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The terrifying strength is overflowing.

Within the vast abyss World, a pair of huge eyes began to slowly open.

Demon God, who seemed to sleep in ancient times, began to recover. He slowly opened his eyes, and the breath under his body began to oscillate.

Strength of the Abyss World began to boil.

Just like finding his own master, at this moment the strength of the whole abyss is quickly condensing and rushing to the original demon.

Strength, which belongs to the abyss world, burst, and the lightning of the purple-gold began to diffuse, just flashing throughout the abyss world.

All of a sudden, the sky collapsed, as if the entire world was about to end, and a horrifying scene emerged.

The immense Strength erupted out, and at the sea of ​​the abyss, the devil opened his eyes and exerted a little force on his body.

With a slight shaking of the body, a silent pulsation affected the four parties.

Above his body, he was originally wrapped around his body, and the heavy chain that tightly sealed him under the sea of ​​the abyss was directly broken and destroyed.

The original demon, who was originally banned, opened the seal.

“How many years have passed …”

Silently raised his head, the demon Hera Udi initially looked into the distance, and his eyes seemed to penetrate the infinite distance in an instant, and looked at Adier several people in an instant.

He looked at Adier several people, and at this moment, the wizard who was constantly moving in the whole abyss World and looting above the abyss land instantly flashed in his eyes.

“A Plunderer from outside?”


He laughed, a hazy face shrouded in horror strength, with a vague smile: “The abyss that plunders the other world and devours the origin of the other world has its own responsibility, and there will be a day of being plundered by others.”

He laughed at the result in front of him, and seemed to find it very interesting.

By this time, the breath of him slowly spread out, and was felt by the other wizards present.

“This strength …”

Chimudan’s faces were dignified, and he looked at Heraodi in the distance, and there were some surprises in his heart: “In this world, there is such a existence.”

They can clearly feel the strength on Hera Udi, which has reached an extreme.

That is the 7th grade strength that can’t be limited. It has exceeded the final critical point and reached a higher level.

In other words, this existence standing in front of the eyes is not an ordinary 7th grade, but a king level existence that surpasses the 7th grade.

This is the so-called 8th order.

Tier 8, this is when only a handful of wizard leaders, such as the Mother of Emerald, possessed the level. Even when the ancient wizards were extremely glorious, only a few powerful wizards had such strength.

Nowadays, among the seven of them, powerhouse can be comparable to this kind of existence, simply not.

the thoughts got to this point, they have some dignity in their hearts.

But in the distance, Hraoudi did not hesitate much.

As the first demon born from Abyss World, he can feel the weakness of Abyss World.

The origin of the Abyss World is being extracted by these outsiders. At every moment, a vast strength is extracted from the abyss and usurped by these outsiders.

This is obviously something that the original demon could not accommodate.

He was the first demon bred by the Abyss World. Although he later became too powerful and threatened the operation of the entire Abyss World, he was sealed by the abyss will under the sea of ​​the abyss, but he did not change his essence.

As the original demon, he holds the original authority of the Abyss World and is connected to the Abyss World to some extent.

The origin of Abyss World is extracted and weakened, which will inevitably affect him and make him weakened together.

Therefore, despite his grudges with the abyssal will, at this moment, he still took the shot of the slightest hesitation.

A faint brilliance flashed.

With a burst of light, a huge majestic overflow, a very huge arm stretched out fiercely and shot downward.

boom! !

The earth began to collapse, and the surrounding world became chaotic.

The world within the realm, with the pressure of this huge palm, countless undead lives shattered directly, and the awakened Soul Fire went out again, extinguished above the earth.

Qi Mudan looked pale. At the moment when the undead life was completely destroyed, involuntarily took a step back and his breath changed.


Aside, McDowell complexion changed and stepped forward to support him.

“I am fine.”

Looking at McDowell, Chimoudan shook the head. At this time, my heart could not help but sigh: “It seems that the strength of this abyssal king is much stronger than I thought.”

“I can’t keep my hands anymore.”

He sighed, looking at Hraoudi in the distance, and said, “You guys, our time is running out.”

“I will try it.”

Aside, the goblin lord walked out of the crowd and looked at Herao Udi in the distance, his face calm, and he walked slowly forward.

A faint breath began to rumble around all around.

Behind the fairy lord, a huge illusory shadow emerged.

It was a huge white deer with a huge pair of antlers.

The white deer is huge and endless. On its body, one after another golden texture emerges like this, with the mysterious light shining on it, which seems to contain some kind of mysterious strength.

With a peaceful breath on her body, she moved forward slowly, and slowly walked towards Heraodi.

With the white deer moving forward quietly, the surrounding world within the realm, the huge element Strength is drawn, this moment seems to have turned into a sword and rushed forward.

Hraoudi stood silently, ignoring the light of the elements rushing in front of him, and did not care at all.

He stood on the spot, with a huge body like an Iron Pagoda, Motionless As Mountains, giving an unshakable feeling.

Looking at the goblin lord who was walking slowly in the distance, he moved, and a flash of light flickered in a pair of scarlet eyes.

boom! !

The space began to shatter.

As the Annihilation Light lights up, the violent Strength leans.

In the middle of the air, the flying elf bird burst into mourning. At this moment, it seemed unable to bear the horror and majesty of it, and flew involuntarily towards the distance.

In the haze, everyone could only see that Hraoudi and fiercely, the goblin master, collided together, and the terrifying Strength spilled out together.

boom! !

The terrain of Abyss World began to change, and the basic rules of the entire world were distorted.

Within the space of all around, the abyss that originally covered the whole abyss World seemed to be purified, and this moment was extremely clean and free.

In all directions, one after another’s remaining breath escaped and was felt by the rest.

Standing alone in a corner, looking at the scene in front, Adier frowned, then raised his hand.

Drip … Drip …

A crisp voice sounded all around, like a raindrop falling on the ground, crisp and loud.

Adier turned around and looked at all around, just seeing all around, a heavy rain was falling under the tackle.

It’s just different from the normal rain. This rain is a scarlet, like blood, but different, with a slight bloody smell.

A touch of fresh breath escaped from afar.

Adier looked up.

I saw in the distance, in the middle of the abyssal sea, the goblin lord and Hraoudi were still deadlocked.

A huge white deer screamed on the ground, but at this moment the sound sounded strange and trembling.

On his back, a huge wound emerged, with blushing blood flowing out and blending into the surrounding Heaven and Earth.

The crimson blood kept blending into the surrounding world, staining the surrounding world with red, and a bloody water started to flow from this place.

In the confrontation with the original demon, the goblin lord fell into a downwind, and he was injured at the moment.

“The fairy lord has been injured.”

Standing on the spot, Adier lightly sighed: “Only the strength of the fairy lord is not the opponent of existence.”

At first, the devil is 8th order, equivalent to the existence of the wizard world king.

The power of the fairy lord is indeed very strong. From the ancient times to the present, its strength is considered to be a powerhouse even in the 7th grade.

But even so, compared with the initial existence of demons, it is still much worse.

“Let me go too.”

Standing aside, Chimoudan lightly sighed, then slowly moved forward.

A faint glimmer of death flashed.

The light of pure True Spirit shines on the earth, and for a moment it seems to become a star, emitting pure death strength.

This strength is pure and powerful, shining on the body of the original demon, which immediately froze Huraudi’s body, and the arms of the fairy master that were originally tightly pressed could not help but loosen.

The white deer was able to breathe, and a pair of golden antlers exuded a faint golden radiance, like a pair of sharp blades, chopping forward.

boom! !

As if two stars collided, a horrible sound erupted here.

Hera Udi was attacked head-on by the Goblin Lord, and a fire burst around him.

A dozen golden scales were torn down and fell into the deep abyss.

“Merely this… ..”

A faint voice sounded in the whole abyss.

In the next moment, Hla Udi’s silhouette stood up again, with a pair of scarlet eyes with palpable negative emotions.

He waved his hand, and the terrifying Strength overflowed, exploding in an instant, as if tearing a piece of paper apart, tearing the dead Strength that had been blocked in front of him.

boom! !

Above the earth, one after another crack began to appear.

The dead strength began to wither.

Standing in place, Chimudan looked pale, and the moment the Death Domain was torn apart by Hera Udi, the body involuntarily stepped back, and his face looked even more ugly.

Obviously, at the moment when Death Domain was torn, he also suffered some effects, which inevitably hurt him.

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