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Looking at Adier who appeared suddenly in front of him, Duolong’s face showed a smile. At this moment, he looked at Adier in front of him. His eyes were somewhat inexplicable: “What gives you confidence? Let you dare to say this in front of me.”

“No one needs to give me confidence.”

Adier’s face was calm, looking at Doron in front of him, and he said lightly: “Just the appearance of no one in front of you is enough to explain everything.”

Suddenly, Duolong froze in front of him.

He looked at Adier in front of him, a little unbelievable.

“You said, I’m neither human nor ghost …”

There was a smile on his face. This moment seemed to be angry with Adier, and his whole body was shaking. At this moment, when he looked at Adier in front of him, his eyes changed.

A Slaughter Domain suddenly unfolded, and this moment gradually spread, fiercely striking towards Adier’s body.

In front of Dulong, this place seemed to flash with a bloody brilliance, and a violent bloody long knife slashed through the sky suddenly, slashing towards Adier in front of him.

In response, Adier’s face was calm, but he waved his hand slightly.

Suddenly, in an instant, the long knife in front of me was disappeared, the glory of one after another golden flickered, and continued to hover and wave in this place, which constantly diffused and continuously opened up by the Slaughter Domain, which became another. appearance.

The originally surging strength of Slaughter gradually disappeared in this place and was attributed to nothingness without causing any turbulence.

Then Adier turned around, his face calm, looking at Doron in front of him. At this moment, the right hand stretched out and slowly pulled out the silver long sword worn on his waist.

Silver’s long sword is still the same as it used to be. It looks exquisite and gorgeous, like a fine artwork, rather than a weapon used as a slaughter on the battlefield.

However, at this moment, after Adier was promoted to Demi-God, this silver long sword was also calcined by Adier’s own Divine Fire. At this moment, there is an immortal feature, bringing a unique strength, even if it is It has certain restraint ability for existence above the field of mythology.

Above the long sword, at this moment there is a silver divine light slowly spreading, which looks very beautiful and moving.

Then in the next moment, this silver long sword suddenly split out, instantly magnified in Duron ’s eyes, magnified many times, and suddenly a star like a silver suddenly fell from the sky and crashed. Slashed towards him.

boom! !

in an instant, the area in front of me calmed down instantly.

Doron only felt a move in front of him, a streak of divine light suddenly emanated from his eyes, and then the World in front of him suddenly became white.

In the realm within the realm, this moment is like a silver moon gradually rising, slowly emerging in front of his eyes, showing the terrible formidable power.

The silver sword light from 1000 to 10000 came in, and at this moment densely packed, it seemed to cover the world in front of it, and under the unity of consciousness, it fell towards Duolong in front of him.

boom! !

Along with a loud bang, the world within the realm, one after another, sounded continuously.

On Duolong’s body, a Strength of Domain opened instantly, and in this brief moment enveloped the four sides, blocking the endless silver sword light directly.

The world in front of the two fields began to compete. At this moment, giving tit for tat, each competing for the area in front of them, centered on this area, began fighting and fighting.

To some extent, the breath of the two people is very similar at this moment.

The strength of Slaughter of one after another rises at the same time on 2 people, and the 2 slaver Divine Realm unfolds at the same time. At this moment, this place is fighting against each other, fighting each other.

If you look at it from the perspective of many mortals on the earth, you will find that at this moment in the sky, 2 stars are competing in the mid-air, it looks extremely bright, incomparably sacred, which is full of lethal killing intent, like All the creatures in the entire world are directly erased.


A sound of light sound came from midair, like two Great Worlds colliding together at the same time, making a deadly muffled sound.

In an instant, Adier ’s silver long sword collided with the glove in Duron ’s hand. After a muffled noise at this moment, he stepped back at the same time, and his face was shocked.

“Your Strength…”

Looking at Adier in front of him, Duolong’s face was shocked at this moment, and he looked incredible.

Slaughter Divine Realm, also a descendant of the God of Slaughter, is Demi-God who regards slaughter authority as the highest goal. Doron thought that in his collision with Adier, he could have the upper hand and would not have the advantage. The slightest accident.

But didn’t expect, at this moment, after the two sides collided, he found that Adier in front of him was much more powerful than he thought It’s.

The horrible Slaughter Divine Realm is much more horrible and perfect than he thought. At the moment, the two Slaughter Divine Realm, once unfolded, between the faintly, it turned out that the other party gained the upper hand.

But how is this possible?

Duolong’s own Slaughter Divine Realm is not perfected by his own Strength, but directly inherited from the Strength of God of Slaughter, directly condensed by Divine Spark and divine blood left by God of Slaughter.

In a way, his own Slaughter Divine Realm represents Divine Realm of God of Slaughter, which is much stronger than the ordinary Demi-God, even if compared with a real god, although it will be worse , But it wo n’t be much different.

With such a perfect and powerful Divine Realm against other Demi-Gods, no matter who it is, it should be ten-ninth and nine stable. There are absolutely no problems.

But in front of us, the situation is different again.

2 Divine Realm collided in front of the eyes, and the final result turned out to be Divine Realm on 2 people facing each other, so that Divine Realm gained the upper hand on the other side.

If this matter is spoken, I am afraid that it will stun people, not to mention Duro himself, even the priests of other god churches will not believe.

But such an unimaginable thing happened so real at the moment, and it happened just where it was right in front of me, even if Doron didn’t believe it.

And now, he has little time to react.

With the bursts of light sound coming out in mid-air, Adier looked calm in the area in front of him, silently pulled out the silver long sword on his waist, and slammed forward.

He was slashed with a sword, and the Slaughter Divine Realm all over him suddenly became turbulent. At this moment, all of them began to emerge, among which unusual scenes emerged.

There is blood of the soul, Spiritual God comes out of the sea of ​​corpses, there is a battlefield, the two sides fight on the battlefield, various scenes begin to appear in this place, and they begin to emerge.

Subsequently, with these scenes manifested, a magnificent strength began to emerge on Adier’s body. At this moment, as his breath gradually condensed, he turned into the most terrifying sword and suddenly pushed forward.


It was just in an instant that Duolong was suppressed in front of him, and he was directly pressed downwind. At this moment, he looked at Adier who was walking in front of him, and his face was full of incredible expressions.

“I do not believe!”

There was not content with unbelief on his face. At this moment, striding forward, the slaughter divine force all over the body was surging, and the illusory shadow of God of Slaughter appeared vaguely on his body, so rushing Go forward, rush towards the front fiercely.

At this moment, after feeling the strength of Adier, he had no reservation at all, and the divine blood all over his body was burning.

In situ, the blood of the Slaughter of God of Slaughter started to burn, and the divine blood of little bit of gold kept converging, and this moment condensed into a horrible silhouette behind Doron.

That silhouette is terrifyingly terrifying and extremely powerful, just a silhouette is just spread out like a Great World, which is full of terrifying strength of Slaughter.

This seems to be a Slaughter’s Demon God. Only its own existence represents the whole of the Slaughter and the essence of the Slaughter.

As soon as this moment appeared, the whole earth was in turmoil, and the surrounding World began to tremble. The gods of each and everyone were infected by the breath of this Demon God. At this moment, their essence was reversed, and they were forcibly transformed into a head. slaughter puppet.

“A part of God of Slaughter’s body …”

Looking at the image of God of Slaughter that appeared behind Doron in front of him, Adier looked calm and muttered to himself.

At this moment, he already understood some of the arrangements made by God of Slaughter before death.

In addition to using the blood of the slaughter to breed a future child of the slaughter and collecting strength for the God of Slaughter itself, the blood of the slaughter itself also has the function of constructing the God of Slaughter.

The blood of slaughter itself was specifically left behind by God of Slaughter before death, which itself represents part of the strength of God of Slaughter.

Through the blood of these slaveters, the essence of God of Slaughter still remains. As long as there is a suitable time, you can recover again and synthesize the God of Slaughter.

In this way, the son of the Slaughter collects Strength for the God of Slaughter to accumulate the Strength for him, and the blood of the Slaughter condenses the Body for the God of Slaughter, plus other arrangements, as long as the conditions are suitable, the God of Slaughter can recover in one fell swoop and directly Obtain a considerable portion of Strength without having to start from the reincarnation step by step like other gods.

Of course, this layout is very good, and the idea is also very constructive, so that Adier at the moment is not nodded, I feel very good.

It is a pity that the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

After confronting Adier at this moment, the ending of God of Slaughter is already doomed.

A long sword of silver came crashing down, and in this magnificent region, the breath of one after another kept rising.

With the fall of this silver long sword, the Slaughter Domain one after another was torn directly on Duolong’s body in front of him.

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