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“In this lesson, we talk about the wizard’s meditation.”

In the abyss, inside a huge classroom.

Adier stood quietly above the lecture hall. At this time, he was wearing a black robe, holding a pointer in his hand, and so quietly looked at the little devil sitting under each and everyone, explaining where he was. Compiled content.

Yes, his identity at this moment is not other, but a teacher.

no way.

In the material world within the realm, ordinary talents are very easy to find, but talents like masters are very difficult to find.

Masters are rare talents. Not only are each and everyone valuable, but also powerful.

If you are a general mage, you can find some to destroy the church, but if you want to find a few that can be admired by Adier, I am afraid that it cannot be done by a single church.

Coupled with the backwardness of the Master of this World, Adier also somewhat disregarded those Masters in the material World, so he simply went to himself.

He personally compiled a basic Meditation Method, as well as various teaching materials for wizards, and then he himself became a teacher of the Academy and became a teacher of the wizard system.

Compared with the wizard teachers of Wizard World, Adier’s greatest happiness lies in the lack of students.

The demons in his territory were all debugged by Adier through his own Blood Imprint time and again, with Adier’s Bloodline in his body, to some extent, equivalent to his immediate descendants.

With Adier’s powerful essence at the moment, his immediate descendants are naturally impossible and lack the wizard’s aptitude, so each and everyone has the wizard’s aptitude, and even aptitude is excellent.

So at this moment in front of him, Adier acted as a wizard’s teacher, which can basically be said to be busy.

In this classroom alone, at least 100 demons are sitting.

Among them, most of them are young demons, and their appearance looks very young, and the children of each and everyone and ordinary person are not much different.

Roughly equivalent to ordinary person class 7-8 years old children.

The devil still needs the teacher to teach. If this thing is said to be heard by the people of the material world, it will be unimaginable, and I feel a lot of doubts about it.

But at this moment this matter is so real in Adier’s territory.

At this moment, it has been fifty-sixty years since Adier debugged the first batch of demons.

In the full fifty-sixty years, the first demons have now begun to multiply, and the second generation of small demons have begun to appear.

When Adier debugged the new group of demons, he added the ingredients that made them separate to the Blood Imprint, in order to allow them to reproduce independently and have the function of reproducing the next generation.

At this moment, this function began to show initial results.

Within Adier’s territory, basically every young demon is accompanied by a few young devil.

What Adier teaches today is mainly this group of newly born little demons.

Compared with the demons he first debugged, these little demons born later through breeding will undoubtedly have better potential and more plasticity.

When this group of little demons began to grow, the strength in Adier’s territory continued to expand, reaching a Peak moment.

In Adier’s view, this process will take at least several decades.

So during this several decades, Adier will still be quiet in his own territory and will not do anything.

But after the group of little demons in the abyss grew up after one after another, it was time for him to start the expedition.

In the classroom, Adier held a heavy textbook, where he continued to explain, so he supervised the learning of the little devil one by one, watching them meditating there, exercising their Spirit strength alone.

After doing all this, he opened the classroom, went directly out the door, looked towards the outside world.

Only a few years have passed, and now the abyss has changed a lot.

Around his castle, several new cities have been built at the moment.

Building cities one by one began to stand all around at this moment.

In the city, new roads were built, standing there at the moment, looking very straight and spacious, and very neat.

And on the road, a lot of buildings are standing there, with various shops in it.

these all are changes in recent years.

With the continuous emergence of new demons, there are gradually more talents attracted by the material world within the realm. In the territory of Adier, the business atmosphere has gradually emerged.

In addition to basic agriculture around, there are already basic urban prototypes. This moment seems to be enough to make anyone blind, and can hardly believe this is an abyss.

Although there is a bloody sun in the sky symbolizing the abyss World, but in addition to these, some of the surroundings are almost not in contact with the abyss, enough to surprise anyone.

By this time, I am afraid that even the Church of the Gods of the Material World came here. After seeing these situations in front of me, they would all be stunned, not knowing what to say.

However, Adier was not surprised.

This is how things are going, as long as there is a stable order and proper guidance, sooner or later, it will develop into what it looks like.

The reason why the abyssal world within the realm did not develop into the present look is only because the chaotic atmosphere affects everything, and because there is no agriculture, the demon can only fight and prey on each other. .

In Adier’s domain, these two biggest problems have been solved.

At this moment, the demons growing in Adier’s territory are basically the new demons that were prepared by him.

Under the influence of the abyss and the like, although these new generations of demon will still appear tyrannical, but they also possess the wisdom of intelligent creatures, so they seem to be much more stable and truly become a sustainable and intelligent life. .

The agriculture that is sufficient to provide stable growth for the demons and maintain orderliness has also been developed under the efforts of Adier.

After the development of agriculture, if the devil wants to grow, he no longer needs to prey on other devils and devour the blood of other demons.

So the overall atmosphere calmed down.

Of course, compared with the normal World, in this abyssal world within the realm, the influence of chaotic strength is still everywhere.

As long as the power of the abyss has not disappeared for a day, the demon grows in the abyssal world within the realm, it will be affected by the power of the abyss, and the character becomes tyrannical and violent, far more unstable than ordinary intelligent life.

However, with the efforts of Adier, this situation is gradually being stabilized, and the chaotic side is under control, which is still acceptable.

The development of this city in front of us has also verified this point.

Adier strolled on the street, looking at the surrounding demons to-and-fro, unconsciously came to a field.

In the field around all around, each and everyone demons are working hard in it.

Many demons also showed one after another spell during the reclamation process, blessing their cultivated fields.

The strength of spell is used to assist the reclamation, which will make the harvest more abundant.

This is also the impact of Adier.

At first, the new demons debugged by Adier had only Bloodline spells with only some offensive spells like Fireball Technique.

But then, in order to make the demons of their own debug have a more comprehensive Strength, Adier debugs other types of demons Bloodline on this basis.

In addition to some spells dedicated to combat, some spells dedicated to production were also debugged and placed on top of some demon Bloodline, becoming their inheritance spells.

In this way, the demon who awakened the spell can concentrate on fighting, while some demon who awakened other spells can go to other positions, concentrate on production, or engage in other industries.

At the same time, this will lead to a very interesting result.

If a awakened combat spell is combined with a demon awakened from other types of spells, the next generation they have spawned, the awakened spell will become unknown again.

Blood Imprint will have extremely rich results in the process of exchange, resulting in a variety of results.

The next generation they breed may awaken the parent’s spell, or the mother’s spell, that is, it may be a battle-type spell, or it may be another type of spell.

Of course, there may be two types of spells awakening, or there is a mutation between the two types of spells, and then a new type of spell appears.

All kinds of possibilities, even Adier can not be derived from one after another, is an extremely interesting phenomenon.

To some extent, this phenomenon is an excellent inspiration for Adier itself.

Whenever a brand-new spell appears through the combination of demons, Adier will study it immediately.

Through this kind of research, within these decades, Adier’s own Bloodline’s attainments have been further improved, and his understanding of Blood Imprint has become more profound.

these all are long-term gains.

Overall, in such a long period of time, the demonic family he built has already had a preliminary prototype, as long as this path goes firmly, sooner or later one day will bear fruit.

At this time, Adier is also quietly waiting for the gradual start of the plan.

Waiting for the moment when the war really comes in God World.

That was his real stage, and it was when he finally showed his skills.

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