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The source’s strength began to resonate.

With the initial meeting between the two demons and the King of Earth Demons, the Power of Origin is beginning to resonate with each other and some reactions have begun.

The majestic Strength began to flash, and Heaven and Earth turning upside down between the four fields, a scene of destruction flashing, beautiful and terrifying.

Any strength and scenery must be lost at this moment.

At the moment when the two silhouettes were opposed to each other, the space of the entire abyss was oscillating inch by inch. From the most basic micro level, everything was collapsing.

Even time seems to be frozen, everything is meaningless at this moment.

The 10000 things in the world can be true or false, whether they exist or not are all between those two silhouettes.

Within the entire world, only the two silhouettes are still true, standing quietly in that corner, where the places are facing each other.

They looked at each other, the breath throbbing all over them, and unconsciously, there was a faint glow of light on each other.

A similar and completely different Source Aura flashes and lights up at this moment.

“That is……”

Feeling the light emerging from the two silhouettes in front, the many micro-devil kings on the side were stunned for a moment. This moment is not knowing what to do.

On 2 people, they felt the abyss breath.

That is Source Aura, which belongs to the abyss, and it appears on two different people at the moment.

However, although they belong to the abyss, the breath of the two people is very different, with very subtle differences.

That difference is very small. If the average person looks at it, I’m afraid I can’t see it at all.

But for these demons who were born in the abyss, the gap is extremely huge.

As big as Heaven and Earth turning upside down, as big as completely different.

A long arrow shoots out of nothingness, even if it is the smallest angle gap at the beginning, the gap will become larger and larger as it evolves to the end.

At the moment, the source Aura that emerged from 2 people is like this.

2 people also have the origin of the abyss World, but because their own path is different from the strength of the era they inherited, the source Aura that evolved in the end is also completely different.

Even though it hasn’t reached the end at this moment, surprise has already formed, creating a huge gap.

This is the confrontation between the past era and the future era, and represents the two paths of the future of the Abyss World.

The devil Hera Udi was born in the beginning of Abyss World, and inherited the sins of Abyss World.

This is the authority given by God World, which is both sin and strength.

As for the origin of the Earth Demon King, he has fought for it himself, which has a vitality and contains the desire of the Abyss World.

That is the hope that life instincts will become better, and finally it will become the strength of truth, which will be pinned on the earth demon king and turned into that source.

This represents the hope that the Abyss World will be reversed and turned into a normal World, and it will also be a brand new road.

The two beings in front of us now represent the two roads in the future.

At this moment in front of them, they also represent the future of Abyss World.

On this day, there must be a person between two people who will become the master of the Abyss World, and a win or loss will be divided.

The victory or defeat between them will also determine the future path of Abyss World.

If the devil wins in the first place, Abyss World will maintain its original appearance and continue to uphold the inherent mission of Abyss World. As an indispensable part of God World, it will bear all the sins and evils.

If the King of Earth Demons wins, then Abyss World will bring an unprecedented change.

The past sins will be washed away together, and a brand-new path will be opened for the abyss World.

From then on, Abyss World will no longer exist as the evil of God World, but will truly have self and self-improvement and advancement strength.

To some extent, this means breaking the fate.

And in the end the abyss will follow which path to advance, it depends on the final result of the two beings in front of you.

Standing in the four squares, in this brief moment, many earth demon kings stood quietly, observing the presence of the two great shores in front of them, their faces dignified, and they did not dare to disturb.

“Unknown existence.”

The god of destruction lifts the head, a smile on the face like an ordinary teenager, and just looked at Adier in the distance: “Before the two of them decide the victory and defeat, how do we look at it quietly?”

He looked at Adier in the distance, a pair of deep black within both eyes with the same color: “Exactly, I am also very interested in your origins.”

“It’s not bad.”

Looking at the God of Destruction, Adier’s face was calm, and the silhouette flickered, then disappeared into place, and came to the place.

He disappeared with the God of Destruction and came to the void, just standing in the void, watching quietly in that place.

Time is slowly passing.

The Abyss World began to tremble and change slowly, and within the entire world, endless light flickered.

One after another Strength, the rule of building the foundation of the Abyss World, emerged spontaneously, and emerged spontaneously.

Within the World, many changes have emerged, and the strength of 10000 to 1000 is emerging.

At the foot of the original demon, the endless sight, even in the eyes of the 7th grade, the vast sea of ​​abyss began to slowly oscillate.

Endless negative emotions are surging, and the light of one after another is flashing.

In the sea of ​​endless abyss, each and everyone’s transparent soul came out of it, densely packed, with an ancient and deep breath all over them.

That was the demon that each and everyone used to be.

Within the abyss of the abyss, countless demonic souls have been deposited since ancient times.

But all demons born in the abyss and died in the abyss will return to sleep in the abyss after they die, waiting for the return after the endless time.

At the moment when the Abyss World is about to undergo major changes, they stepped out of the abyss of the sea and faded all the glory and emotional influences of their lives. At this moment, as an abyss creature, they witnessed the two great existing battles in front of them.

“Soul that has been sleeping for countless years …”

Standing on the sea of ​​the abyss, looking at the boundless, even though he can’t see the huge soul at the end with his strength, the devil was initially sighed, and his eyes gradually focused on the body of the earth demon king.

“You are very good.”

He spoke softly and exclaimed: “Let the abyss break away from the old trajectory and bloom a whole new life. I have thought about this in the past and put it into action …”

“It was only in the end that I still failed. Not only did my comrades die, all the results were covered up, even I was confined under the abyss of the sea, and I spent countless years.”

He spoke lightly, his hoarse voice echoed within the realm.

It can be heard from the original devil’s words that he once thought of changing the situation of the abyss, wanting to reverse the situation of the abyss and embarking on a new path.

However, he eventually failed. Not only did all the results disappear, even he himself was suppressed under the abyss of the sea, and he has not recovered until now.

If it were n’t for the Witcher World ’s massive invasion, the abyssal consciousness released him under the erosion, and he would have to wait until he did n’t know how long it would be before he could appear.

Of course, even though he failed that year, it does not mean anything.

As the first demon bred from the abyss, his Strength is indeed strong, far stronger than the former Demon King.

But because of this, it is almost impossible that he wants to change the abyss.

Everything in him originated from the abyss, and was confined by the strength of the abyss from above.

Changing this abyss is especially difficult for him, and it can almost be said to be an impossible thing.

Too deep with the abyss is his luck and his sorrow.

Suppressed by the abyss consciousness is his own fate.

“Your Strength is strong …”

Standing far away, the King of Earth Demons appeared very calm, a smile on a handsome, somewhat eerie face, where he looked quietly at the original demon: “I confess that my Strength at this moment is not your opponent.”

“As long as you want, you can stop everything in front of you at any time.”

“But I won’t do it.”

Without waiting for the Earth Demon King to finish, at first the Devil slowly opened his mouth, looking at the Earth Demon King opened the mouth and said: “I once personally tried to change the abyss and wanted to initiate changes to the abyss.”

“Now it’s your juniors, how can I be a roadblock and do something against my will.”

He spoke slowly, looking at the King of Earth Demon and said softly: “But it is also impossible to want to pass me by.”

“What do you want?”

The Earth Demon King’s face was calm, and he was not surprised. He didn’t say much, but asked.

“As a changer, I express my appreciation and appreciation for your ideas and abilities.”

At first, the devil stood in the vast abyss of the sea. Under the witness of countless demons, he said something: “But as the future master of the abyss, your strength is not qualified.”

Weakness is the original sin.

As a being born from the abyss, the devil understood this path better than anyone at first.

All powerlessness in this world, in the final analysis, is caused by the deficiency of Strength.

As the birth of the ancients, mastering the existence of the power of the abyss, why did the changes originally made by the demons fail that year?

Not because of ideas or wisdom, but precisely because he was born in the abyss. Strength is the same as the abyss and cannot be split, so it is easily suppressed by the abyss consciousness.

If he can have a Strength that suppresses the abyss consciousness, then his reform of that year will not fail.

In the same way, if the King of Earth Demons has a strength that is enough to suppress everything, then he doesn’t need to talk to the original devil at all, he can suppress it directly.


Strength is not enough.

“As an individual, your strength is excellent and powerful, even if the past history of stocking the entire world is enough to be called Peak.”

Looking at the King of the Earth Demon in the distance, the devil at first spoke lightly.

“But as the future master of the Abyss World, your Strength is too weak.”

Is the Strength of Earth Lord weak?

Of course not weak.

After thousands of years, during the time when he controlled the power of the Earth Demon World, the King of the Earth Demon continued to invade the other world, plundering Strength from the other world to supplement the Earth Demon World. After a long time, the Earth Demon World is now It has long been different.

The Strength of the Earth Demon King is also a step closer to being driven by the Earth Demon World, reaching a more powerful level.

Today’s King of Earth Demons is already close to the 7th grade Peak level, even though it is only slightly weaker than Adier’s body.

Such strength, in any case, can’t be considered weak.

Even when looking at All Heavens Myriad Realms and the countless vast seas, the Strength of the Earth Demon King is enough to rank Peak, but it is the group of people standing above Peak.

But then again.

The so-called strength is always not absolute, but relatively speaking.

The strength of the Earth Demon King, if you look at other places, of course can’t be considered weak.

But compared to the first demon in front of him, it looked weak again.

After all, the first demon in front of me has already reached level 8, even if I look at the wizard World, it is also the most Peak King.

Even when the Wizarding World was at its heyday, the Wizarding World within the realm could not find much compared to the powerhouse in front of the original demon.

Compared with these kinds of existence, the King of Earth Demon naturally becomes weak all of a sudden.

The same is true for the devil in the first place.

As the master of the future of the abyss, my own wisdom and road are extremely important, but so is my own strength.

If there is not enough strength, I am afraid that I cannot guarantee it, let alone change the whole abyss?

So in front of him, he slowly extended the hand.

Under the witness of countless demons, he completely opened his Strength and instantly communicated the whole Abyss World with his own authority.

An inexplicable change began to take place, and within the realm throughout the abyssal world, there seemed to be a certain kind of breath gradually reverberating.

Feeling this change, the King of Earth Demon expression moved and felt something.

At this moment, through the power of the earth demons he had mastered, he keenly felt that a change was occurring within the realm in the abyssal age.

There seems to be a hidden mechanism that has been triggered, and it is starting at the moment.

Then he lifts the head and looks forward.

I saw in front, in front of the original demon, a huge black door didn’t know when, it had opened slowly.

The gate of black is extremely deep, and it looks like a black hole at a glance, and everything must be sucked in.

Within it, a kind of endless depth emerges.

Whether it is emotions, strength, light or other concepts, they are not worth mentioning in front of this black hole, and they are all swallowed up by them, without causing any slight waves.

This is an endless abyss and a unique mechanism hidden in the abyss.

Looking at the black hole that appeared in front of the black gate in front of me, the color of nostalgia appeared on the demon’s face at first, and then lifts the head, looking at the king of the earth demon in front: “The root of the abyss World is also the birthplace of me and so on. “

“Into it, get the recognition of this place, you will incarnation the original devil, get the Strength alongside me.”

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