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A faint silver brilliance flickered out of front of my eyes. In an instant, a silver star fell from the sky, illuminating the ten thousand li earth in an instant, and it would be bright without direct lighting in this area. It looks transparent.

With the bang a light sound, the world in front of him began to change.

In the front, the deep and scary Slaughter Divine Realm was directly cut by this silver radiance, and the entire Divine Realm began to tremble, among which various natural phenomena emerged, and the one after another silhouette filled with evil was directly torn. This moment, under the radiance of that silver radiance, directly reveals its essence.

boom! !

A crisp sound began to spread from this place, as if two stars collided at the same time, a suffocating glory erupted at this moment.

As the silver long sword in Adier’s hand waved down, a little ripple began to emerge in the air. At this moment, with the silver long sword in Adier’s hand as the center, it began to spread toward all around.

Finally, with the slamming of a light sound, the bloody arm suddenly grabbed the silver long sword swayed by Adier. At this moment, the two collided together and made a clear sound.

Dulong’s face was a bit daunting. The silhouette of the great shore behind this moment appeared. There was one after another mysterious rune all over him. The whole god body looked extremely mysterious and extremely great shore at this moment.

The body of Demi-God that was originally condensed on him is beginning to transform. At this moment, he is beginning to climb towards a higher level, and he continues to advance towards an extremely far-reaching Realm. His breath rises upward, as if there is no limit.

At this moment, the breath of his body exploded without any cover, the blood of the slaveter within the body began to instinctively gather under that fatal pressure, and began to gather towards a core, and completely merged with Doron’s body. One.

This is a difficult change.

In the original time, although Doron gathered the blood of the slaughter, after all, it was possible that the blood of the slaughter was fully fused.

The God of Slaughter at that time deliberately left the blood of those slaveters before death, definitely not for the sake of fulfilling the later slaver, but preparing for his own rebirth.

Therefore, the blood of these slaveters in Doron’s within the body will not be united with him. Although it seems to be occupied by him, in fact the core of it has never been opened to it.

After all, to a certain extent, the Demi-God, Doron, all of it is made by God of Slaughter, not Adier-like, igniting Divine Fire by itself, and thus the Slaughter The blood was completely calcined and smelted onto his body.

In the past, Doron not so much gathered all the blood of the Slaughter and became the reserve of God of Slaughter, but rather was manipulated by the blood of the Slaughter and became a body of God of Slaughter. The puppet of the manipulator.

It is precisely because of this, that although his Strength was strong before, it did not belong to itself, and there was still room for it.

But at this moment, under the pressure of Adier in front of him, he felt the crisis instinctively in the blood of the slaughter within the body. At this moment, he started to have some changes spontaneously.

A little bit of the blood of the golden slaver converged within the body. At this moment, a little bit of recovery began on his body, and the golden light began to bloom. Among them, the blood of the slaughter that was originally swallowed by him began to release a little bit of The strength of Slaughter, all blooming at this moment, poured into Duolong’s body, blessing it on his body, making the breath of him constantly stronger.

The blood of the golden slaughter began to be released, and at this moment under the pressure of Adier in front of him, he began to spontaneously merge with Doron in front of him.

2 The flesh and blood of the two began to combine and gradually produced some unpredictable changes.

Doron’s body began to change, and what appeared to be a normal appearance began to rapidly change, gradually becoming another look.

The skin on his body began to change, from the original white color to a red one, with some dull golden on it, which looked like a forged metal of scarlet gold, with one after another mysterious god on it The rune is appearing.

The original beautiful face also began to change gradually. This one looks a little deformed, not like the ordinary person like before. At this moment, it looks like a monster, looking terrible and terrifying.

On his head, a golden unicorn began to grow, and at this moment it spread out from the top of his head. It seemed to have some kind of mysterious Strength, among which some divine might start to radiate and spread. To all around, enveloped the area of ​​all directions.


This place started to swell, centered on the body in front of Duron, the World of all directions began to turmoil, the whole space was shaking, like the terrible majesty of this one, and began to tremble spontaneously.


From the original human form to the present deformed look, Dulong didn’t care at all, laughing loudly in the air, this face looked extremely grim, with some madness .

“You didn’t expect …”

He looked towards the front, looking at the Adier in the front, a pair of dark golden eyes filled with bloodthirsty and madness: “Your preparations are indeed very sufficient, the just offensive is indeed very fierce, but didn’t expect not only failed me, but helped me !! “

“Thanks to you, I can completely transform the blood of these slaughters into my belongings, no longer as before, and can only barely control their strength !!”

His face was ugly, and at this moment a pair of dark golden eyes were fixed on Adier in front of him, and even the sound changed a little.

In fact, at this time in front of him, affected by the blood of the slaughter, his own life form has already changed to another look.

At this moment, no matter who it is, when I saw him, I am afraid that it will not be thought that it is still a person, only that it is some kind of unknown monster.

However, I have to say that after transforming into this form, his breath did explode a lot. At this moment, the breath on his body was terrifying and reached a limit.

In terms of strength level alone, Peak has definitely reached level 6, reaching a limit level.

“Why … so powerful!”

In the corners of all directions, watching the happening of this scene with their own means. At this moment, after feeling the breath of Doron, everyone was horrified, and they felt the fear of Strength for their body.

“He has reached the Peak level of Demi-God, as long as he continues to move forward, he can hold up the divine throne and reach the point of Spiritual God directly!”

In the dark corner, the king of the sun lurking before him sacrificed the complexion ashen. At this moment, he looked into the air and watched the long roaring Doron, not knowing what to say.

It can only be said that the plan will never catch up with the changes.

At this time in front of them, they wanted to see Adier and Doron fighting against each other. The two Demi-Gods were fighting hard to fight against each other. Finally, when the both sides suffered, they came out to clean up the mess and put the two. Demi-God won in one fell swoop.

But the scene in front is better.

With the strength of Doron at the moment, he has reached the Peak of Demi-God, not to mention the ordinary Demi-God, even if a god incarnation is in front of him, I am afraid that there will be no way to take it down in a while.

The means they prepared can indeed deal with Demi-God. Under a short period of time, even suppressing the ordinary Demi-God is not impossible.

But even if the means they are prepared for is stronger, in the face of a Demi-God Peak who is in Peak, it is definitely an opponent.

The other party may wave their hands, and those methods they prepared will be directly invalidated.

Even if it is a Divine Item that has recovered to Peak, it cannot cope with the existence of a Demi-God Peak without the complete sublimation of the Divine Item’s own Strength alone.

It can be said that the matter has reached this step in front of it, and it is completely beyond the scope of control.

Feeling all this, they complexion ashen, at this moment do not know what to say.

At this moment, feeling the situation in front of them, the only thing they can hope in their hearts is to hope that Adier can last longer, not to lose so quickly, and fall into the other’s hands.

In this case, the situation where two Demi-Gods are side by side is maintained, and they still have some room for manoeuvre.

Otherwise, if only the Slaughter Son of Demi-God Peak is left in the world, the entire material World still does not know what it will become.

You know, this is not like Adier igniting Divine Fire by itself to become the existence of Demi-God, but by virtue of the blood of the slaughter, it is crowded into the level of Demi-God Peak.

Adier ignited Divine Fire by himself, its strength is solid, even if it became Demi-God, chose the path of slaveter, but it will also have its own reason, will not do some unnecessary things, let alone Throughout the material world within the realm, the slaughter was lifted up.

Therefore, during these decades, Adier not only preached in his own empire, but also looked everywhere for the remnant forces of God of Slaughter, not at all what he did to other churches.

But if it was replaced with Doron in front of him, the situation would be different.

As the Demi-God completely supported by the blood of the slavet, many of the sacrifices present could not guarantee whether he would be influenced by the blood of the slaver within the body, making all kinds of unpredictable in the material world within the realm thing.

The existence of a Demi-God Peak, once under the influence of the blood of the body slaughter, the killing ring, the result will be unimaginable.

No creature wants to see this happen.

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