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Above the Adier Empire, two silhouettes are still standing in it.

Different from observing this area around, this moment has many sorrows in the mind of many church sacrifices.

At this moment in front of me, feeling the changes in Duolong’s body in front of him, Adier’s complexion appeared very calm, and there didn’t seem to be much change at all.

His face was calm. At this moment, his long black hair hung down like this, the silver long sword in his hand was firm, and he was held on the palm of his hand. The whole body stood upright, standing in the air, and his eyes looked calmly. Ahead, there seems to be no change at all.

The changes in Duolong’s body in front of him seemed to have no way to bring him the slightest movement, even the expression of one look and one expression.

His calmness made Doron in front of him feel a little surprised. At this moment, he opened his mouth, and his fangs were instantly exposed, and there was a greasy smile there: “You don’t seem to be afraid. Look. “

“Is this look I’m not scary enough yet? Or is my current Strength not strong enough to make you feel scared?”

He stood in the air, just stood opposite Adier, and said to Adier in front of him, the whole body appeared very deformed. At this moment, he was gradually approaching the shape of God of Slaughter.

Based on the facts, this moment in Adier’s sense, the breath of Doron’s body was close to disappearing. 2 kind of.

To some extent, in front of him, although Dulong seemed to be that person at this moment, it was actually said that God of Slaughter was wearing Dulong’s skin, and the incarnation that came to this place should not be too much.

“You look so disgusting …”

Adier’s face was calm, looking at Doron standing in front of him. At this moment, there was a little golden in his eyes. Among them, like a star falling, the scene of the silver moon rising continuously appeared: “suffer untold hardships will bring other slaveters The son gave up, stood out from all the competitors, and what he got in the end was just an opportunity to become God of Slaughter incarnation? “

“You ask yourself, now you, but what did you want at the beginning?”

The faint words fell on the spot, accompanied by the power of True Spirit of one after another instantaneously spread directly to Duolong’s mind.

In an instant, Doron froze in place, and his whole body froze there. It seemed to recall something at this moment.

He recalled a scene and recalled his initial experience.

It was a manor that was not too big. Although the scope was not very large, everything it had was there, and it seemed perfect.

In one of the rooms, an inexperienced youth was sweating in it and silently swearing in it that he would one day stand out, rejuvenate his family, and let his name resound throughout the entire world.

This was his initial wish and his dream and goal when he was young.

But I don’t know when it started, he slowly changed.

A drop of golden slaver’s blood dropping from the sky fell on him, and then everything started to change.

On a calm night, a fire spread over the manor and began to burn, lighting the whole manor.

In the manor, the servants and their masters sent out waves of horror, struggling constantly, but in the end there was no use at all, directly swallowed by the rising sea of ​​fire.

In the corner of the manor, when he was young, he looked frightened and desperate. He looked at his relatives and servants in the corner of the manor.

At the initial time, of course, he had struggles and fears in his heart, but for the ideals and ambitions in his heart, he still resolutely did this thing.

He exchanged his initial strength with the life he was most familiar with and closest to.

But think about it carefully, look back from the present height, and recall those things before.

When he was weak, did he really do what he wanted to do?

In other words, when he just got the blood of the slaughter, the decisions he made were whether he made it himself, or the action he made under the influence of the blood of the slaughter.

Doron didn’t know.

Similar to what happened at the beginning, there are many things that happened afterwards.

After the initial guilt, he also experienced many, many times during the subsequent journey of the realm within the realm.

The beloved lover, the closest partner, and the followers who trust him the most …

At the last moment, each and everyone was actively pushed down into the abyss and pushed to the area called death.

And all this is just in exchange for a little insignificant strength, to gain a little strength of Slaughter growth, so that he can move forward a few steps in the future.

But from the heart, is he really willing to do this?

“Am I really willing? Are you really willing …”

In the air, Duolong’s body froze there. At this moment, he kept muttering to himself, and a tear shed unconsciously in his eyes.

At this moment, inspired by the power of True Spirit in Adier, the True Spirit within his body briefly escaped the influence of the slaughter blood, and for the first time began to recall his past life experience and began to reflect on his mistakes.

With all this happening, the breath on his body also kept rising and falling. At this moment, the vagueness of True Spirit’s Strength was climbing rapidly. There was a moment when the faint blood pressure would be overwhelmed by the blood of the slaughter.

But then, with the flashing of the golden hourglass blood, the True Spirit that was struggling for a short time was instantly submerged, and the breath of Duolong’s body stabilized again, and no longer began to fluctuate and fluctuate.

“Yes, I do……”

Standing in the air, he was deeply sighed, laughing there at the moment, with tears streaming out of his eyes.

The influence of the blood of slaughter gained the upper hand again, his True Spirit was submerged again, affected by the residual strength of God of Slaughter contained in it, and he could not break away at all.

With all this happening, not only did his Strength not decrease, but as the last point of self was completely swallowed by the blood of the slaughter, it became even more terrifying.

In this brief moment, he seems to have become the incarnation of God of Slaughter completely. The breath of the whole person is very terrifying, and it began to erupt in this place.

At this moment, his breath rose again, further from the original level 6 Peak, reaching a new limit.

Although for various reasons, and because he did not really ignite his Divine Fire, he was not at all promoted to the 7th grade and entered the realm of the gods.

But at this moment, under the influence of the blood of the body slaughter and the strength of God of Slaughter, his strength will definitely not be inferior to Spiritual God of 7th grade. It can be said that it has reached the limit of level 6.

“You didn’t take advantage of the attack just now, this is a fatal mistake you made …”

Standing in place, looking at Adier in front, Duron was deeply sighed. At this moment, his eyes were full of cold, like a machine without emotion, where he looked coldly at Adier in front: “Now, It’s time to pay for the mistakes you made … “

“Are you still at this step …”

Looking at the change of breath in front of him, Doron completely frozen at this moment. Adier gently sighed, the silver long sword held in the right hand was slowly raised, and a silver radiance with one after another on it began to blink.

An equally pure and powerful Slaughter Divine Realm began to unfold, colliding with the Divine Realm unfolding in front of Duro.

2 Divine Realm, which also belong to the slaughter authority, started to collide with each other, in this brief moment, they were intertwined instantly.

In the center of 2 Divine Realm, 2 silhouettes also collided at the same time.


It seems that the two worlds exploded at the same time. At this moment, the two intertwined in a moment, and a terrorist strength broke out at the same time, rushing towards each other.

The silver long sword in Adier’s hand was lifted directly. This moment seemed to span the concept of Time and Space in an instant, and it scattered on Doron’s body in an instant. It seemed that he would directly cut his head with a single blow.

With the silver long sword falling in his hand, Duolong’s body exploded directly in a flash, and the flesh and blood on the entire body exploded directly, starting from the most basic cell as the unit and began to break directly.

A little bit of sound rang continuously in the same place. At this moment, like countless bombs exploding at the same time in this place, the blood of the sky enveloped the area.

For a moment, it seemed like a bloody sun exploded in midair, where the bloody radiance enveloped everything around it, and enveloped the surrounding world under the bloody realm.

The terrifying strength of Slaughter began to erupt and flash.

Adier stood in the air, and his breath began to change.

In this brief moment, at the point where Doron was fighting directly in front of him, the strength in his body exploded completely, and at this moment there was no slight disguise.

Of course, in fact, it can no longer be covered up.

At this moment, Doron in front of him was indeed a puppet of God of Slaughter, and there was no place from True Spirit to flesh and blood all over the body that was not occupied by God of Slaughter, almost equivalent to an incarnation of God of Slaughter.

But similarly, after becoming a puppet of God of Slaughter and completely becoming the incarnation of God of Slaughter, Doron’s Strength also completely as the tide rises, the boat floats, directly into an extremely terrifying level.

With his current Strength, Adier would never be the opponent if he never showed his full strength.

So at this moment, he finally stopped holding his hand.

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