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“I didn’t think about anything …”

Standing under this laboratory, Adier’s face was calm, with a faint smile on his face at this moment, and he said without looking back.

“It’s just that at this time, some things that have already been prepared should also be done.”

He said so, a faint voice sounded in place, although it was not big, but it was accurate so that everyone present could hear it.

Listening to Adier’s voice, Chaldor looked respectfully. At this moment, he bowed his head respectfully and understood what Adier meant in a flash.

Looking at Adier’s silhouette, he walked forward slowly, followed Adier’s silhouette, and walked towards the outside world.

Walking out of the spacious laboratory, in the outside world, one city after another stands.

A full 1000 years passed, while the material world within the realm continued to develop, within the Abyss World, Adier was not at all idle, and was also continuously constructed during this time.

If at this moment someone in the realm came to the Abyss World, it would be very surprising to find that in the a realm, such a huge and magnificent city was established.

The cities are connected into one piece, intertwined in front of them, and each and everyone silhouette is constantly shuttled in it, and they all look like humans.

The silhouette each and everyone looks like human beings, although each and everyone is much taller than ordinary person, and their appearance is also more beautiful, each and everyone has a light abyss breath, but from the appearance, What is the difference with human not at all.

The new demons bred by these all are Adier, which have gradually multiplied in the past 1000 years, and now they are densely spread in the territory of Adier, proliferating within the territory of Adier.

For nearly 1000 years, the change in a place is huge, although for those powerhouses standing on top, it seems not at all.

But for those underlying lives, the time of nearly 1000 years can change a lot.

For at least nearly 1000 years, those new demons have been multiplying, and at this moment in front of them, a large clansman has multiplied.

At this moment, the number of new demons is already very large. Even in Adier’s view, the number is extremely impressive.

The basic conditions for meeting his plan have been met.

Of course, the reason for this effect is also the result of Adier’s design.

When Adier designed the new demon race, he had taken into account the reproduction ability of the new demon.

Therefore, he could have designed the new type of demon into an extremely powerful race, and can have a strength comparable to that of a formal wizard at birth.

But in the end, he didn’t do it, but chose to keep his Blood Imprint constantly sealed, so that the strength of the new demon when he was born was extremely weak, even compared with the ordinary person kind of toddlers.

The reason for this is to improve the reproduction ability of the new demons as much as possible.

As a great wizard who has a profound knowledge of Bloodline, Adier knows that to some extent, the reproduction ability of a race is inversely proportional to the strength of Strength.

To a certain extent, the stronger the natural strength of a race, the higher the upper limit of Bloodline Strength, the worse the reproduction ability of this race.

Therefore, if Adier designs the new demons as a race that has a strong strength at birth, and its upper limit is also very powerful, then it is good for these new demons, but it will inevitably cause the new demons to proliferate. Trough.

If this is really the case, then for almost 1000 years, I am afraid that the number of new demons has increased simply impossible.

Because of this, Adier had to take action to seal most of the new type of Blood Imprint, except for the original strength.

After doing so, the strength of the new type of demon will fall to the bottom. Under normal circumstances, even after becoming an adult, Strength can only be compared with a wizard apprentice.

Of course, in this way, the reproduction ability of the new type of demon is guaranteed, so that it can retain its own strong reproduction strength while retaining a certain strength.

After being specially improved by Adier, the new type of demon retains a certain strength, and its reproduction ability is even more powerful than humans.

Therefore, in the short period of nearly 1000 years, the new type of demon was able to multiply to the point in front of it.

Of course, although Adier had to weaken most of the strength of the new demons in order to retain its ability to reproduce, this does not mean that the potential of the new demons is weak.

Anyway, this is also a new race that Adier recreated with its own Blood Imprint as a sample.

Although Adier had to seal most of the Bloodline Strength in order to retain its strong ability to reproduce, that part of the Bloodline Strength did not disappear, it was just sealed within the body of these new demons.

With the growth of these new demons, the sealed parts will gradually be unlocked. As long as these new demons work hard enough, they can finally unlock all the seals, inspiring most of the Bloodline Strength contained within the body. .

Judging from the Blood Imprint designed by Adier, once all the Blood Imprint contained in these new demons within the body are unraveled, then it is at least a 4th order.

Of course, it is not a simple matter to undo the Blood Imprint seal contained within the body with the efforts of the day after tomorrow.

But compared to relying on hard work and cultivation, and becoming a powerhouse on your own, this approach is much simpler.

According to Adier’s observations for nearly 1000 years, this is also the case.

Under normal circumstances, the new type of demon can unlock the seal at least once in its life, and its strength can reach the point of being a formal wizard at least under the strength of Bloodline.

If it is good enough by itself, it is not a problem to become the second order or even the third order.

That is the last 4 levels, which is the great devil level of Abyss World.

Of course, this so-called difficulty is also far easier than these new demons’ promotion through their own hard work.

Therefore, in the territory of Adier, for nearly 1000 years, a big devil of Tier 4 was born continuously. At this moment in front of him, although no more powerful demon was born, the number of demon of Tier 4 But there are really a few.

These strengths are usually hidden in Adier’s territory and are not revealed, but once they erupt, they may make the whole abyss world feel a tremor.

During the time in the past, in order to achieve his plan, Adier has never shot, staying quietly in his territory from beginning to end, not at all out.

At this moment, the situation is obviously different.

At this moment, Adier walked out of his castle and slowly walked into a wilderness.

The wilderness in front of me was full of farmland, and the surrounding abyssal earth was already used by each and everyone’s new demons, where they worked hard and looked busy.

The earth gradually became full of vitality. The original abyss of the abyss of the earth, the kind of deadness that had existed in it had already been disappeared, leaving only a new piece of vitality.

In the past 1000 years, with the continuous efforts of Adier, many new species have been researched by him. At this moment, there are not only plants but also some captive animals on this abyssal ground, serving as food and being captive.

It is these things that have supported the continuous proliferation and expansion of new demons in the past 1000 years.

If there is no support for these things, I am afraid that Adier can design a unique race of new demons, and finally it will inevitably fall into the abyss of the abyss World.

At this moment, Adier walked silently on this land, silently feeling the breath of the world around him.

The immediate changes affected the entire world.

In the past, the abyssal world within the realm is full of the power of that chaotic abyss, the strength of which is extremely chaotic and tyrannical, so that the demons living in it are inevitably affected by it, so they become unconscious Confusion.

But at this moment, after a change in time in recent years, the situation is different again.

At least in the territory of Adier in front of him, Adier can feel that the original chaotic will of the abyss has gradually calmed down.

Peace, the atmosphere that represents order gradually emerged. At the moment in the Adier domain, that abyssal will has become completely different. Compared with the past abyss will, it can almost be said to have changed.

This is what Adier changed.

World will is the unification of all living beings in the world.

In the past, the abyssal world within the realm is full of a variety of chaotic atmosphere. The chaotic and tyrannical demons continue to dance in the abyssal world within the realm, causing slaughter and destruction.

The will assembled by these chaotic and tyrannical demons naturally tends to be chaotic.

The chaotic abyss will eventually affect the demons of the entire world in the end, making them more chaotic and tyrannical.

This is an endless loop, a constant cycle, and it keeps both sides from breaking free.

But now, the situation is different again?

Under Adier’s efforts for nearly 1000 years, the strength of order gradually appeared on the ground before him.

In the domain of Adier, under the convergence of these order lives, a kind of calm, the abyss will representing the order side also began to appear, completely different from the past abyss will.

Feeling this, Adier smiled on his face, and then slowly raised his hand.

Silent changes began to take place.

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