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A silver long sword fell suddenly, and in an instant, a silver brilliance flashed in place, rushing to the sky.

In an instant, the vast divine force came out from Adier’s body. In this brief moment, the magnificent rays of light flashed at 4 places, affecting the entire world for a moment, causing a terrible impact.

in this brief moment, whether it is many mortals in the Adier empire, people in other regions, or those lurking all around, my heart is shocked and unbelievable, looking at the scene in front of me The sacrifices of the gods, in this brief moment each and everyone all raised their heads, looking up at the sky and staring at the sky.

I saw in the middle of the sky, a bloody Divine Realm suddenly opened, then a glory of silver rose into the sky, and turned into a bright moon in the middle of the sky, then suddenly fell, and a suffocating Strength broke out .

boom! !

A silver sword light fell in an instant, in an instant, the originally densely packed, people who felt impeccable slaughter Divine Realm collapsed in an instant, under the shining of that silver brilliance, completely exposed all of its own, this There was no omission in a moment, and it just broke out.

The two collided in midair, and then in an instant, the Slaughter Divine Realm shrouded in Doron’s body collapsed directly. At this moment, even with the Strength support of God of Slaughter, there was no way to confront Adier in front of him.

“impossible !!”

In the middle of the air, he couldn’t believe it. His face was very brilliant at this moment. A giant claw stretched out in his hand, as if he wanted to block the silver sword light that was constantly falling in front of him.

But no matter how unwilling or unbelievable, it can’t change the facts in front of you.

The silver sword light slammed down in front of me, and in an instant it looked like a galaxy slanting down, shining a brilliant beam of light.

It was only for a moment that Doron’s entire body was directly submerged by the silver sword light. At this moment, every inch of flesh and blood, and every cell was impacted by countless silver sword light.

Every part of the whole body, every weakness, every fatal point is being washed away. In this brief moment, it was completely impacted by the silver word light, and it was damaged in an instant that was difficult to heal.

In an instant, this damage continued to accumulate and continue to superimpose, and by the end, it had surpassed the limit that Demi-God’s body could withstand and began a spontaneous collapse.

What is manifested is that Duolong ’s body began to disintegrate in this brief moment, and numerous densely packed cracks appeared all over his body. At this time, a slight bloody light appeared in the cracks, constantly overflowing from his body At a glance, it looks extremely bright and bloody.

At this time, Doron’s Divine Realm was shrouded in blood, and then at this time it was tightly suppressed, and it was about to begin to collapse on its own.

Duolong’s body receded, and finally the whole body slowly began to blur. At this moment, there was no flesh and blood from top to bottom, and the possibility of regeneration was basically eliminated.

However, to this point in front of him, he still exists, and at first glance it looks like ordinary people.

Until the moment when the mighty sword light washed his entire body and stood in the air, it seemed extremely calm from the body. At this moment, the breath belonging to God of Slaughter completely disappeared, leaving only A deep calm.

His appearance at the moment is also transformed into a common human form from the previous monster deformed form. At this moment, it looks like a normal aristocratic boy. There is no longer a child who was formerly a slaughter and a God The horror of Slaughter’s incarnation is no longer that suffocating oppression force.

He stood in the air, and at this moment he seemed to understand his own situation. All the uneasiness, tension, and disbelief in his mind were all removed by one after another, leaving only the final peace.

“Am I going to die …”

He lowered his head and looked up and down his body at the moment, and at this moment he was so calm that he muttered to himself.

At this moment, he still looks very normal, and he seems to have restored his previous appearance, which seems to be no different from a normal person.

But in fact, neither Adier nor he understands that Doron has reached the end of his life at this moment.

The flesh and blood that originally carried True Spirit has been destroyed under the blow of Adier.

What he left at the moment is not so much the original Doron, but rather an existence formed by his True Spirit.

Just like a powerful wizard will not disappear immediately after death, but will condense into a unique Spirit Physique.

Like their powerful existence, even if they die, as long as they are not specifically targeted by the enemy, their powerful True Spirit itself can exist for a long time, and it can still condense into Spirit Physique, which exists above this World.

At this moment, Doron’s body has been completely destroyed, and all that remains is pure Spirit Physique.

But because of this, he was able to briefly get rid of the influence of God of Slaughter’s Strength, and finally was able to return to this World in his own face.

“How does it feel to see the sun again?”

Adier’s voice came from the front.

In this brief moment, he stood in the air, put away the silver long sword in his hand, and just looked at the opposite Dulong, stood there, and looked at the other side and asked.

“Some unique and some clear …”

Doron was gently sighed, with a sigh on his face, and looked a little sad: “It looks like after being drunk and sober, it is like waking up from a deep sleep …”

“I feel so sober now, and my condition is better than ever …”

He sighed, saying so at this moment.

Then he looked up and looked at Adier in front. At this moment his eyes were fixed on Adier.

“Congratulations, the new God of Slaughter …”

His face was calm and his eyes were a little complicated, so he fixed his eyes on Adier and blessed there: “You have defeated me and also overcome the incarnation of God of Slaughter. From then on, you can become the new God of Slaughter … … “

“The authority of the slavet will be yours. If there is no accident, you are the next God of Slaughter, and you can take all the authority of God of Slaughter …”


Adier nodded, his face is still calm. He is neither happy nor excited about the fact that he has defeated God of Slaughter incarnation. Some are just deep calm.

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