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Time passed slowly, within the realm of the material world, with Adier no longer having other movements, the surrounding time passed quickly.

With Adier’s promotion to Demi-God Peak, reaching the limit of life, it is only one step away from the true God. Throughout the material world, within the realm, the movements of many churches of the gods began to speed up. At this moment in front of them, they began to work hard and began their own plans.

Under such circumstances, things began to evolve continuously, and in the end gradually intensified, causing disputes within the realm throughout the material world to rise one after another. At this time, one after another began to take place in this place in front of us.

In just 100 years, throughout the material world within the realm, a Legendary powerhouse has emerged continuously. During the entire material world within the realm, they compete with each other and begin to fight continuously.

In just a few hundred years, at least 100 Legendary powerhouses have emerged. Each of the strengths representing the church of the gods has begun to move towards the front desk, and in the current era it is possible to show your strength.

In the deeper regions, it seems that there is Legendary, which has reached the mythical field. The powerhouse begins to appear, and at this moment it also starts to act within the realm throughout the material world, acting in four directions, pushing the changing trend of the times. before.

Under such circumstances, the entire material world within the realm, bursts of change began to occur.

The most striking situation is, of course, the situation in the Adier Empire.

After defeating Slaughter Godson Doron in the World War I, in the Adier Empire, Adier has not shot for a long time, and has been quietly in the Adier Empire for a long time, not at all any action.

However, although Adier no longer has any movements of his own, other people dare not invade this place and ignore it. Instead, they pay attention to it all the time and pay attention to the movement of this empire.

In fact, in the past 100 years, although Adier did not take action, he no longer easily intervened in the material world with the realm, wholeheartedly settled down, sitting in the Adier Empire, but the influence of the Adier Empire was Still cannot be ignored.

I don’t know when it started. In the Adier Empire, powerhouses began to emerge continuously. During these 100 years, they continued to spread to the four sides and became a new generation of Holy Land.

In the Adier empire, Adier once went out personally, and with his Demi-God identity and status, he personally founded the first generation of the Master Academy, in which he personally taught the Master apprentice.

With his Demi-God status and status, although some people questioned his attainments in the field of mages, he still attracted a large number of nobles to send their children to the Master Academy founded by the Adier Empire. Learn.

In these 100 years, there are many mages out of the Adier empire. During this long period of time, they have continuously emerged throughout the material world within the realm, gradually replacing the original magi capital and becoming a new generation of mages. Holy Land.

Even, not only the Holy Land of the Master, but also the Holy Land of Knight.

In the legend, Adier felt that Knight’s system was too difficult, so at the moment of becoming Demi-God, about to be promoted to the gods, he personally organized the various systems of Knight, and finally compiled a Dier Breathing Technique to train Adier Knight in the empire.

Therefore, in the past 100 years, in addition to the each and everyone mage constantly out of the Adier empire, there are one after another strong Great Knight constantly out of the Adier empire, in the past 100 years Emerging, it can be called Knight Holy Land.

To this point, the many forces within the realm of the material world were not surprised, and even felt that it should be by rights.

After all, Adier was originally known within the realm within the realm as the genius Knight, and was known as Legendary Knight all the way. He was promoted to the field of mythology, and even Demi-God used Knight’s identity.

Judging from his talent and experience in the Knight field, it is not surprising to be able to do this in front of him, and even feel that it should be by rights.

In addition to these two points, in the Adier Empire, the most striking thing is that the dim Lord who was led by the dim church was reincarnated.

After a period of several hundred years, the dim lord who came to the material world was reincarnated successfully at this moment. At this moment, his strength has returned to the field of mythology, and it can be ignited only one step away Divine Fire, become a Demi-God.

For this result, many powerhouses in the material world felt a while while they felt as it should be by rights.

After all, this is a god Reincarnation Body, the original essence is the god level, far above the mortal.

Despite being reincarnated at this moment, the kind of transcendental nature that it once was will not change, and it is not surprising that it reached this point in front of it during this time.

What’s more, compared with Adier in the Adier Empire, the achievements of this reincarnated body of the Dim Lord, although brilliant, are actually not as good as they are.

In that year, Adier crossed a long distance in just 100 years, and directly reached the Demi-God Peak level from Legendary.

Compared with Adier at that time, Kate’s results at this moment can only be regarded as pediatrics, simply not much.

But what other people don’t know is that Kate’s speed is actually a screenshot after he was specifically suppressed.

As the reincarnated body of the Dim Lord, Adier taught that if Kate really wanted to, he could try to ignite Divine Fire and incarnation a Demi-God as early as the age of 100.

However, in order to better polish the foundation of the self, and for the Spiritual God field afterwards, he only suppressed his Strength and did not immediately ignite Divine Fire, incarnation Demi-God.

But even so, at this moment in front of him, he can ignite his Divine Fire at any time as long as he wants. It is really entering the field of Demi-God.

At the moment, it’s just a step back that’s all.

The time passed slowly, and the moment in front of me slowly disappeared.

Within the material world, the power of the Adier empire became more and more powerful. At this moment, its population continued to multiply and its body powerhouse continued to increase. It was no less than any force within the realm of the material world.

In the Adier Empire, Adier still had little movement, still sitting quietly in it, it seemed that there was no news at all.

But to a certain extent, the more he is, the more people are concerned.

After all, this was the first place Demi-God at the time, and it is currently the only hopeful existence of God.

This is not a deity returning from ancient times, but a being in the world.

It is not the ancient Spiritual God who has returned to the former divine throne, but the existence of a present, who ignited Divine Fire by his own efforts to climb to the realm of the gods.

No matter at any time, this kind of existence makes people extremely concerned, and pay attention to its next move.

In front of him, his calmness was also interpreted by the world as that he was fully digesting God of Slaughter’s Divine Spark, waiting for an opportunity to truly enter the realm of the gods.

Therefore, the calmer he is, the more concerned he is.

Everyone was waiting, waiting for the moment when he really stepped into the realm of gods.

In this wait, time passed slowly.

Soon it was another 500 years.

In 500 years, the entire material world within the realm the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, and now, those mortals have changed from generation to generation between the world.

What happened with the realm in the material world has now become a far-reaching legend, extolled by generations of people, now regarded as an epic by mortals, and sung in it.

Until now, those deeds of Adier were only remembered by the group of people in Peak.

In this period of time, the Adier empire has slowly developed into a huge monster, and at the moment it is so powerful that almost everyone is horrified.

During this time, Kate finally promoted to Demi-God, during which time he ignited his Divine Fire and re-entered the field of Demi-God.

For the reincarnation of this dim Lord, he will be able to enter the field of Demi-God, anyone will not be surprised.

In fact, in this day and age, within the realm, the whole material world is not just his Demi-God.

A full 1000 years have passed. In today ’s era, as compared to the era when Adier had just been promoted to Demi-God, in this era, the gods believed in the various gods ’churches have returned, and each has begun to come back. In this era.

And these resurrected gods have also pulled the strength of the entire material world to a Peak.

In this day and age, the entire material world within the realm, in addition to the existence of the Demi-God limit of Adier, also has the existence of Kate and several other suspected Demi-Gods.

As for the Legendary and mythological fields under it, it is still scarce until now, but it is more than the past and I don’t know how much.

The strength of the entire physical world is another level compared with 1000 years.

At this time, according to the prediction of the Church of the Gods, Adier should almost take that final step.

So in all these years, everyone ’s eyes have been focused on the Adier Empire, and they are watching Adier.

They are waiting. At this time, they already have some predictions in their hearts and can predict that scene.

But to their surprise, in the realm within the realm, in this era, it was not Adier who first reached the realm of the gods, but the existence of another great shore.

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