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The faint light sound came from all around, very crisp and moving, like the sound of waves hitting the earth, and it sounded here and now.

In the distance, the faint field Strength is opening.

The sky in the distance looks like a huge ocean is slanting down. It is terrifying and spectacular to drown this land.

Among them, countless huge sea clan is hiding in it, showing their body shape at the moment.

The strength of these sea tribes is strong, and the breath of each sea tribe is extremely strong. It is not inferior to the 4th-level wizard and has a terrifying strength.

In this, the silhouette of Gafina emerged, wearing a blue long dress, like an ocean Goddess, the shore is sacred, and has a suffocating charm.

“In the name of the master of the ocean, descendants of the sea join the war.”

Faint words fell.

Looking at Adier in the distance, as well as the many elf around Adier, Garfina smiled on her face, and a soft voice rang around.


The earth began to shake.

Boundlessness of Earth began to crack, and the world around all seemed to have changed.

In all around, a majestic Power of Earth began to flash, and within the realm a silent change began to take place.

The endless ethnic groups of the earth began to emerge from below the ground, appeared with a large number of underground life, and came to Adier at this moment.

Among them, a huge one-eyed splendid, with a light flash of golden texture on it, looks extremely bright and sacred.

After Gafina, the Mother Earth also arrived.

As an ancient wizard with a long history, the mother of the earth is not only the ancestor of the descendants of the earth, but also the gods believed by all underground life.

At this moment, she led her subordinates to the center of Wizard World.

The faint jade-green breath is flashing, and among the jungle, natural goblins are constantly emerging.

Following the Mother of the Earth, the Lord of Fairies also arrived, leading her descendants to gather at this moment.

The roaring wind blew through the air, leading a little Death Aura.

A faint smell came from afar.

Feeling this unique taste, standing in the center of the World, Adier turned around and looked into the distance.

Under their gaze, in the distance, countless undead lives are emerging, and this is how they emerge.

A powerful and undead life runs on the earth, and the Wizard Array is transmitted from each and everyone through a long and continuous transmission.

Every body of undead life has a strong breath of at least level 4.

And in the center of the group of undead lives, two silhouettes stood among them, exuding a powerful and breath of terror.

It was Chimoudin and McDowell, wearing black robes belonging to the immortal palace at the moment, with a faint smile on their faces, and they just came forward.

Undying Palace, came to the appointment.

Roar! !

A faint sound of dragon roar came from midair, like a dragon roar, and like a whisper of birds.

Listening to this sound, Adier lifts the head and looked towards the sky.

I saw above the sky, some huge silhouettes stood in the air.

At this moment in the midair, a huge silhouette covered the sky and covered almost the entire sky.

There are some black giant dragons that resemble birds, with gritty scales on their bodies. Each giant dragon is individually taken out. Its body is at leasthundreds of thousands meters in size.

Above his body, the breath of the huge Bloodline is overflowing, with a kind of horror strength that belongs exclusively to the life of Bloodline.

In the center of this group of giant dragons, a silhouette wearing a black robe and a cold face stood in it, with a pair of eyes that looked very deep, with a kind of coldness.

No one else, it is the ancestor of the spirit-eater, Maijan.

Compared with other ancient wizards, the number of wizards under Maijan is very small, but each is extremely powerful, reaching a level above level 6.

The Soul Eater family is an extremely powerful race. Even if they do nothing, their strength will automatically grow to the level 6 level after being driven by the power of Bloodline.

At this moment, a family of spirit-eating birds were sent out. At this moment, there were just a dozen Tier 6 wizards.

Powerful to a horror level.

Quietly came to the center of the wizard world, Mai Jieen looked cold, looked coldly at Adier in the distance, and then walked alone to the side.

On the side, the other ancient wizards were nodded at him.

“The last one left.”

Looking at Maijan who arrived in the distance, Adier’s face was calm, lightly opened the mouth and said.

The voice fell, and a terrifying Strength reaction was erupting in the distance.

The terrifying Strength is erupting and emerges directly at this moment.

Strength of the curse is emerging, this moment came from afar, even if a few 7th grade wizards were present at the moment, they couldn’t help but feel a palpitation, and a strong sense of threat was rising.

And in the distance, a silhouette is coming quietly.

It was a huge and magnificent silhouette, with a strong breath all over it, reaching a terrifying point.

He wore black armor all over his body, and even though his face was covered with a mask, his whole body was filled with a breath that was unattainable.

No one else, it is the most mysterious 7th grade that exists, the king of silence.

Compared with the other wizards present, the King of Silence maintained his usual style, still coming alone, besides himself, simply did not have any followers.

But even so, no one dared to underestimate him in the field.

The 7th grade exists, and it is enough to be alone, and there is no need to embellish it with other people.

On its own, it is strong enough.

From afar, the King of Silence walked, silently came to the side of many ancient wizards, and found a place to stand at will.

After the King of Silence also arrived, this time agreed to start the Strength of the Expedition, and they all came together.

Of course, in addition to the few ancient wizards present, there are many wizards who come and go intermittently throughout the Wizarding World.

This strength is also extremely powerful. In terms of quantity alone, it is still under the leadership of several 7th grade wizards.

However, although the base of these wizards is sufficient, it lacks the existence of a true Peak, and is destined not to be valued by these ancient wizards.

“People are here, do you want to continue to wait?”

Standing in front of the huge golden world gate, looking at the densely packed silhouettes around, Chimudan’s face was calm and he said lightly.

“No need.”

Adier shook the head: “Open the door of the world, let’s go in!”

“As for the wizard who is willing to enter in the future, if he is willing to enter, he will naturally enter through the World Gate.”

He said in this way, and then recruited his men to let them lead the World Gate.

Then, standing in the same place, under the gaze of countless sights around him, he took a deep breath, and then stepped into the Golden World Gate.

“Enter the gate of the world !!”

Looking at Adier slowly disappearing in front of him, Chimoudan and the others did not hesitate at all, leading his subordinates and began to pour into the World Gate.

A faint sense of haziness began to surface in all around.

Different from Adier’s ability to shuttle the World directly in the past, the shuttle performed by the World Gate appears to be somewhat different in the shuttle process.

In the surroundings, you can clearly feel the vibration of the space and the changes in the environment.

After the surrounding space had a sense of reality again, the familiar breath of World surged again, and Adier opened his eyes.

After eyes opened, a scarlet land appeared in front of me.

In the surrounding world within the realm, a familiar and unfamiliar power of the abyss emerged, and at the moment, with the arrival of Adier, it became active.

“Have you felt it?”

Feeling the changes in the world around him and the emergence of the will of the abyss, Adier smiled.

“Is this the world’s comer?”

Outside the World Gate, several silhouettes stood there, looking at Adier in the distance.

A man with a handsome face, who looks like a human youth, opened his face, and his face looked a bit puzzled: “It looks like a normal human being, and there is no breath of gods …”

“Can this kind of existence block the invasion of the abyssal will?”

He looked at Adier in the distance and his face looked puzzled.

Wizard World and God World have different systems, so the resulting powerhouse is also somewhat different in performance.

At least, the wizard world with the realm achieves the existence of the 7th grade, there is no god like God in the world, there is that kind of extremely strong authority breath.

Therefore, at the moment of these people, the atmosphere of Adier in the distance is extremely thin, and it looks like an ordinary person.

“Since the master let us build the gate of the world in the abyss world, it should be the confidence in that world.”

Another female-like demon said, and then looked at the sky: “And since the World Gate has been built, then what happened next has nothing to do with us.”

“The abyssal will is already excited, and if there is no accident, it will be shot soon.”

Among the three people, another old man’s demon opened his mouth and his face looked dignified.

At this moment, with the opening of the World Gate, the atmosphere of the Wizard World also emerged from the World Gate and was sensed by the abyssal will.

Smelling this aura, the abyssal will was like a bloody beast, immediately excited.

What kind of existence is Abyss World?

This is a looting of other world all the time, in an attempt to devour the small world, to grow their own existence.

For these kinds of existence, the door of the world opens at the moment within the body. The first reaction is to mobilize strength to invade, and directly swallow the world that comes to the door automatically.

It’s just that what abyss will didn’t expect is that he is destined to step on the iron plate at this time.

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