly in the same place, and rushed towards the distance.

In an instant, his silhouette disappeared in place, and finally appeared directly in the distance, rushing directly in the direction of the Adier Empire.

In a flash, the terrifying Strength rushed out of the realm within this realm. The majestic strength of Slaughter appeared on the material world along with the silhouette of Doron, and began to roar in it, causing most of the material world to start shaking. Got up.

At this moment, I don’t know how many people opened their eyes and followed the instinct, looking in the direction where Dulong was.

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