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“This familiar breath, and that terrifying strength of Slaughter …”

In the golden city of the sun, in a church of the sun king, several sun priests wearing golden robes moved in their hearts at this moment, and looked up in a direction in the distance: “The son of the slaughter was born.”

“This terrible strength of Slaughter, I am afraid that this time appears, it is no longer the child of a simple slaveter …”

An old man with an old face and a face on it, looking densely packed and full of wrinkled old man, his face was dignified. At this moment, he also looked into the distance and said, “This terrifying strength, I am afraid it has already been above the field of mythology. , Reaching Demi-God level. “

“God of Slaughter’s Slaughter blood is all unified!”

There is a priest complexion ashen of the sun king, so he said.

“rest assured.”

Someone spoke in a low voice, and his face looked a little gloomy at this moment, but he was still able to maintain his calmness: “It doesn’t look like he’s coming at us.”

“He went in the direction of Desert, the Adier Empire.”

“Looking like this, I should have found that Highness!”

Several of the sun priests present looked at the direction of Doron in the distance. This moment was silent for a long time before finally speaking.

For this result, several priests present were not at all surprised in their hearts.

Because it is so normal.

In the Desert, the name of the god used by His Royal Highness in the Adier Empire is nothing but God of Slaughter.

The name of the god is called God of Slaughter. To a certain extent, this means that the goal is set on the priesthood of God of Slaughter. It is about to challenge the authority of God of Slaughter in an attempt to kick God of Slaughter from the divine throne. Next, seize the authority of the slaveter.

Any member of the Slaughter Church or the son of the Slaughter must be irreconcilable with him after the point of understood, but whenever there is a chance, he will immediately come forward to kill him.

The son of Slaughter, as the successor of God of Slaughter, theoretically, has the opportunity to inherit all the authority of God of Slaughter and become God of Slaughter in the future.

In other words, the Slaughter Son who finally formed is also a reserve of God of Slaughter. As long as he can successfully overcome some problems, he has the opportunity to inherit the authority of God of Slaughter and become a new generation of God of Slaughter.

Therefore, Adier’s Demi-God, who chose God of Slaughter, naturally became a thorn in the eyes of this slaver, but he would never let him live if he had a chance.

Therefore, at the moment in front of him, the priests of the Sun King were not surprised at all about the whereabouts of the slaver.

“what should we do?”

The eyes of a priest of the Sun King flashed, his face looked hesitant at the moment: “According to the agreement, take the Sun God device to the Adier Empire to help your Highness, or?”

“Help? Why should I help?”

The other priest had a cold color on his face, and at this moment he said coldly: “No matter which one is His Highness, or this son of the Slaughter in front of him, his strength has reached the Demi-God level. Besides, it can be said that no one can match them … “

“Under normal circumstances, when we face these two people, there is no way.”

“But now, they are going to fight against each other, so why not let them kill them?”

He said coldly, with a cold smile on his face at this moment: “Let the two Demi-God go there to fight, and then we will arrive again. In the end, no matter who wins or loses, there is a chance to shoot …”

“You mean?”

There was a person present, the priest was stunned, and at this moment some unsure words said.

“While they are fighting each other, when both sides suffer, they shoot and take them directly, isn’t it better?”

The opening priest continued to say: “As long as these two Demi-Gods are removed, our plan will be smoother, and the reincarnation of our Lord will be able to grow more smoothly, not as passive as the situation today … “

“What’s your opinion?”

He looked at the sun priest all around and finally said so.

Listening to his words, the people around were silently nodded.

Anyway, support is impossible, and it is still possible to shoot a black gun in the back.

As the church left by the Sun King, their position is always from the perspective of the Sun King.

In this era when the gods have not fully recovered, whether it is Adier or the son of the newly born slaughter, its strength is too strong.

If they can fight each other through this time, kill them in one fell swoop, and solve the two Demi-Gods in the world, then their next path will undoubtedly be smoother.

I believe in this brief moment, after feeling the movement of the child of the slaveter, there will definitely be no fewer people holding the same thoughts as the church of the King of the Sun at this moment.

Except for a very few people, most people are full of malicious intentions about the upcoming fight, and they ca n’t wait for 2 people to directly perish together and die together.

It is a pity that facts are often not transferred by anyone’s will.

How does it happen, in the end will only happen that way.

Doron walked quietly to the center of the Adier Empire.

He wandered through the Adier empire. At this moment, the realm expanded outwards, and instantly covered the entire Adier empire.

Through his own strength, and his extremely terrifying perception ability, he can hear this moment of prayer throughout the Adier empire, which sounds all the time.

At this time, it has been 40-50 years since Adier was promoted to Demi-God to light the Divine Fire.

In these years, along with the great development of the Adier Empire, in the territory of the Adier Empire, God ’s Church of God of Slaughter is also being erected, and it is standing in the country at this moment. There is also a large group of believers.

Almost every moment, in this huge empire, there are a large number of believers praying to the God of Slaughter, Adier, for his strength asylum.

And these prayers to God of Slaughter, at this moment Doron heard another feeling.

“Really good faith, good foundation …”

Walking between the entire Adier empire, feeling the prayers almost everywhere in the empire, Doron did n’t think he was angry, but instead smiled on his face: “When I solve the false god here, the faith here is directly from me Receive it … “

He looked at the scenery around all around, feeling the prayers of almost everywhere in the entire empire, with a sincere smile on his face at this moment.

The mission of the gods is a very difficult thing.

Even for a mature god who wants to preach from one place and develop a magnificent faith, this is also a very difficult thing, and it takes a long time to manage and be able to do it. .

This is true for a mature god, not to mention a newly promoted Demi-God.

Having just defeated the rest of the children of the Slaughter and entering the realm of Demi-God at this moment, Doron will soon face the problem of spreading believers. He needs to find a place for spreading faith to obtain his own believers.

All of the Adier empire in front of him seemed just right for Duron.

In the Adier Empire, the God of Slaughter’s faith has spread for a whole ten years. At this moment, it has flourished and developed to a large scale.

It is also a reserve of God of Slaughter. As long as Doron defeated Adier, and then forcibly took the dominance of the Adier Empire, and directly took away the believers developed by Adier, he could develop Adier for decades. All are directly captured, and directly have a large number of believers.

With these huge believers, plus some things left by God of Slaughter, he believes that he will soon be able to truly embark on the road to God, and truly inherit the authority of God of Slaughter and become a new generation of God of Slaughter. Slaughter.

“The speed of your coming is a lot slower than I thought …” A voice sounded not far away, and this time it accurately reached Duron’s ear.

Listening to this voice, Duro paused, then turned around and looked towards the distance.

I saw in the distance, a silhouette he was very familiar with stood there quietly, standing at the side not far away at this moment, looking at him there.

It was a young man who looked extremely handsome. He was wearing a loose white robe and his long hair was so drooping. A face Pang Junxiu was so extreme that he reached a perfect Realm. Just looked at him so calmly, watching there.

In this young man’s body, a strength of Slaughter similar to Doron’s body, but it seemed to be a little different, rose so slowly that it spread to the earth of the 4th square, and at this moment it condensed into an equally terrifying one. Slaughter Domain, shrouded in an instant over the entire Adier Empire.

“Have you stood here long ago?”

Looking at Adier who appeared in the distance, Dulong was a little surprised, but he didn’t take it seriously. He just stood there with a smile on his face: “You unfolded your Divine Realm and enveloped the whole country. I was afraid I was right. What does your kingdom do? “

“If this is the case, then I can tell you, without this concern …”

“Because, after a while I kill you, this country is mine …”

A smile appeared on his face, and at this moment he looked at Adier and said, looking quite confident in himself.

“I never said that.”

Adier’s face was calm. At this moment, he looked at Doron in front of him and said: “I’m afraid, you will take the initiative to escape later, so it’s troublesome to try to catch you again.”

Suddenly, Duolong froze in front of him.

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