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“We have what we want to accomplish …”

Standing on the ground of the abyss, Adier’s face was calm, and he spoke lightly: “According to the previous plan, they left this is something that was already prepared.”

“It’s you …”

He looked around, and looked at the huge, endless initial demon on the side: “Your World is aggressing in other worlds. Seeing this, it will soon be irresistible.”

“Aren’t you going to help?”

“Nothing is necessary.”

At first, the demon looked into the distance and looked at the body of the Earth Demon King. At this moment, he made a faint voice: “He is also a demon and a part of the abyss.”

“Two Worlds is a source, no matter who wins, it is a matter between the abyss.”

“This is a competition between the future paths of the abyss. I have no reason to shoot.”

He spoke lightly, looking like this, it seemed not at all meant.

“You still not leaving?”

“It looks good here.”

Adier looked calm and looked into the distance, looking at the new type of demons emerging from within the realm: “This is an unprecedented change, involving the future of Pang Great World. If it is so missed, it would be too sad . “

At first, the demon no longer spoke, and seemed to default to Adier’s answer.

The two of them no longer talk, so they look into the distance, watching the result of the collision between the two worlds of the Earth Demon and the Abyss quietly.

Under their eyes, two different demonic forces began to collide.

Compared with the new demons of the Earth Demon World, the demons in the Abyss World appear extremely chaotic.

The devil is a very chaotic creature, not only has a different appearance, but also has a different nature, and even their respective innate endowments are completely different, and they can’t be matched together under idle conditions.

Just like the peaceful coexistence of lions and sheep, so is the relationship between demons and demons.

In the absence of other sources of energy, the relationship between demons and demons is often predators and predators. Weak are prey to the strong, very vividly interpreted in this World.

Under such a fatal situation, it is simply an impossible thing to expect these demons to treat each other as comrades-in-arms and rest assured of giving their backs to each other to work hard together.

Innate endowments limit this possibility, and the chaos rooted in the demon Bloodline has completely affected everything.

In the front, under the eyes of the first demon and Adier, after the gathering of the endless demons, they had not formally confronted the Earth Demon World side, and they first fought themselves.

Without the strong suppression of the upper demons, even if it is the call of the abyssal will, these demons cannot give up their nature.

On the other hand, the situation of the Devil World is quite the opposite.

A large number of new demons are gathering, and at this moment it appears to everyone.

They wore precision and heavy armor, and the whole body was covered in heavy armor, which was well protected.

Those armor are made of cherished magic materials, on which a densely packed array flashes, exuding magical brilliance, even in the battle between Transcender can also play a huge role.

The densely packed silhouette rushed out of the realm within the realm and turned into an army rushing forward.

In the face of these armed forces, those scattered and demon are not opponents at all, and they are directly destroyed, unable to organize powerful resistance.

The same is true in the past.

From the past to the present, the Strength of the Abyss has always been above the Earth Demon World.

But on the frontal battlefield, the winner is never the abyss, but the Earth Demon World.

If the Abyss World had the vast accumulation, and the huge demons that had accumulated for countless years, I am afraid that it would have fallen under the army of the Earth Demon World.

At this moment, the advantage of Abyss World is no longer.

After the blood washing of the ancient wizard, the loss of the Abyss World has been heavy at this moment, and most of the demons have fallen. The original advantage in numbers is already not in.

After the catastrophe, it was the debut of the Earth Demon World.

Countless new demons rushed out of the realm within the realm and rushed toward the abyss World under the call of the king of the demons.

Then, a dreadful scene began to take place.

An army composed only of new demons keeps rushing forward, such as stab a sharp knife into the abyss world within the realm, and harvest the devil’s life in the abyss world.

And in the midair of the abyss World, the huge Strength is also roaring.

Existences above Tier 6 start fighting here, fighting for their respective Worlds.

This is the battle that determines the fate of World, and everyone has tried their best.

Within the Abyss World, the last less than ten ancient demons roared and played their own strength, rushing forward.

Their strength is powerful and terrifying, each of them has reached the peak of level 6, reaching an extreme level.

It can be said that with their Strength at the moment, unless a real 7th grade, no one can come to stop them.

The same is true of the Earth Demon Kings of Earth Demon World.

In the face of the ancient existence in these abyss, the Earth Demon King of Earth Demon World is struggling to support, and is not an opponent at all.

After defecting from the Abyss World to become the king of the Earth Demon World, they certainly got a further possibility, but they also lost the authority blessing of the abyss consciousness, and lost the terror power that was also comparable to the 6th-level Peak.

Therefore, in the face of these former colleagues, they supported very hard, and they were not opponents at all.

At this moment, the faint light began to flash.

The destroyed divine force began to descend, turning into a huge night covering everything.

The scenes of the surrounding World began to change constantly, and natural phenomena began to appear spontaneously at this moment.

After this long period of time, the God of Destruction still shot.

He opened his Divine Realm, opened up the power he controlled, enveloped everything around him, and instantly suppressed those ancient demons and directly trapped them.

“That is…..”

Looking at the night that emerged in the distance, I felt the divine force that appeared in it. At first, the devil’s heart moved: “God of destruction …”

“Dark Ruler, which was once Supreme, has also participated in this battle after a resurgence …”

Obviously, he knew the powerful god, the god of destruction.

As the first demon born since the opening of the Abyss World, he has experienced things beyond the imagination of many people, and the history of existence is particularly long.

Therefore, he also knew the God of Destruction, the former Dark Ruler.

Even looking like this, it is probably quite familiar.

However, despite recognizing the God of Destruction, he still didn’t mean to shoot. He just stood quietly on the vast abyss and was indifferent to the scene before him.

In all around, the abyss consciousness was oscillating, urging him to take action, trying to get the devil to save the situation.

However, in this regard, the devil was initially indifferent, just like he said before, just watching in silence, helping each other in two steps.

Without him, the situation in front of him is already doomed.

Roar! !

A terrifying roar rose in the sea of ​​abyss.

One after another is terrifying, comparable to the silhouette of each and everyone Small World rising, bound by the destroyed divine force, trapped in midair.

Then at this time, the devil also noticed something strange at first.

With the final shot of the God of Destruction, among the few ancient demons, several people’s expression changed, and it seemed that they had made a general determination at this moment.

“With all our strength, we all charge ahead !!”

Among them, one of the most massive, and the most terrifying of ancient existence, speaks loudly.

Subsequently, his strength roar within the body turned into an all-encompassing, omnipresent horror sword, and fiercely fell down.

It is only strange that the direction of the sword is not the god of destruction in the distance, but it is just another ancient demon beside him.

“you guys!!”

A burst of noise began to sound.

At this moment, several ancient demons shot at the same time and issued a righteous backstab to their companions.

The terrifying Strength is erupting.

With the internal strife between the ancient demons, the abyssal consciousness seemed unable to react, and there was a short stagnation at this time.

After the stagnation, it was a complete rage.

He withdrew the strength and authority of those who were against water, and wanted to suppress those people.

It’s just that it’s too late.

With the emergence of the anti-water, the gap that appeared to be the strength that could be blocked, allows the divine force of the god of destruction to penetrate.

It was only in a few moments that the adherents were suppressed and completely suppressed by the Strength of the God of Destruction.

Without these ancient demons as a carrier, even if the strength of the abyss consciousness still exists, there is no way to do anything at this moment.

This is like a handicapped person with a huge body.

His strength is certainly strong, and his body is strong, but if he is disabled, he loses his legs, legs and teeth, and it is useless.

No matter how strong Strength is, no matter how strong the body is, it loses its limbs that can be attacked and is useless.

In this case, even the person whose strength is not as good as him is enough to kill it.

Prior to the aggression of the Wizard World, it served the purpose of cutting out its minions.

In the previous process, the Wizard World and the Strength of the Abyss World consumed each other, and the powerful demons of the Abyss World fell one after another, and there was not much left.

As long as these are left, except for those who are against the water, the rest of the gods of destruction take the opportunity to suppress them, and the rest is not enough to worry about.

Even if there is a fish that escaped the net, what is the use of facing the union of the earth demon king and the god of destruction?

Unless, initially, the devil Hera Udi was willing to fight for the abyss, and was willing to fight for the abyss World.

In that case, Abyss World has hope.

It seems to understand all this, and the consciousness of Abyss World is starting to oscillate around.

The huge force of the abyss little by little fell, and it fell like this on the original demon.

This is the origin of Strength of the Abyss World. It is usually difficult to get at all, but at the moment it is like no money, scattered on the original devil.

At a deeper level, the strength of Taoism is manifested, and with the idea of ​​abyssal consciousness, it seems that power should be blessed on the original devil.

This is a naked temptation.

At this critical juncture in front of him, as long as the initial demon causes, he can threaten the dying abyss consciousness and become the master of the entire abyss World.

Abyss World is usually miserly, and even the authority granted is false, and it is impossible to mobilize the true origin of Abyss World.

But at the point where the abyss is about to face life and death, the abyss consciousness must be relieved anyway.

At this time, at first, the devil can fully grasp all the powers of the abyss at any time as long as he wants, and he will become the real master of the abyss and obtain a more powerful and horrible strength.

At that time, his Strength will go further and reach a more horrible level.

There is no doubt that this is the temptation of hard to describe, especially for people at their level.

If Qimoudan is still here, after seeing this scene in front of me, I am afraid that each and everyone will be envious of jealousy, and will be jealous to the extreme.

The existence above the 7th grade is not gratuitous, it ’s just that what they ask for is not that ordinary thing that’s all.

Faced with this kind of Peak’s World authority and the origin of a whole Pang Great World, even if they want to be jealous, they will instinctively desire.

“So, in the face of all these temptations, what choice would you make?”

Adier flashed the thought in his heart, then turned around and looked into the distance.

His gaze was calm, and he looked so far into the distance now, staring at the original demon.

Through heavy isolation, he saw the appearance of the original demon, and it seemed … very calm?

Yes, calm.

There is neither longing nor struggle, as if everything in front of you is not the greatest temptation in this world, but just an ordinary thing that’s all.

He stood on the ground, the pupil light was calm, and he watched the King of Earth Demons far away.

In the distance, he seemed to feel his gaze, and the Lord of Earth Demon slowly turned around, gazing at him as well.

2 The eyes of the two are intertwined in the air, and the other looks in each other’s eyes.

As they formally met each other, a faint whisper sounded, accompanied by a strong throb.

Initially, both the Demon and the Earth Demon King bear the authority of the Abyss World and possess the strength of the abyss World.

Among them, the devil Hera Udi initially said nothing.

As the first demon born in the opening place of the abyss, he has the original authority of the abyss World since his birth, and is the representative of the origin of the abyss.

As for the King of Earth Demon, he has the authority of the Earth Demon World.

Although the Devil World is an independent World, its essence is also an abyss, which is evolved from a piece of origin divided from the abyssal world within the realm, and is essentially the strength of the abyss.

Therefore, whether it is the king of the earth demon or the original demon, he has the origin of the abyss World.

And at this moment, the source of their shoulders began to resonate, and at this moment spontaneously began to throb.

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