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“Of course, if they continue to do this, sooner or later they will face the big problem of the erosion of the abyss World.”

Standing on the spot, looking at the situation of the Abyss World, the King of the Earth Demon smiled: “So they never thought of occupying the Abyss World from beginning to end, but simply wanted to plunder a source that’s all.”

Yes, do n’t look at Adier. The people playing with the realm in the abyss are very happy, but their purpose is very clear from beginning to end. It ’s not that they want to occupy the whole abyss World, but they just want to plunder a batch of sources that ’s all.

It is completely different from the idea that the gods once wanted to occupy the Abyss World and transform the abyss into their own Divine Kingdom.

Simple destruction and plundering are of course much easier than occupying the site.

In addition, behind the Adier, there is also the World consciousness of Wizard World.

With the consciousness of World consciousness, the strength of the Adiers is also strong enough to naturally support a period of time so that it will not be affected by the will of the abyss.

Of course, as time passes, the influence of Abyss World will still emerge.

“about there……”

Standing in the same place, looking at the scene of the abyssal world within the realm, the Lord of Earth Demon laughed.

Listening to his words, the god of destruction lifts the head and looked into the abyss.

In the abyssal world within the realm, bursts of change are taking place.

After the initial plunder, the counterattack of the abyssal will finally arrived.

The abyss of terror is sweeping. In all directions, the ancient demon existence is recovering.

It was the cautious ancient existence of Abyss World, and now it is still awakened by Abyss World under today’s circumstances.

It is different from the past that the King of Earth Devil splits the Abyss World and makes the Abyss World split.

At that time, because of a matter of no concern to oneself, many ancient existences chose to sit idly by and did n’t mean anything.

But this time, under the current situation, they have to shoot.

The Power of Origin of the Abyss World fell wildly. Within the Abyss World, more than a dozen terrors began to emerge.

That one after another breath was terrifying, every breath was not inferior to Tier 6, at this moment, under the blessing of the abyss, it was further directly, and the strength was close to the level 6 Peak level.

There are a dozen ancient demons in this abyssal age within the realm, which is the existence of a dozen equivalent to 6th-level Peak.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely powerful and terrifying Strength. Under normal circumstances, even if it is a True God, it will be surprised when facing this lineup.

But in front of him, Abyss World is not facing a True God, but a 7th grade wizard who is equivalent to True God.

The breath of terror spread, and in mid-air, a giant spirit-eating bird, like the mainland, hissed, and the strength and the whole body exploded, so it rushed forward.

In front of Adier, several elders covered with the sun’s light and blood horror Bloodline Strength also rushed forward, each facing several ancient demons.

On Chimudan’s side, Macdo nodded to Chimoudan, True Spirit Strength broke out all over him, and also met an ancient demon.

“Hmph, finally Interesting, but merely this …”

Looking at the scene ahead, Maijan coldly snorted and sneered.

In today’s situation, they haven’t even waited for these 7th grade wizards at the top. Only their wizards have blocked the ancient demons.

With the presence of the 6th-level Peak, Strength is indeed powerful.

But this does not mean that there is no such existence under the hands of several people such as Adier.

In fact, there are more than a dozen spirit-eating birds equivalent to 6th order just under Mejen.

Coupled with Macdo these 6th-level Peak wizards and other 6th-level existence.

A few of Adier hadn’t even shot yet, the dozen or so 6th-level Peaks were directly blocked, and no suspense remained.

The existence of more than a dozen 6th-order Peak was directly blocked, while Adier and the others continued to shoot, plundering the origin of the abyss World in various places.

Being in the abyssal world within the realm, their time is not much.

Although not at all manifested at this moment, in reality, the erosion of the abyssal will does exist.

If they spend too much time in the abyss, there will be some bad influences.

Because of this, they did not directly shoot, but took this time to work hard to start extracting the origin of the Abyss World.

In a limited period of time, the ability to draw a little more is a little bit, and this is the truest idea in their hearts.

Feeling all this, the abyssal will began to rage.

The breath of terror has once again spread, and in every corner of the abyss World, a kind of terror change is taking place.


Feeling the changes around him, Adier was surprised and couldn’t help raising his head.

He looked up towards the distance, just looking in the distance, in a sea of ​​black abyss, a terrible change was taking place.

The sea of ​​black’s abyss is very deep, in which there is a faint light flashing, and within it, a terrifying power of the abyss is pervading.

A powerful power breath escaped from it, and then a silhouette slowly emerged.

It was an extremely large silhouette, whose body could not be measured by words, but its body only seemed to be comparable to the entire world.

Under Adier’s gaze, the silhouette was humanoid, but with a single horn, covered with densely packed scales all over his body, and looked a little weird at first glance.

He was in the sea of ​​the abyss, submerged by the endless river of the abyss, and was washed away by the power of huge negative emotions every moment.

A chain of chains spread on its body, locking it all over and under it, leaving no gaps.

But despite this, the extremely terrifying Strength still cannot be concealed, and only part of its breath reveals that it definitely reaches the level above 7th grade.


“That is…….”

Looking at the silhouette that appeared in the distance from the sea of ​​abyss, within the Earth Demon World, the Earth Demon King frowned: “This pure abyss breath has the power of authority …”

“Initial demon, Hraoudi …”

Aside, looking at that silhouette that emerged from the sea of ​​the abyss, the god of destruction was lightly sighed: “That was one of the first demons born at the beginning of the birth of the abyss World.”

As an ancient existence that once fought against the king of the sun, the god of destruction knew more than the king of earth demons, and at that moment he recognized that existence.

“Initially the devil, Hraoudi …”

The Earth Demon King frowned: “In the abyss, there is such a powerful existence lurking?”


The god of destruction is nodded: “Whether it is the abyss or the material World, it is an extremely long World. Among them, under the cover of years, there are many hidden secrets.”

“The next day, you must be able to see one after another.”

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