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The will of the material World began to boil, and this moment it was so condensed in the Adier empire that enveloped the majestic Strength in it.

Enveloped by the majestic World Strength, Adier’s body began to slowly transform.

Promoting from 6th grade to 7th grade is an essential transformation. What is needed is to transform the whole body and mind, transform the original body of flesh and blood into the body of law, and completely change its basic existence.

Undoubtedly, to this point in front of me, the existence of only the 7th grade itself is equivalent to a World, which truly grasps the basic laws of World operation and the essence of Strength.

It is the strength of these laws that forms the basis for the existence of 7th grade.

Put into this God World in front of us, it formed the authority in the hands of the gods.

In God World, the power controlled by the gods is the combination of the God’s Comprehend Laws Strength and God World’s breath, and the final thing is formed.

Therefore, in this God World, every god who is really promoted will inevitably have one or more powers.

Just like the sun king who was promoted before, the power he holds is the sun and the light, which represents a basic part of the world within the realm operation and is an indispensable part.

Because of the indispensability, the power of the sun and light in the realm is very large, and the strength of the sun king is so strong, even in all the gods, it is enough to rank in the top 3, It is one of the undoubted Supreme God.

And the authority chosen by Adier at this moment is naturally a slaughter.

Slaughter’s authority, which is part of the authority he inherited from God of Slaughter.

At that moment, he was hit by the sacrifice of God of Slaughter into the drop of blood of the slaveter, so that the Initial Mastery strengthened the strength of Slaughter.

Later, he defeated the child of Slaughter, Doron, and seized the rest of God of Slaughter into his body within the body, and ruled out the remaining hands of God of Slaughter to take up the legacy of God of Slaughter.

The legacy of God of Slaughter contains the authority of the slaveter.

In the long time that followed, Adier through his own abilities, traveled and wandered within the realm in countless worlds. After countless hours, he had already brought his slaver authority to the point of perfection. To the point of a can’t advance.

Undoubtedly, if he wanted to, in the past countless years in the past, he could already climb the Divine throne of God of Slaughter through the slaver authority he had mastered.

The reason why he didn’t do this is that besides trying to avoid possible risks and not wanting to attack the realm of the gods for the first time, he also has to try to grasp other authorities.

Slaughter’s authority is very strong, and like the light and the sun, it also represents the foundation of the operation of the World, but it is an indispensable existence.

Therefore, the strength of the Slaughter is also very strong. In the countless years in the past, even in a time of peace, God of Slaughter represents absolute strength, but it is only the Supreme of the Second God. One of the gods.

But relying solely on the Slaughter authority itself is not enough for Adier to have the Strength enough to fight Supreme God.

Slaughter’s authority, in Adier’s opinion, represents the end of life, and is the foundation of World’s operation. It is also an indispensable part.

But although it is indispensable, this authority will be affected by the environment, and it will fluctuate greatly.

In the wake of the wars and the endless battle in the entire world, the Slaughter authority strength will be played very thoroughly. This Supreme God is also in no way inferior.

But once the entire world is in peace, and there are not many slaughters in the entire world, then the strength of God of Slaughter will fall into the bottom. By that time, even some ordinary gods may be enough to compete with God of Slaughter. .

This floating up and down is obviously not what Adier wanted.

As a result, in addition to the slaughter’s authority, he further expanded outwards, and thus mastered other fields.


At this moment in front of me, under the eyes of countless people, on the body of Adier, a divine realm similar to the Slaughter Divine Realm, but very different, began to show up. This moment accompanied Adier ’s Will will gradually emerge outward, slowly covering the original Slaughter Domain.

In this brand-new field, an aura similar to the Slaughter but completely different emerges, so that everyone who can feel it cannot be greatly changed by the complexion.


In the distance, over the city of the sun, the sun king stood there quietly. At this moment, I felt the breath emerging from Adier’s body, and it was greatly changed by the complexion: “He can actually control the power of death !!”

Undoubtedly, the authority of death is an extremely powerful authority, and when it comes to potential and personality, it is one of the supreme powers that stand at Peak even if it is no less than the bright power of the Sun King .

But there is no doubt that such authority is extremely difficult to master.

First of all, if you want to master the authority of death, it is not enough to just observe death, but you also need to experience it yourself.

In other words, if you do n’t die a few times, how can you master the power of death?

Not knowing the meaning of death, not understanding the feelings of death, how can you really grasp the death itself.

But to put it another way, if you really died and really fell into absolute death, do you still have life?

By the time you actually die, what can you do even if you really have the authority to die?

Of course, above this World, some people can live and die, live and die.

Isn’t this the gods in front of me? Each and everyone’s has fallen before countless years in the past, but at this time, but each and everyone jumped out of the coffin board.

But the reason is different.

It is a completely different concept to die once in a while, and die frequently.

If there are more waves, there will definitely be a day when the waves turn over.

For countless years in the past, the material world within the realm was not a deity without the authority to die.

But there is no doubt that in the past countless years, the existence of these powers of death, without exception, finally sent themselves into the abyss called death.

Having mastered the authority of death means that day and night are accompanied by death, and it is not surprising that in the end it will send itself into the abyss of death.

After all, even if it is a god, once caught in deep death, it is not a simple matter to want to come back.

Occasionally one or two times is okay, but once the number of deaths is greater, sooner or later there will be a day when the waves will overturn.

So until now, within the realm of the material world, there has not been a vocational god who truly holds the authority of death.

But now, in this era before them, they can still see the existence of a person who holds the power of death, and even use the power of death as the basis to attack the realm of the gods.

This made them stunned. At this moment, there was a certain amount of stun in their hearts, and some admiration.

However, no matter what emotion they hold in their hearts, at this moment in front of them, they can only observe quietly, watching Adier in the front try to promote, and start to attack the realm of the gods.

Above the Adier Empire, accompanied by the diffusion of Divine Realm, the breath of Adier’s whole body began to become deep.

A breath of cold death appeared on his body. At this moment, the lives of countless creatures were terminated. At the moment of death, the scene continued to emerge, and emerged above Adier’s body.

Feeling this cold and suffocating breath emerged, Adier’s face was calm, watching this moment at this moment, and then slowly closed his eyes.

For other beings, it is obviously very difficult to grasp the true essence of death.

But for Adier with abilities, it is relatively simple.

With the ability to pass through, Adier can separate each and everyone avatars within the realm of each and everyone, allowing those avatars to grow in the other world on their own.

Because of the uniqueness of abilities, each of these avatars is equivalent to an independent individual, and each is equivalent to a brand new Adier himself.

Each avatar is equivalent to a brand new life and a new journey begins.

This is equivalent to Adier has countless lives, no matter how death will not let him die.

In the past 1000 years, Adier has no idea how many avatars he has thrown out.

These avatars took their own journey in the the realm of each and everyone, while accumulating strength for Adier, they were constantly dying, allowing Adier to accumulate a lot of insights about death.

It can be said that Adier looks like a teenager at the moment, but in fact, he has died from 100 to 1000 times, and the number of deaths cannot be calculated even by himself.

After all, although only within 1000 years of the realm, the velocity of other worlds is not.

In some terrifying Worlds, it may be that God World has only passed a year, and that World has passed a few million years.

And in such a long time, Adier died time and time again, even if the accumulated insight is so weak, it is an extremely terrifying amount.

This accumulation at this moment became Adier’s upward resource and became his further motivation.

A little bit of golden flame started to burn continuously. At this moment in front of me, Adier’s body began to slowly change, and the strength of the whole body began to change. The original pure Slaughter Divine Realm gradually became more and more called death. Characteristics.

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