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A faint radiance enveloped the entire material world within the realm.

At this moment in front of us, when the people in the realm woke up, they were surprised to find that there was a faint golden radiance flashing in the whole realm, which was hanging above the material world.

At this moment in front of me, in the entire capital of the sun, there was a continuous burst of prayers, and this time it sounded within the realm, and it continued to sound in all directions.

In the Sun Capital, all the sacrifices of the King of the Sun were launched at this moment, and they stood in the Sun Capital at this moment, and there was a burst of prayers in them, their faces were sincere and sincere, and they prayed silently there. .

“Lord 10000, please show your divine force and start a real recovery.”

They prayed there continuously, and at this moment there were bursts of voices, which just kept ringing in place.

On top of everyone’s head, the strength of Faith of one after another golden slowly gathered in midair and poured out at the moment in front of him.

The strength of Faith is enormous. It is the accumulation of the Church of the King of the Sun for countless years. At this moment, all of them emerged and gathered in the air.

The countless years in the past, similar to the scene of this time, have been staged several times in the realm within the realm.

The churches of the gods have stood in the realm for countless years. During this time, they have accumulated an immeasurable strength of Faith. What they do is to achieve their ultimate purpose, in order to draw the gods of their beliefs back, so that They returned to the former Peak and regained the authority of the gods.

However, there is no doubt that compared with the movement of the sun king in this time, the few ceremonies that occurred within the realm in the past are simply not much.

The Sun King is one of the Supreme God of the Material World. Its own church occupies the top of the entire Material World, and it is one of the most powerful and powerful churches.

It can be said that just the strength of Faith accumulated over the countless years of the Church of the King of the Sun is enough to be comparable to the collection of many churches, simply not at a level.

And at this moment, the accumulation of countless years in the entire Sun King Church has exploded in an instant. At this moment in front of me, it emerged directly. The scene that burst out is absolutely amazing.

At this moment in front of me, with the movement of the Church of the King of the Sun, the entire material world within the realm, I do n’t know how many people will look at this place, with a pair of eyes with stunning and jealousy, looking at the pieces The golden strength of Faith’s golden ocean can’t help feeling sighs.

This kind of sigh is similar to the envy, jealousy and hatred sent by the poor light egg to the local tyrants, and it is also a series of despair and helplessness.

Compared with the magnanimity of the Church of the King of the Sun, the entire material world within the realm is probably not comparable to it.

At this moment, the strength accumulated by the Royal General of the Sun has exploded, and the strength that has erupted is enough to make anyone afraid. At this moment, he dare not look directly.

Once such a huge strength broke out, the gap between them was obviously very obvious.

With the sound of prayers beginning to ring throughout the air, a silhouette began to appear slowly.

It was a tall, handsome and extremely handsome man, wearing a golden robe. At this moment his face was calm, with a little indifference, so he appeared quietly in the air, standing in that piece of golden strength of Faith. Within the ocean.

Not far away, Golden’s Sun God device began to recover spontaneously. At this moment, it seemed to feel the breath of existence. The spirit of Divine Item in it began to recover spontaneously and emerged into the air.

In the end, a golden sun rose and a golden streamer was drawn, which appeared directly in the young man’s hand and was held by the young man on his palm.

Then with the golden Sun God device falling, the strength of the young man became even more terrifying, and he immediately continued to move up from the original level 6.

The breath in him kept becoming stronger. At this moment in front of him, it can be said that the bottom line could not be seen, so he continued to rise upwards and slowly reached Demi-God Peak level.

In just a moment, the original Demi-God level reached Demi-God Peak. This huge leap is absolutely difficult for the average person to adapt to, and it may not be able to control its own Strength at all.

But the person in front of him is different.

As his own strength began to improve continuously, in the youth in front of him, his strength began to transform. At this moment, simply without any instability, it seemed unusually stable.

It seemed that he was not promoted, but was merely restoring his Strength that’s all.

The whole process is extremely easy, just like eating and drinking, simply is not difficult.

Along with this process, the Golden Sun God began to flow around all around, following an inexplicable connection, and began to be introduced into many of the Sun King sacrifices below.

The faint golden radiance began to flash. At this moment, I felt the breath and strength on the silhouette of the great shore in front of me. Many priests of the sun began to send out the sound of prayer.

The surrounding prayers began to grow louder and louder. At this moment, they rang continuously in this place, spreading in front of them, and filled the whole city of the sun.

At the last moment, the faint golden Divine Realm began to rise in this place, and began to diffuse outwards directly around the entire city of the sun, and into the entire material world within the realm.

The huge Strength is coming, at this moment, the whole material world within the realm has undergone bursts of changes and began to occur.

The basic rules of World seem to have been changed. In the midair, at this moment on the otherwise calm sky, there was suddenly a golden sun, standing side by side with the sun that originally existed, and bloomed together. The glorious glory.

The faint light is blooming, and there is some violentness in the tranquility, which is more terrifying than the real sun.

In this brief moment, after observing the phenomenon in front of me, the whole material world within the realm did not know how many mortals knelt down directly, and the mood was surging, and there were bursts of prayer.

They felt that inexplicable throbbing, the return of the King of the Sun, and their pious face at this moment sent out a wave of pious and fanatical prayers to the King of the Sun.

In the sight of some special existence, this moment within the realm throughout the material world, bursts of strength of Faith emerged rapidly, rising from various regions, gradually condensing in the midair, condensing in midair Above that silhouette.

Then the breath on that silhouette became stronger. At this moment, the limit of order 6 has been crossed, and it is infinitely close to that critical point.

By this time, the accumulation of the Sun King Church for countless years has come in handy.

I saw that in the midair, the young man’s face was pale, and he waved his hand casually, like a king of aloof and remote sent summon.

Suddenly in the golden city of the sun, with the summon of the youth, the immensely huge strength of Faith began to flow towards the youth, melting directly under the calcination of the Divine Fire, turning into a pure divine force, directly Gushing into the youth’s body, let him leap that final step between the bright.

A burst of natural phenomena began to emerge. At this moment, the entire material world was affected. Appearing out of thin air in the mid-air, there were bursts of abnormal noise. Among them, a sun rose slowly, and the scene shining on the sky of the world began to emerge.

The vast divine aura began to emerge, no longer the Demi-God of the past, but a majestic breath unique to the true deity. This moment slowly emerged within the realm throughout the material world.

The will of the material world began to fluctuate, and at this moment, it spontaneously began to be affected, so that the entire material world within the realm appeared out of thin air. A burst of light was removed, and the darkness of the entire material world within the realm was completely removed. The slightest shadow.

Among them, the will of the material World has also begun to boil. At this moment, the World Strength within it does not fall, and it directly falls on the body of the young man, covering him. This moment looks like the only thing in the World. .

Under the care of this World Strength, the breath of that young man transformed directly, took a long distance directly, and truly returned to the 7th grade level.

“This aura … the king of the sun is back …”

“Didn’t expect, in this era, the king of the sun turned out to be the first to return …”

In the whole material world within the realm, at this moment I do n’t know how many people are complexion ashen, looking at the silhouette of the sacred great shore in the air, sometimes I do n’t know what to say.

Their mood is extremely complicated. At this moment, looking at the silhouette in the air, there are some surprises in their hearts.

For nearly a thousand years, the movement of the Sun King Church has been very slow. In such a long period of time, there has not been much movement, and it looks like an indisputable appearance.

But what everyone did not think is that in this era, the King of the Sun turned out to be the first place to return first, just as other churches are still preparing, they have already returned to the real gods. level.

This undoubtedly exceeded all people’s expectations and interrupted everyone’s plans.

In some people’s plans and plans, this Sun King is far from recovering so quickly.

However, no matter what kind of mood these people have in mind, in this brief moment, the fact has happened.

The King of the Sun stood in mid-air, and at this moment it stood in that place, the whole body of light spread slowly, covering the entire material world in an instant.

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