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The hazy light flashed.

On top of the deep black sea, a silhouette stood quietly, with a huge and immense body like a Great World laid out in front, and at a glance, there was no end in sight.

At first, the demon Hera Udi stood in the abyss, watching Adier in silence.

In terms of his horrible shape, Adier’s body is extremely small, not even a dust.

2 The ontology difference between the two is huge, reaching a terrifying point.

But this did not damage the strength of both sides.

After the level of life has come to a point, pure body type can no longer represent anything.

A large body is powerful, but a small one is not necessarily weak.

Especially at their level.

“Your origin …”

Looking at Adier in front of him, at first the demonic eyed with some throbbing, it seemed to feel something at this moment.

Throughout the Abyss World, at the moment Adier confronted the original demon, the wizards around him also left quickly.

According to the planned route of sight, they left directly through the huge World Gate and teleported to other regions.

This is a long planned route.

Earlier, when attacking Shenrun World, many ancient wizards never thought of staying in the realm for a long time.

All the previous actions in Abyss World just wanted to plunder, and then left that’s all.

After all, with their Strength at the moment, they want to occupy the entire God World.

This is especially true after the first demon, the evil Demon King, appeared.

So what they asked for was never to occupy God World, but just wanted to plunder a sum of money.

“Your Strength is strong, not inferior to me.”

For a moment of silence, the devil slowly spoke at first, looking at Adier in front of him with some doubts: “If your Strength comes into the Abyss World, it will be enough to become the evil Demon Lord slaughtered with me.”

“At that time, you can control the origin of Abyss World at will, why do you need to obtain it in this way?”

Looking at Adier, he looked puzzled.


Adier’s face was calm and he spoke softly: “Perhaps entering the Abyssal Boundary Energy is enough for me to get more, but for now, I have no intention of being corroded by my own origin.”

“And in your abyss, it seems that a master has already appeared.”

When the words fell, the devil Hera Udi initially moved her heart and turned to look into the distance.

Under his gaze, various mutations are taking place in the distance.

The sounds of shouting and fighting continued to sound, and the faint light in the distance began to flash.

At the intersection of Abyss World and Earth Demon World, an army is killing it.

It was an army composed entirely of new demons. Although the demons within it still had that unique abyss breath, they had little to do with the original abyss.

They are filled with the breath of Earth Demon World. Above their body, Bloodline’s Strength is blooming.

“A different path from the World of the Abyss …”

Looking at the new type of demon emerging from the distance, the devil Hera Udi initially felt something in her heart and instantly understood something.

Although they have been sleeping for countless years, they did not participate in the events that occurred halfway, but at the level of the original devil, these are not important.

Along with his thoughts move, the entire abyssal world within the realm has witnessed the changes in his mind for countless years.

The development and changes of the abyss for countless years, the invasion of other world time after time, and the birth and strength of the earth demon king, until the moment when the cry that shook the entire abyss world was sent, dividing the abyss world into two moments.

All experiences and pasts emerged in his mind one after another, and this moment was accurately captured by him.

“It’s a personal thing.”

From the abyss, I learned the past of the King of Earth Demon. At first, the demon could not help but be nodded: “Just be more noble and immature, Strength is still weak, but what he does does have a vibe of evil Demon Lord.

“Wait until the time passes slowly, and another epoch, maybe there is a day that will rule the entire Abyss World and change its abyss World.”

From the perspective of the original devil Heraodi, it is natural to see the huge defects in the abyssal world within the realm.

Abyss World is derived from God World, but it is a part of God World. Naturally, it bears the biggest evil of God World and shoulders a huge task.

The material World is the hotbed of the gods, the center and essence of God World, and the abyss World is one heaven one earth.

For God World as a whole, this is a necessary division of labor.

After all, within a circular structure, there are always people who are going to feel dirty and tired, and there are always people who enjoy glory and natural dignity.

But this does not mean that Abyss World will be willing to bear such destiny.

As the demon king that the Abyss World first conceived, Hraoudi naturally understands the destiny of the Abyss World and is not opposed to the new changes brought about by the Earth Demon King.

Of course, although it is not opposed, it does not support it.

For him, the relationship between Abyss World and him is very delicate.

As the ancient existence bred by the abyss World, the abyss is his parent and the source of his inability to give up.

But on the other hand, it can be seen from the abyss will that it will be sealed and sealed in the sea of ​​the abyss for countless years. In fact, he is not in harmony with the present abyss will.

Therefore, in the face of this transformation initiated by the King of Earth Demon, he chose to watch silently, watching quietly what the King of Earth Demon did, and wanted to see what he could do in the end.

Under his gaze, in the distance, countless new demons rushed out from within the realm.

As a new type of demons, although they were cultivated by the Lord of Earth Demons with their own Blood Imprint, they are still demons in nature, and they have the nature of demons.

Therefore, even if they are in the abyss, they will not be eroded, and they will not have the same problems as the wizards before.

At this moment, after the wizards one after another exited, it was their turn to play.

Earlier, under the leadership of several ancient wizards led by Adier, the entire Abyss World was subjected to bloodbath, and the huge demons in it were either killed by refining costs or directly.

The demons that have accumulated in the entire Abyss World for countless years have been almost wiped out.

By this time, Abyss World has also lost its strength that suppresses the Earth Demon World.

Finally, it was the turn of the Earth Demon World.

Under the call of the Earth Demon King, the entire Earth Demon World began to dispatch, and the Strength, which had been accumulated for 1000 years, started to rush forward and rush forward.

The huge Strength is roaring.

For the opportunity of this time, in the realm, within the realm, the king of the earth demons has been preparing for countless years.

As Adier’s avatar, he is well aware of the final result of this time Wizard World Expedition.

After going through the ancient world war, the strength of the Wizard World has indeed weakened, and it is still slowly picking up at the moment.

But this weakness is only the top 7th grade wizard.

At the mid-range level, Wizard World still has an absolute advantage over God World.

Hundreds of thousands of Tier 4 wizards shot together and appeared in God World, the result is absolutely amazing.

Even if it is the Abyss World, it can never be stopped. It will be crushed by the wizard in an instant, and there will be no accident.

And because of the erosion of the abyss World, the wizards can not stay within the realm for a long time, impossible really occupied the abyss.

Then, after a large number of demons have been swept, and the strength of the abyss will fall to the bottom of the valley, the large area left behind will naturally be the opportunity of the Earth Demon World.

Unlike the former Abyss World, after undergoing several major changes, the Devil World has already transformed.

In the past, the old demons of the Abyss World did n’t care about the land, because the demonic nature of demons prevented them from building, even if there were a few exceptional demons, they would soon have everything in the battle with other demons. Ruined successfully.

In addition, the abyssal age within the realm also does not have many crops for cultivation.

The appearance of the Earth Demon King changed everything.

He cultivated a new kind of demon with a relatively peaceful nature, and also cultivated many crops that could be planted on the abyss.

Since then, the vast land has been utilized and productivity has grown the most.

Land that is completely useless to other demons is the best resource for new demons.

A large army began to converge from the Earth Demon World.

Under the call of the King of Earth Demon, the strength of the Earth Demon World erupted at this moment, which made everyone feel sideways.

The terrifying breath of Strength began to flash.

Outside of a dark world, several slightly smaller stars are shining.

It was a small World that each and everyone was captured by the Earth Demon World and was given to each and everyone by the Earth Demon King.

At this moment, these Earth Demon Kings are also shooting, the strength of the 6th level erupts, and for a while it is like Heaven and Earth collapsed, and 10000 things will wither.

Above the sky of the Abyss World, the ever-changing bloody sky began to change and became hazy, in which the faint light was constantly interwoven and changing.

Affected by the Strength of Earth Demon World, the abyssal will seems to have begun to respond.

The remaining demon began to move forward.

Before encircling the Abyss World, the ancient demons of the entire Abyssal World within the realm all came out of the nest and fought to encircle the abyss.

But after the previous confrontation with the wizard, there were only ten or so ancient demons left.

But even so, these less than ten ancient demons are the most powerful.

On almost every ancient demon, that kind of terrifying breath is overflowing, just like a great sun suspended in the air, dazzling and dazzling.

Everyone’s strength is above the 6th level, reaching the 6th level Peak level, which is even more powerful than those of the Earth Demon King.

Under the call of the abyssal will, they rushed forward and rushed in the direction of the Earth Demon World, and they must block the army of the Earth Demon World.

However, the more terrifying Strength covers everything.

Standing in the sea of ​​the abyss, the devil raised her head unexpectedly at first, and looked into the distance.

I saw in the distance, in the vast Great World, a silhouette slowly walked out of it.

Da … Da … Da …

Crisp footsteps sounded within the entire world.

In the distance, various colors of light plume out into the sky, covering the entire world and rendering the entire world into unique colors.

Tianyu was shaken and the sky was changing color. On that day, with that breath rising, it seemed that even the laws of the Abyss World were affected and began to change spontaneously.

Just the existence of its individual affects the whole abyss, and makes the whole abyss dance for it.

“this is…..”

Hraoudi was a little surprised: “The original authority of Abyss World …”

As the first demon bred from the Abyss World, Hra Udi was born to control some of the powers of the Abyss World, so he could have such a terrifying strength.

This part of authority is not the same as those of the abyss lords, but it is naturally possessed by Hraoudi, and he is born with it. Unless he voluntarily, even the abyss World cannot be forced to divestiture, which is completely different from the so-called lords.

At this moment, above the silhouette in the distance, he feels the same breath of authority.

Under his gaze, in the distance, the silhouette slowly emerged.

It was a young man in a black robe with a beautiful face, a deep and mysterious demon mark on his forehead, and the breath on his body was surging, just like Spiritual God aloof and remote, making it impossible to look directly at.

Terror is absolutely impossible to face directly, the vastness is extreme, and the sacred is extreme.

This is the master of the earth demo world, the king of the whole earth demo family.

He slowly stepped out of the Earth Demon World, and his body did not look tall, but each step stepped out a vast distance, causing 4 parties to be alarmed.

As his breath escaped, the power of the abyss within the territory of 100 Million Li surged and gathered here, forming a flood of light and rain.

The earth also began to turmoil, spontaneously began to shake.

The whole Abyss World began to make noises, in this way to greet the arrival of this King of Earth Demons.

In the distance, the few remaining ancient demons stood still, even though they were mentally prepared, but at this moment it was still incomplexion ashen, feeling a heavy pressure.

Earth Demon King, this is the most terrifying opponent.

In the past, the reason why the Earth Demon King did not appear is because the suppression of the abyssal will everywhere makes it impossible to enter the abyssal world within the realm.

But now, the abyss has been hit by those outsiders before, and the abyss will not be able to suppress the earth demon king, and can no longer stop him from entering the abyss.

With the decline of the Strength of the Abyss today, how can they stop such a terrifying King of Demon with only a few of them?

“Your World seems to be under threat.”

Looking at the scene in the distance, looking at the king of earth demon step by step into the abyss, Adier’s face was calm, lightly opened the mouth and said: “Aren’t you going to shoot yet?”

“Nothing is necessary.”

At first, the demon Hera Dyer’s face was calm and so open.

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