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The terrifying Strength is roaring.

In the center of the entire Adier empire, centered on the Adier empire, the terrifying Strength at this moment is spreading to the outside world.

The majestic Strength slowly diffused out of the country. At this moment, it covered the area of ​​all directions and enveloped the whole area.

Among them, two silhouettes are intertwined, and the breath of each other begins to diffuse towards the outside world, and this moment is promoted to Peak.

The breath of Adier began to gradually increase. At this moment, as the strength of the whole body continued to climb upwards, it had reached Peak.

Faced with the oppression of the God of Slaughter, Doron, he no longer has the slightest hand to stay, and the strength all over his body is erupting to the outside world. At this moment, one of the horrible strength bursts out so completely.

boom! !

A series of crisp sounds began to erupt slowly here, as if the stars broke out at this moment, bursting with dazzling light.

At this time, Doron couldn’t look directly, and the strength on Adier began to slowly emerge, gradually expanding outward, and this moment reached an extreme.

Slaughter Divine Realm, which was originally oppressed, began to expand again. At this moment, with the breath of Adier rising again, Divine Realm, which was originally backward, became strong again. This moment directly collided with Divine Realm on Duron.


A clear sound rang in place, sounded very slight, as if lightly touched, but in fact it was like a comet colliding, bursting out the strength of deep and unmeasurable.

At the moment when the two were in close contact, Adier waved his hand, and a silver long sword above the right hand broke out of the air, and cut through the void in an instant, and fell on Doron.

At the same time, a bronze-mask also appeared on Doron’s face, directly facing the sword that Adier swung in front.

Then two silhouettes retreated at the same time.

Both equally excellent.

The result of the blow in front of him is both equally excellent.

With 2 silhouettes rushing forward at the same time, in the end, the 2 silhouettes are not separated from each other, and they retreat at the same time. At this moment, each body has a light breath rushing outward.


Looking at the front standing there, there was no undulating Adier on his face from beginning to end, Duolong’s face was a little horrified, and at this moment he felt an inexplicable emotion rise.

He felt a little unbelief in his heart. At this moment, after feeling the strength of Adier climbing, he stood there, roaring again, and then rushed towards Adier.

The violent strength of Slaughter is gradually rippling in place, and at this moment two silhouettes are intertwined at the same time, dancing in the air.

However, it is unbelievable that no matter how terrifying and powerful the breath of Duolong is, at this moment in front of him, Adier has always been able to block it, and from the beginning to the end, no moment has fallen in the wind.

This is an unbelievable fact.

The Duolunhun in front of him has been swallowed by the Strength of God of Slaughter, and the True Spirit is completely condensed from the Strength of God of Slaughter. To a certain extent, it is almost equivalent to God of Slaughter. The incarnation is average.

Becoming God of Slaughter’s incarnation, which makes it no longer have any hope of detachment, but also makes it obtain an unusually strong strength.

That is the horror strength of far surpasses ordinary Demi-God. If you face ordinary Demi-God, you can definitely suppress it with one blow, even the hope of escape will not be there.

Even in the face of a true Spiritual God, the strength of Duron can be dealt with at this moment. Although he is definitely an opponent, he will not easily lose.

But even if it is such a terrifying strength, when facing Adier at this moment, there is still no way to gain the upper hand, it can only maintain a balance of power, and there is no way to win from this battle.

“He has reached the limit of Demi-God and is only the last step away from the final seal of God!”

At the bottom, many church sacrifices looked dumbfounded. At this moment, they stared blankly at the two silhouettes in the air, almost suspecting that their eyes had an illusion.

This is extremely incredible.

Be aware that the distance from Demi-God to Demi-God’s Peak level is much more difficult than a mortal becoming a Demi-God.

Doron was able to reach the present state by an ordinary Demi-God in a short period of time, because of the influence of the strength of God of Slaughter in the past, and it is also the son of many slavers within the realm of the material world over the countless years. Slaughter, the accumulated strength.

The sons of the slaughter from generation to generation slaughter on the continent, gaining strength of Slaughter, the accumulation of strength of Slaughter from generation to generation, in this brief moment burst out completely, only with the glory of Dulong at this moment, he was able to keep him in a short time Within a time, an ordinary Demi-God pushed to Demi-God Peak level.

He can do this, and all church sacrifices can be understood.

But why is Adier?

As for Adier’s identity background, when he was promoted to Demi-God, many church sacrifices had already been explored and understood.

This is a Knight born in an ordinary small aristocratic family, because of his excellent talent, so he achieved Legendary.

Of course, this Legendary itself is extremely special. It is very likely that it is the star of the times bred in this era, and it will be favored by the will of the material World itself.

But no matter how much care, the scene in front of me is really too exaggerated.

Under normal circumstances, even if it is the son of the era of the material world, the pampering of the material world consciousness is at best, but it can only support its close body Demi-God, it is already amazing.

Generally speaking, after the promotion of Demi-God, the favor of Material World will be completely ended, and what it can become in the end can only depend on itself.

At this time, there hasn’t been much time in the past. It’s just the time of several decades that’s all. The Demi-God in front of him jumped up to reach the Peak level of Demi-God?

Can you even compete with God of Slaughter’s incarnation?

This is also too fantasy and too scary.

Some of these sacrifices almost couldn’t believe their eyes. At this moment, they stared blankly at the front, not knowing what to say.

Of course, no matter how shocked they are in their hearts, will not change the results in front of them.

In front of us, this storm continued.

Adier waved his hand, the silver long sword raised high in his hand, this majestic divine force was brewing, and fiercely pressed forward.

Although the 2 shares are similar, they have a slightly different Slaughter Divine Realm that broke out in an instant and collided together in this brief moment.

Then the two silhouettes were separated from each other, Doron’s body was shot down directly, and fiercely fell into the ground.

The chain of one after another spreads from above the earth, and continues to spread to Doron’s body.

Looking at the strength below, feeling the breath of him, Adier’s face was dignified, and next moment waved his hand.

With his movements, the breath of one after another began to emerge throughout the Adier Empire.

A little bit of pure breath began to rise, rising from all parts of the Adier Empire below.

Originating from different believers, the power of faith and soul in different creatures began to rise continuously, and this moment began to rise continuously with Adier’s summon.

That’s the strength of Faith accumulated by believers who believed in Adier in the Adier Empire over the past few decades.

in this brief moment, accompanied by Adier ’s summon and actions, the strength of Faith accumulated in the Adier empire has erupted over the past few decades. Everything.

It was only a short moment before Doron ’s silhouette was directly submerged by the majestic strength of Faith and buried directly in the ocean of strength of Faith.

Then a little golden flame started to burn, spreading along the strength of Faith of these golden, directly submerging this area.

That golden flame was nothing other than Adier’s own Divine Fire. At this moment, with Adier’s actions, he directly rushed forward, igniting the strength of Faith of this golden piece.

Golden’s Divine Fire spread forward, and finally ignited the whole golden ocean.

Then Doron’s body grew again, and these were directly submerged by the golden flame.

He was struggling in the flames, being calcined in the Golden Divine Fire, from his own flesh to soul at this moment, all calcined in the pure Divine Fire.

A series of miserable screams were heard in the Divine Fire, and continuously.

This is caused by his own weaknesses.

According to common sense, even an ordinary Demi-God will not be as vulnerable as Doron at the moment.

Because a Demi-God who has been promoted in the normal way must have undergone the calcination of Divine Fire itself, and therefore already has resistance to the calcination of Divine Fire, impossible is as fragile as Doron in front of him.

But it is clear that the current Doron was not promoted by his own strength, not at all really ignited his own eternal Divine Fire, but entirely relied on the success of the strength promotion from the legacy of God of Slaughter. That said, it’s still the range of mortals, which is far inferior to the real Spiritual God in essence.

It was okay before, but at the moment facing the double pressure of strength of Faith and Divine Fire, these problems on his body were immediately exposed.

A series of miserable shouts kept coming out of Divine Fire.

Standing outside this piece of golden Divine Fire, Adier looked quietly at the burning golden ocean in front of him, and at Duron who was struggling in the golden Divine Fire. This face was calm and indifferent.


In the end, he was lightly sighed, his face calm, and the silver long sword held on the right hand was gently lifted, and the silver sword light with one after another on it began to blink.

Then next moment, this silver long sword fell instantly.

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