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The Sun King has officially returned.

At this moment in front of me, the king of the sun stood in midair. At this time, the breath of the whole body was extremely powerful and magnificent. Under the supply of the endless strength of Faith, this moment quickly reached Peak. Really returned to the god level.

There is no doubt that this is beyond everyone’s expectations, but it really happened.

For the thoughts of others around, in the midair, the sun king not at all cared, at this moment in front of him just just turned around calmly, looking towards a certain direction in the north.

Under his gaze, at this moment in an area in the north, an extremely powerful empire was standing there, and the strength of Faith emerging therein was also extremely powerful, reaching a point that he could not ignore.

That place is nothing else, it is the territory of the Adier Empire.

In the past 1000 years, because of the existence of Adier this one Demi-God, no one can stop the development of the Adier empire. In the past 1000 years, it has developed into a huge monster, so that no one can ignore it.

In this process, the church of the gods could have prevented this from happening, but they were afraid of Adier standing behind the Adier empire, so they did not dare to shoot, even if the church of the king of the sun could only watch with cold eyes, until this Only one moment dare to really watch.

But there is no doubt that at this moment in front of us, because of the development of nearly 1000 years, the Adier Empire has already become a huge monster, even in the eyes of the King of the Sun at this moment, it is so conspicuous.

“So vast, such a powerful empire …”

In the midair, the sun king was gently sighed, and at this moment a scene emerged from the eyes of a pair of golden eyes.

Those are the possibilities of the future. At this moment, they flowed in the eyes of the Sun King before him. They were slowly deduced and began to surface.

After the strength reaches the level of the gods, even if he has too much understanding and mastery in the field of destiny, by virtue of his own ability, he also has enough ability to infer the following various situations.

At this moment in front of him, the Sun King is using his own abilities to start deducing the next situation of the Adi Empire.

In his calculations, the future ahead of the Emperor Empire began to emerge.

Among them, more than 9% of the possibilities are that the Adier Empire was directly destroyed by him, directly destroyed under his palm, simply without any accident.

The only possible variable is the Adier standing behind the Adier Empire.

Of course, the only variable is not that Adier can block the Sun King, but whether he can escape from the Sun King.

In the calculation of the Sun King, this may be the only variable in the whole situation.

Apart from this, everything else is under his control, and simply impossible appears the slightest variable.


In situ, next moment, standing in mid-air, the king of the sun was stunned for a moment, and this moment was stunned directly there.

I don’t know when, in his mind, the scenes that had been pushed out in advance began to disappear, and one of the scenes at this moment collapsed directly, gradually disappearing into nothingness.

The situation of the original ten-nine 9 stability started to have some variables. At this moment in front, a new breath began to emerge.

Then the next moment, in the sense of the king of the sun, in front, a new breath began to emerge.

The sounds of pious prayers began to emerge constantly, and this moment was in a region in the north, each and everyone mortal sent out pious prayers on the earth.

Their faces were fanatical, and at this moment there was a wave of prayers in that place, which looked exactly like the sacrificial offerings of the Sun Kings in the previous Sun City.

Along with their prayers, the golden strength of Faith also began to emerge in the area ahead, and this moment also gathered in mid-air.

Compared with the horrible strength of Faith condensed in the church of the Sun King before, the strength of Faith not at all condensed in the Adier Empire is so large, compared with the faith of the Sun King only Can be regarded as one hair from nine oxen.

After all, despite nearly 1000 years of development, it has now become a huge monster, but in the field of faith alone, Adier ’s accumulation is still very short, simply cannot be compared with the Supreme God of the Sun King.

As a result, the strength of Faith that he has accumulated is much weaker than the faith accumulated by the Sun King.

But in spite of this, on top of the piety of faith, these believers are not inferior to the believers of the Sun King. At this moment, they are also extremely pious and fanatical, so they prayed religiously in that place.

“this is……”

At this moment in front of me, I felt the natural phenomenon happening above the Adier empire. I don’t know how many people were stunned. At this moment, I seem to understand something.

In their reaction, at this moment in the Adier Empire, a burst of bloody fields began to spread outwards. At this moment, it was so outwardly covered, gradually covering the entire Adier Empire, covering everything Inside, there is no slight omission.

Subsequently, in the central area of ​​the Adier Empire, a silhouette of a great shore emerged, and at this moment it slowly emerged from it.

It was a young boy who looked young, with a handsome and elegant face on his extreme face and a calm face. At this moment, he stepped out from the central area of ​​the Adier Empire and walked directly to the center of the entire Adier Empire, standing there.

The young man was wearing a silver armor and still holding the silver long sword from his past. At this moment his face was calm and he stood still in that place.

With the appearance of the teenager, the strength of Faith of one after another golden began to emerge throughout the entire empire, and at this moment moved towards his direction began to gather constantly.

A bit of Golden’s Divine Fire enveloped everything. At this moment, with the appearance of the teenager, he began to appear in his all around, and directly ignited the strength of Faith in which all directions continued to flow.

The World in front of me suddenly began to change, and the surrounding golden sea of ​​fire began to burn, looking very bright.

The majestic strength of Faith began to be ignited directly. Under the calcination of Divine Fire, it turned into a little pure divine force and poured into Adier’s body.

Later in the realm, within the realm, with the previous King-like of the sun, one after another natural phenomenon began to emerge spontaneously, and at this moment it appeared in the all around of the entire material world, and it constantly sounded in that place.

There are countless warriors fighting on the battlefield and fighting against each other; there are countless ominous beasts gathering and arguing with each other on a piece of earth; there are also each and everyone mortals from birth to death, the scene of each and everyone’s life is dying.

The scene of the withering of countless lives emerged at this moment in front of our eyes, and let countless people throughout the material world within the realm see both the waves of fear and the waves of throbbing.

The will of the material World began to boil again. At this moment, it seemed to feel Adier’s movements, and he began to hang down the World Strength spontaneously, rushing towards his body.

Subsequently, the place in front of me was completely enveloped by the strength of World will, so that no one could see it.

Even the vision of the deity, the king of the sun, was also completely isolated at this moment in front of him, and was directly isolated by the majestic World Strength.

This is the refuge of World’s will, and it began to show at this moment in front of us.

Every god is a rare treasure for the material world and the most precious resource.

Therefore, at the moment every Demi-God tries to impact the gods, the will of the material World will give shelter, covering it under its own Strength.

Anyone who shoots at this moment in front of him will directly face the strength of the material world and directly collide with the strength of the material world.

This is equivalent to facing the entire material world with its own strength, which is an absolute problem for anyone.

If the Sun King is at the peak period, he may still be able to try to interrupt, but at this moment in front of him, he has just recovered, and the strength of the god has not recovered Peak.

At this moment in front of him, facing the strength of the entire physical world directly, he was also somewhat helpless, even if he shot, he could not change the ending.

So at this moment in front of him, he could only stand in the air, looking quietly at the distance, looking at the silhouette enveloped by World Strength. At this moment, the emotion in his heart was a little complicated.

Following the successful promotion of the Sun King into the realm of the gods, in the realm within the realm, another candidate suddenly started to try to attack the realm of the gods.

This situation could not help everyone stunned, at this moment could not help but constantly looked into it.

I have to say that Adier’s timing is very good.

In this era, the people who are the first to advance into the Divine Realm field will receive more attention from the will of the material world, so the test will be more difficult.

After the god of the sun, the god, was promoted successfully, and then followed by the promotion of the king of the sun, the subsequent difficulty would be less.

Whatever it is, the first person to do it is always the most difficult. Although the benefits may be greater, there is no doubt that the risks will be greater.

Therefore, in the past, Adier did not try to promote the Divine Realm field for the first time, in order to let others face the possible risks of this, so that he can be promoted calmly.

As for the benefits of the first promotion, although it is good, it is not important for Adier at the moment.

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