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“He actually … really succeeded …”

On the vast earth, at this moment throughout the material world within the realm, I don’t know how many double eyes are looking at the Adier empire and the silhouette above the Adier empire.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, a silhouette of golden radiance bloomed all over the body. At this moment, the Divine Realm, which was originally full of slaughter strength, gradually brought a little bit of death.

Death’s Strength is condensing in it. At this moment in that Divine Realm, which originally belonged to the field of God of Slaughter, a faint Death Power slowly emerged and emerged above Adier’s body.

With the continuous emergence of these breaths, above Adier’s body, his appearance slowly began to change.

An ice cold aura gradually emerged from his body, pervaded on him, and perfectly combined with the breath of silence that originally existed. This moment was integrated into his within the body, making him look Extremely cold.

Then on his body, a little divine breath continued to be reflected outwards, and this moment appeared.


Feeling the changes in his body, above the Adier empire, Adier slowly opened his eyes, this one lifts the head, looking towards the sky.

His eyes instantly penetrated countless distances, staring at the young man in the distance in an instant.

2 lines of sight are staggered in mid-air, and in an instant, there seem to be 2 completely different strengths colliding with each other, sparkling out a little sparkle.

The King of the Sun collided with Adier’s Strength in an instant. At this moment, there was an overlap between the two’s Divine Realm, and then disappeared quickly after a short contact.

Feeling the strength in Adier’s body, the eyes of the Sun King were deep, and at this moment despite his calm face, he still couldn’t help being frowned.

Although it was only a brief contact, after that moment, Fang Cai could already feel the essence of Adier.

At this moment in front of me, from the perspective of the Sun King’s own feelings, Adier’s promotion is almost where water flows, a canal is formed, and there are no surprises.

And what kind of influence a god who holds the authority of death and slaughter will have on this era is destined to be unknown.

Thinking of this, the king of the sun couldn’t help being frowned, and this moment felt bad.

In his original plan, there was no such scene in front of him.

In the original plan of the King of the Sun, there was no powerful existence of Adier who had mastered the slaughter and death authority.

As part of the World cycle, death is extremely powerful in nature, and in terms of its potential, it is no less than the bright authority held by the king of the sun.

In addition, Adier inherits Slaughter Domain from God of Slaughter, the strength that can be produced by the combination of the two, even looming over the Light Domain controlled by the King of the Sun.

Its potential is self-evident.

It can be said that as long as it can grow smoothly and reach the end all the way, it can almost be said that it is also a Supreme God.

Of course, the premise is that he can really go to the end and get the road through.

But there is no doubt that at this moment, Adier’s own potential has undoubtedly progressed. At this moment, no one can deny it.

Even the Sun King, who is one of the Supreme God.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help being deeply sighed, and finally stood quietly in the air. A pair of golden eyes looked to the silhouette of the distant world surrounded by World Strength. Without a word, he returned to the golden city of the sun.

In the Adier Empire to the north, Adier’s promotion continues.

From 6th grade to 7th grade, this process is not the first time for Adier, it is already the second time.

His own savings are enough. In essence, it is a avatar differentiated from a 7th grade wizard. Its essence is super yet powerful, not inferior to the gods of this World.

In addition to the countless years in the past, he has already accumulated enough strength through his own abilities, and promotion at this moment is just a matter of where water flows, a canal is formed.

So at this moment, under the majesty of World Strength, Adier’s breath began to rise slowly.

A bit of Golden’s Divine Fire is burning, flashing in this place in front of my eyes, igniting that piece of golden strength of Faith, turning this place in front of me into a golden ocean.

In this golden sea, Adier bathed in the majestic strength of Faith, while the body was filled with a huge divine force. At this moment, he stood on the sky so that he could enjoy his own breath.

The earth began to turbulence, the sky began to vibrate continuously, and within the realm there were natural phenomena emerging continuously within the realm.

Then, accompanied by an ice cold aura slowly spreading out, within this entire world, a brand-new breath of gods began to erupt, and so appeared in the realm.

Through this new breath of gods, there is also a clear comprehension in the minds of the beings within the realm of the physical world, who understand the source of this breath.

A new deity was born in the realm.

After the promotion process was completely over, after the original flesh and blood body turned into the body of the law, Adier’s face was calm, and he turned around silently, looking into the Adier Empire.

In the Adier empire, there are also bursts of sounds constantly ringing in it, countless people feel Adier’s own breath, and his face is fanatical, just watching Adier’s silhouette.

Their faces were extremely fanatical. At this moment, they watched Adier silently, and prayed continuously with Adier’s idols in various places.

And on them, a golden strength of Faith is constantly pouring out, directly into Adier’s body at this moment through an inexplicable medium.

“This is the thread of faith …”

Feeling that golden strength of Faith, Adier has a clear comprehension in his heart.

After being promoted to a real deity, his feelings have changed a lot from before.

In the past, before being promoted to the gods, as Demi-God, he could feel the strength of Faith, but there was no way to directly absorb it.

Although the believers prayed to him, the strength of Faith they produced was not directly poured onto Adier ’s body, but into the god of each and everyone, with each and everyone The idol is stored as a medium.

Only when Adier needs it, can he deliberately go to it and call the strength of Faith in the idol.

By this time, the situation was different again.

After the true promotion of the gods, the channel of faith has been established. At this moment, no matter where Adier is, the strength of Faith that the believer has for him can directly flow into his body.

Those strength of Faith poured into Adier’s body, will be calcined by Divine Fire where he exists within the body, and finally transformed into a little pure divine force, providing Adier’s body, making him more powerful .

At this moment in front of him, Adier could feel the power of this channel of faith.

The distance of the soul is the most distant.

After being promoted to the gods and establishing a faith channel with the believers, Adier can feel that no matter where he is at the moment, he can accurately receive the strength of Faith of the confident believers without having to be as troublesome as in the past.

“Just don’t know how far the faith channel can be connected …”

Feeling the continuously flowing strength of Faith, a single thought flashed through Adier’s heart.

At this moment, he has decided in his mind that after a while, he will find an opportunity to try it out, go to other world, and see if the strength of Faith can cross the distance of the world and flood into him.

If possible, this is undoubtedly a huge discovery.

But in front of us, the most important thing is not this matter.

After the promotion was successful, Adier’s attention began to shift, and at this moment he looked up at a certain direction in the distance.

It was only a moment that his eyes penetrated through layers of isolation, and he instantly saw a huge and brilliant world within the realm.

It was a terrifying world of immense power and chaos, which was filled with the power of the abyss.

At this moment, with Adier’s gaze, in that abyssal world within the realm, a change is also taking place.

Abyss, where Adier is another incarnation.

When the promotion of the incarnation in the material world was successful, in the abyssal world within the realm, another incarnation of Adier also felt the situation, and at this moment he raised his head if he felt it.

He stood in a laboratory, and at this moment he looked up into the distance. In an instant, his eyes seemed to penetrate the isolation of World as well, and saw another avatar standing above the Adier Empire.

2 The eyes of the two intertwine in an instant, and then feel the strength caused by the inside, cannot help but shake his head laughed, and then put down the things in his hand.

“what happened?”

Aside, Chardo’s voice rang in Adier’s ear.

“It’s nothing.”

Looking at the side of Chardonnay, Adier put down his hand, a smile appeared on his face at the moment, and asked: “It’s just something that has been delayed for a long time, and it’s time to do it.”


Listening to Adier’s words, Cardo couldn’t help but wonder what Adier really meant.

But then, he saw Adier shook the head in front of him, got up from the spot, and slowly walked towards the outside world.

He walked towards the outside world with a smile on his face and said, “How have we been preparing for these years?”

“Almost ready …”

Looking at Adier’s back in front of him, Cardo’s face suddenly changed slightly. At this moment, he seemed to think of something: “You want to …”

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