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“Since the abyss has such strength, why never appeared in the past?”

Standing in the realm with the realm, looking at the abyss in the distance, the king of the devil frowned: “When we carried out the plan, if this initial demon shot, we would never be able to achieve our goal, even if it was so smooth. . “


Standing next to the Earth Demon King, listening to the Earth Demon King ’s words, the God of Destruction gently nodded: “If possible, the abyss will naturally want to awaken it and use this initial demon to suppress me and so on.”

“He didn’t want to, but he couldn’t.”

“Can’t you?”

The Earth Demon King frowned, looking puzzled.

“Not bad.”

The god of destruction is nodded: “The first demon was one of the first babies bred by the Abyss World. It held some of the first powers of the Abyss World and was one of the most powerful ancient demons.”

“For these kinds of beings, he possesses an independent consciousness, not a king-like puppet driven by the will of the abyss.”

“This ancient demon not only holds the power of the Abyss World, but also has his own independent will. If he is really awakened, he will not necessarily help anyone.”

“After all, the relationship between this initial demon and the will of the abyss is not so harmonious as the legend says.”

“In that year, the abyss spent a lot of energy, and finally sealed this initial demon in the sea of ​​the abyss, how can it be easily released now.

“It’s not good to say, in the eyes of deep will, the two of us add up, maybe not as threatening as the original demon.”

“So now?”

Standing on the spot, the King of Earth Demons calmed down and said, “Why did he release him now?”

“The situation is different.”

The God of Destruction said that he seemed to be very clear about the situation in front of him: “At first, we separated the Earth Demon World out of the world. It seemed to be a damage to the Abyss World, but it was actually the choice of the Abyss World.”

“The Abyss World is an indispensable part of God World. It is a pioneer in the strategy of other worlds in the future, and bears the most serious sins and pressures of the world within the realm.”

“This is the fate of Abyss World and the mission God World has given to it.”

“With the abyss as a vent, the evil and negative emotions in the entire God World will be settled, and they can be dumped into the abyss as part of the entire ecological chain.”

“This result is of course extremely beautiful. It can be said to be extremely perfect without any problems.”

Speaking of which, the god of destruction paused, with a smile on his face: “But this does not mean that Abyss World is willing to take on such a destiny.”

“No one wants to be born with a burden, and bear all the sins and terrors, as is the Abyss World.”

“For Abyss World, in the long time, he is also seeking change and yearning for another way.”

“It’s just because of the inertia of the past that the Abyss World can’t be relieved, and the strength eager to change is backlogged until it finally meets us.”

“Earth Demon World is not so much a product of you and me, but rather an attempt made by Abyss World with your hands. In essence, it is still an abyss.”

“So, when we split the Earth Demon World, the abyss will not give us all the power, as long as it survives the initial backlash, there will be no problem.”

“But the situation is different now.”

He looked up, a teenager-like face looked a little sighed: “Abyss World was invaded by alien World, and the origin of World was extracted.”

“Unlike our division of the Earth Demon World, this is really enough to cause a great deal of damage to the Abyss World.”

“In order to avoid its own weakness, the abyss will inevitably take all the shots and wake up all strengths to resist those outsiders.”

“So, this initial demon will be awakened.”

Looking at the distance, he stood there and said calmly.

The King of Earth Demons looked quiet, quietly looking at the black sea of ​​abyss rising in the abyss, and after a long time, he asked, “What is the strength of this initial demon?”

“It’s as good as me who used to be Peak.”

The God of Destruction said so.

The King of Earth Demons frowned suddenly.

As good as Peak’s God of Destruction?

This evaluation is very scary.

The God of Destruction, only 7th grade in strength, is even inferior to the Demon King in terms of hard power.

But this does not mean that the power of the God of Destruction is as simple as it seems.

As the existence of a battle with Supreme Sun, the King of the Sun, in the material world, the strength of the God of Destruction is obviously not that simple.

You know, even God of Slaughter, the God who is the only God in the Supreme God, was once the man of God of Destruction.

According to the estimation of the Earth Demon King, when the Destruction God used to be Peak, its strength might not be lower than level 8.

Equivalent to the king level of Wizard World.

At this moment, the initial demon who is about to wake up is not inferior to the former god of destruction.

So that means …

The earth demon king expression congeals, looking towards the abyssal world within the realm.

“Those Outsiders are in trouble.”

The Destruction God’s face was calm, and he spoke in a light voice.

Under their gaze, amazing mutations are taking place in the abyss in the distance.

The horrifying strength is erupting, in an instant, the breath of terror erupts.

In a sea of ​​black abyss, endless fragments of souls roared and shattered directly at this moment, turning into pure Soul Power rushing towards the central area of ​​the abyss sea, and finally converging on that huge silhouette.

The strength of the abyss is boiling, and the red ground starts to tremble.

In the middle of the air, a huge spirit eater whispered softly. The sound sounded very clear, but at the moment it was with some fear.

They looked into the distance, looked at the silhouette emerging from the abyssal sea, and felt that aura, at this moment the whole body was unable to bear trembling.

A breath of terror erupted, spreading across 4 sides.

Even Adier is unable to bear.

“It’s a big guy.”

Gafina’s face was dignified and she felt the breath from afar. At this moment, she couldn’t help but stop her movements.

“Look like this, the size is not small.”

Chimoudan was sitting on a huge Bone Dragon, looking at the silhouette emerging from afar, his face also a little dignified: “There is this kind of Strength …”

In the distance, the silent king silently stopped his movements, and at this moment he also turned around and looked up into the distance.

“Is it not that there is no other powerhouse in the abyss except the king of the earth demon, how come such a powerhouse …”

The Fairy Lord’s face was a little dignified, and he said with some doubts.

“It is normal.”

On the side, the mother of the earth opened on the side, and there was a golden radiance flowing in the eyes of a pair of golden: “There is absolutely nothing left in the past of such a huge world within the realm.”

“It’s no surprise that such a big guy will appear.”

“Hmph, I feel right.”

Mai Jieen’s face was cold, but he was not surprised at all: “Work together, get rid of this big man, and divide his roots.”

“it is good.”

The remaining few were nodded, and then began to shoot.

With a faint glimmer of light, one after another horrible Strength began to overflow.

On the earth, scenes of horror began to occur.

In the air, several huge arms grabbed down at the same time, rushing towards the huge and boundless silhouette, as if to tear it apart.

boom! !

A faint, clear sound erupted, and the surrounding World lost its color for a moment.

The strength of the law is turbulent, this place is affected by a piece of strength of the law and can be constantly changed.

On the previous side, Heaven and Earth is quite normal, and the next moment becomes a sea, and then there is a new vitality bloom in the ocean, one after another crisp green grass grows, hovering here.

The terrifying strength erupted. In an instant, the power of the 7th grade wizard’s True Spirit was simultaneously dissipated, and the strength that erupted condensed in one place, rushing directly forward.

They rushed forward, and with one blow, they seemed to smash the silhouette and shoot it directly.

Subsequently, the terrifying Strength tide erupted.

Around the world within the realm, the horrible element Strength began to rumble, became extremely chaotic, and lost its original order.

Standing in a corner, Adier frowned.

Through his extraordinary vision, he clearly saw that in the distant sea of ​​the abyss, the giant Demon God raised his head.

The vast Strength is raging and they start colliding with each other.

The strength of the strength and the horror of the root cause the world around it began to distort.

The will of the abyss burst into wail, and by this time, there seemed to be a silent change in the entire world.

Several 7th grade wizards shot at the same time, the prestige created at this moment is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

However, in the distance, the silhouette still stood there. There was no loss on the whole body, and even the scales on and off the body did not fall off at all, which seemed extremely horrible.

“So terrible defense …”

Chimudan frowned, even though he was mentally prepared, he frowned at this moment.

It seemed to be awakened by the strengths of several ancient wizards. In the deep abyss of the sea, the silhouette began to have some movement.

The faint Power of the Demon God is oscillating, spreading 4 sides, covering this world.

There is a radiance in the entire world.

At this moment, under countless eyes, the immense silhouette of Wei An opened his eyes slowly.

Roar! !

Demon God, who seemed to be the highest, recovered from his deep sleep and made his own voice.

At this moment, all the existence of the entire abyssal world within the realm can hear the cry that almost shattered the soul.

Under Adier’s gaze, the initial demon finally finally opened his eyes slowly.

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