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A faint brilliance was flashing.

The entire world has begun to change.

The line of sight in front of me began to change, and the surrounding World gradually became hazy.

With the opening of the golden world door, the whole abyss world began to boil.

The abyss will will start a riot, which is erupting at this moment, and all the emotions in it have been aroused by the brand new World that appeared.

There is no slight accident. As in the past, the abyss will will initiate a call, calling on the demons around to start coming, ready to attack the unknown World.

The demons around were also very excited.

The scene in front of them was not surprising to them.

In the entire God World, the material World and the abyss World are respected, but this does not mean that within the entire God World, there are only these two Worlds.

In fact, the area of ​​God World is very vast, and the World in it is far more than the physical World and the Abyss World.

In addition to the material world and the abyss world, there are many small worlds in the vast void.

Many of those Small Worlds were occupied by the gods and became their Divine Kingdom.

However, many of them were swallowed by Abyss World, and eventually became the food of Abyss World’s growth, becoming part of Abyss World.

That’s how the huge demons of the abyssal world within the realm came about.

In the past long years, the demons of the abyssal world within the realm have long been familiar with this kind of expedition.

For them, this is just another invasion of that’s all, which is not strange, but a rare opportunity.

After all, there is no such opportunity in the usual time, other world even opened its own World portal and placed it in front of itself.

Obviously, they do not understand what they are about to face.

Along with the bursts of light, several silhouettes emerged at the same time outside the Golden World Gate, standing beside Adier.

As 7th grade wizards, their strength is stronger, so the first batch came out and came to this world.

As for others, it will take some time before they can be sent.

“Is this the World?”

Standing beside Adier, looking at the huge demons that gradually gathered around him, Gafina smiled on her face: “It seems that this World also welcomes us.”

“Disgusting pollution.”

A huge one-eyed eye stood in the air, with a faint golden texture flashing: “I felt a disgusting breath, similar to the power of the natural disasters that used to be the natural disaster world.”

“Affected by the power of pollution, the creatures of this World must be very belligerent.”

“There is also World awareness of this World.”

Standing beside Adier, Chimudan’s face was calm, and at the moment he spoke lightly: “This World’s World consciousness is very strong and active, full of brutal and chaotic strength.”

“It’s more like a terrifying predator than normal World consciousness.”

“Jade Emperor, your partner, doesn’t look very honest.”

The Fairy Lord looked at Adier on the side, so he said.

“Don’t worry so much.”

Maijan sneered on his face: “No matter what the other party’s idea is, the clutter in front of him is not enough to see.”

With a word, they analyzed the situation in front of them very thoroughly.

As the ancient wizards who have continued from ancient times to the present, no matter who they are, they have had a history of aggression against other worlds. It is unkind to say that all winds and waves have already been experienced.

Being able to see clearly the situation in front of them is nothing but the basic literacy they should have.

Standing quietly, they saw more things.

In their sight, the will of this World is boiling. Not only did they not feel repulsed by the arrival of their outsiders, but they were extremely excited, like seeing a good prey.

“Hmph, prey?”

Maidden coldly smiled: “Who is the prey, it’s not easy to say.”

While they were talking, in the distance, the demons began to gather.

Feeling the breath of other worlds, most of the demons in this area have gathered at the moment.

Among them, there are even several 5th-level demon lords who step out and hide in the huge demon, spying in secret.

“Is there only 7 people?”

Looking at the huge Golden World door in the distance, they looked a little surprised: “There is no breath of authority on him …”

There is no breath of authority. In God World, this means that it is not a top-level powerhouse. No matter how powerful it is, it is at most only level 5 that’s all.

With such strength, under the suppression of the abyssal will, it is also necessary to deal with the huge demon army around it, which can only be said to be a dead end.

However, out of prudence, these demon lords are still cautiously, and very cautiously did not play in person, but sent their own big demon to come forward to test.

With their orders, around them, a huge head, a seemingly burly demon walked out of the army of demons, and rushed towards the Adier 7 in front.

They have different body shapes, but at the moment they all have excited smiles on their faces, and their eyes are full of bloodthirsty, with the most primitive impulse, so rushed forward.

Approaching, approaching …

With the actions of these great demons, they quickly moved forward and quickly approached the World Gate in front.

In the front, in front of the Golden World Gate, Adier’s faces were calm, so they stood there quietly, and it seemed that there was no reaction at all.

That’s it?

Several secretly observed demon lords were puzzled.

Under their eyes, a huge, huge monster with a full hundred meters tall rushed in front of Adier. A huge mouth full of fangs opened, and it seemed that he wanted to swallow Adier alone.

In response to this, several people of Adier did not respond, as if there was no response.

boom! !

A faint whisper sounded, something like a giant dragon’s roar, again like a bird’s whisper.

A huge shadow enveloped the earth, covering the whole sky.

The breath of terror erupted in an instant.

A black hole opened in an instant, swallowing the big demon who rushed forward in a flash.

“what is that!”

The demon lord lurking in the demon instantly froze. At this moment, staring blankly at the shadow above the sky, the whole body began to stiffen.

A huge breath is intertwined in the air.

The terrifying Bloodline breath is flashing.

In the midair, an endless day, like a giant continent-like Black Giant Dragon stood in midair, hissing.

He stood in the air, the breath of his whole body overflowed, as if the ancient Fiendgod was recovering, showing his majesty, and the scales all over his body were comparable to a city, to a extreme.

And the breath on him is even more terrifying, far above all the demon lords.

Soul Eater!

“Is this their hole card !!”

In the distance, several secretly observed demon kings were stunned. They looked at the incomparably huge soul-eating bird in the distance, with some shock in their eyes.

The strength of the soul-eater in the distance is extremely powerful, and its strength is also a powerhouse in the 6th level.

Even though it seems to them that they are the same, they can definitely compare with any one of them.

Seeing this, they moved their hearts and thought they understood Adier and the others’ cards.

It was just the next moment, and the shocking scene began to happen.

The sky was gradually obscured, and the earth was gradually shrouded in darkness.

In the middle of the air, the violent black shadow was flashing, and the terrifying Bloodline breath was overflowing.

I saw in the distance, in the huge golden world gate, a huge Black Giant Dragon silhouette rushed out of it, rising into the sky with a huge Bloodline breath.

One head, two heads, three heads …

The earth was gradually covered, and under the gaze of many demons, in the mid-air, dozens of soul-eating birds stood side by side, whispering in mid-air.

The horrible Bloodline spreads with its majesty, and the vast Strength emerges from the bodies of the dozen soul-eating birds.

As far as strength is concerned, the strength-strength creatures that did not all appear later are powerful and slightly worse in size, but they still reach a shocking point.

Each head has reached level 6, reaching the level of the Earth Demon King.

And the soul-eating birds at the level of a dozen demon kings stand side by side, and the horrible scene is unimaginable.

For a moment, the sky was completely covered, and the earth was shrouded in a dark shadow. The breath of terror spread all around, covering all four sides.

Even if it was originally the agitated will of the abyss, it seemed that at this moment it was stagnant, and was shocked by the scene.

As for the secretly observing earth demon kings in the distance, they were even dumbfounded at this moment.

“Come on … Are you kidding …”

Looking at the sky and the sun in the distance, almost the whole sky was covered with a dozen or so bitter spirit birds. The three earth demon kings stared open, and began to doubt their eyes for the first time.

“This is not a single individual, but a race.”

Among the 3 people, the old man sucked in Liangpi: “What a horror!”

“This World, in the end …”

He hasn’t finished his sentence yet, and a natural phenomenon broke out again in the distant Golden World gate.

The horrible light is shining, and in that golden world gate, each and everyone silhouette is transmitted.

Sun elf, Moon Elf, sea clan, tree spirit, goblin, earth element, undead …

Each and everyone The powerful race was teleported from one after another. Under the influence of the strength of the World Gate, it came to the abyssal world within the realm.

They came to the Abyss World, surrounded by their kings, and the breath of their whole body was not hidden, so it came out.

In an instant, the entire Abyss World began to turmoil.

The day of the Abyss World has begun to change!

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