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“Into it, get the recognition of this place, you will incarnation the original devil, get the Strength alongside me.”

A faint voice sounded in place, starting to rumble outward from this place and gradually spread to the entire abyssal world within the realm.

In front of the original demon Heraudi, a black door opened slowly, in which there was a faint gleam of light, and even more darkness was permeating.

At the beginning of ancient times, Heaven and Earth were in chaos, 10000 things were withered, and nothing was visible.

It was like the end of 10000 things, everything went to the strange road, even the endless glory disappeared, completely disappeared.

The end of a school is like a new life.

Among them, endless changes are brewing, and a breath of terror erupts from it, with Source Aura close to the abyss.

A pair of eyes light up instantly, looking at the black door in the distance, a heart palpitated emotion can not help rising.

Subsequently, they shifted their attention and gradually shifted to the Earth Demon King.

Faced with the challenge of the original demons, what choice would the Earth Demon King make?

Under the gaze of countless lines of sight, the King of Earth Demon was silent first, and then suddenly he laughed out of the blue again.

“So, what’s the cost?”

He lifts the head, although his own breath is not as strong as the original demon in front of him, but the spirit of his body is not reduced, showing the imposing manner of a generation of devil kings, calm: “There is no free lunch in this world.”

“Since the thing behind this door has such a powerful ability, it must not have come out of thin air.”

“So, what’s the cost?”

His face was calm and he spoke lightly to the first demon in front.

“Your life …”

At first, the devil’s face was calm, and a pair of eyes like Small World reflected the look of the Earth Demon King, where he spoke lightly: “Enter this gate, you will have no room for maneuver.”

“If you are not successful, you will only die inside.”

The words fell, and the look of understanding appeared in the eyes of everyone around.

There is no strength that can be easily obtained in this world. If you want to obtain such a huge strength, the cost is really huge.

“how is it?”

Initially, the demon Hera Udi’s face was calm, and there was no emotional response from beginning to end: “If you choose to enter, then you will lose your way out.”

“What if I don’t go in?”

The Earth Demon King’s face remains the same, with a faint smile on his face: “What will you do?”

“Will I not?”

At first, the devil Hera Udi looked deeply at the King of the Earth Demon, and then frankly said: “It is my wish to change the abyss and get rid of the old trajectory of the abyss.”

“I used to act on this, and I won’t stop you at this moment.”

“If you don’t want to enter it, I won’t do it either, it will let you unify the whole abyss calmly and transform the abyss World into another look.”

“Only with these words, there are certain things that you are not destined to obtain.”

He looked forward, looking at the King of Earth Demons in front of him: “If you don’t enter this door, you won’t be able to gain recognition of the roots of the abyss. Even if you do anything in the future, it’s impossible to gain the most authoritative point of the abyss.”

“Without this, you become impossible to become the real master of the abyss, and you will always lack the most critical point.”

The faint voice resounded here, slowly spreading to the four sides.

The Earth Demon King gradually fell silent.

This is really a difficult choice.

If you choose to enter that door, if it fails, everything will be empty, and everything you have will be lost.

If you do n’t choose that door, you will win now and lose in the future.

Without the recognition of the roots of the abyss, even if he becomes the master of the abyss in the future, he will always lack that authority and will not be complete.

This is indeed a difficult choice.

Of course, all these premises are based on the fact that what the devil said at first was true.

If what the devil said at first was false, then his purpose of letting the king of earth demons enter that door may not be a test, but just looking for opportunities to harm that’s all.

As the first demon born in the abyss, his understanding of the abyss mechanism is bound to be extremely profound. There is no doubt that he has the absolute ability to do this.

But this possibility is not big.

Strength is everything.

At the current level, an 8-level king, with the abyss consciousness that still exists at this moment, his Strength will swell to an extreme point, even if it is Adier, for a short time, if it is long-term, it will definitely not be able to meet the immediate This one initially demon contends.

After all, although he has reached the limit of the 7th grade, and his strength is enough to resist the existence of the 8th grade, but he has not really been promoted to the 8th grade.

It’s okay for a short confrontation. Once the stalemate goes on, there is no doubt that he lost the last.

Therefore, if the demons were at first disturbed, even if the King of the Earth Demon had many plans, he could only be stillborn at this moment.

Strength’s resistance is everything.

At least for the moment, the Earth Demon King does not have the strength to fight against the original demon.

In this case, the devil did not need to do anything extra at first.

If he really wants to do something, he doesn’t need to turn around like this, and it is enough to do it by himself.

Therefore, for what the devil said at the beginning, the earth demon king is more inclined to be true.

So, is it participation?

All the thoughts in my mind were flashing, and the continuous calculation with the 7th grade computing power began to infer the circumstances that each choice might cause.

Just a few seconds later, the King of Earth Demons raised his head and looked into the distance.

In the distance, the silhouette of the devil Hera Udi originally stood there, like a high mountain, like a World, like a bordering sea, and the great shore is huge, so you can’t look directly at it.

Looking at the divine presence of the great shore in the distance, the King of Earth Demon finally laughed and gave his own answer.

“Why don’t you believe it again?”

A faint voice fell on the spot, gradually resounding through the four sides.

Looking at the King of Earth Demons standing in the distance, the devil Hera Udi initially had some surprises in her heart.

He originally thought that this king of earth demons would choose to refuse, and the reason for giving such a choice was just a matter of routine.

But did not expect that the other party would choose to agree.

This is not the courage and wisdom of underestimating the King of Devil, but the result of deduction.

In fact, any powerhouse, but anyone who can be promoted to the 7th grade is impossible at the spiritual level.

If there is not enough courage, enough wisdom and unique potential, impossible will cut through the thorns all the way and be promoted above 7th grade.

However, in addition to having courage, such existence is also sensible.

Only by protecting yourself can we see the future.

This reason, all existence is very clear.

Therefore, if you pull the 7th grade down to this place and make the same choice again, I am afraid that 9 people will choose to refuse.

Therefore, for the choice of the earth demon black, how much hope the devil originally had not at all was just a routine that’s all.

What made him didn’t expect was that the Lord of Earth Demons chose to be the tenth man, and chose a path forward.

This made him surprised, so that he could not help but looked deeply at the King of Earth Demon.

“Now that you have made your choice, go in.”

Looking at the King of the Earth Demon standing in the distance, the devil slowly opened his mouth at first, and his voice oscillated in the entire world.

“World behind the door, the ebbing of time is different from here.”

“No matter how long you have been in that World, you will not be here for more than a day.”

“A day later, if you haven’t appeared yet, your existence will be swallowed up by the root cause and will disappear completely.

“I know.”

The Earth Demon King had a faint smile on his face, so he walked slowly and walked in slowly.

From beginning to end, he did not worry at all.

Some choices are indeed difficult for some people to make.

But for others, it is quite another matter.

The original decision made by the devil Heraodi was the same for the King of Earth Demon.

The conditions he gave are not harsh.

Entering the door of trial, consciousness indulges into the roots of the abyss. Once it fails, the entire human existence will be swallowed by the roots, and there will be no such human existence ever again.

This is the erasure from the root. Even if the power of existence in the 7th grade cannot return, it will completely disappear in the entire time and space. It will not be like the gods of God World. It can return again after countless years.

If other 7th grades are allowed to make a choice, most people will choose to refuse, except for a very small number of people, and will not make a decision easily.

But the same choices are different for the King of Earth Demons.

The existence of the Earth Demon King is itself an avatar of Adier differentiated by abilities. Even if it disappears, as long as the body of Adier still exists, it can continue to recover from Adier.

This is equivalent to having a guarantee, no matter how, at least its own existence will not disappear, which can guarantee that all the original will not be easily shaken.

With this premise, it is much easier to make choices.

At first, what the devil Heraudi said was true or false, and nothing could be affected.

Of course, if this so-called abyss root is strong enough, it may be able to gradually spread to the body of Adier through the Lord of Earth Demon.

It’s just that this may be too small, too small, and it almost can’t be said to exist.

Adier is not alone.

As the master of jadeite, his origin is closely connected with Jadeite World, and to some extent, it has reached an extreme point.

From me, World, Jadeite World is me, and I, Jadeite World, is only one line away.

Under such circumstances, Abyss wants to devour Adier completely, and it is necessary to swallow Jadeite World as well.

Across the entire God World, across the sea of ​​endless boundaries, to devour another powerful, extraordinary potential Great World?

Such things, but anyone who thinks about it also knows impossible.

Not to mention, there is Wizard World.

In addition to being the master of Jadeite World, Adier is also a World Star bred in this era of the Witcher World. Being within the Witcher World, he is equivalent to the Witcher World’s son of World.

I want to completely devour Adier’s existence under the protection of Wizard World. I am afraid that it is not enough to rely on only one abyss.

Because of this, the King of Earth Demons did not hesitate to devote himself directly to it.

With the glint of light, under the eyes of the original demon, the King of Earth Demon rose directly into the sky, turned into a glimmer of light, and invested into the black door.


A faint light sound burst.

As the King of Earth Demons entered it, the black door slowly closed, and at this moment, it began to close spontaneously.

Under the eyes of countless people, the black door finally closed, and then disappeared in the air, completely disappearing.

Looking silently at this scene, at all around, countless people reacted differently.

The Earth Demon King of Earth Demon World, and even the faces of the new demons are worried. At this moment, looking at the black door in the distance is slowly closing, and the mood is a bit complicated.

To some extent, this time of the King of Earth Demons decided that it was not just himself.

Erasing the existence of one and assimilating the meaning of all of them is not just about those simple things.

As the master of the Earth Demon World, the ancestor of the Earth Demon family, once the Earth Demon King is trapped in it, the meaning of his own existence is completely swallowed, then there are more than two people affected.

All are, all traces caused by the past of the Lord of Earth Demon will be swallowed by the Strength of Everywhere.

Earth Demon World will fall and return to its previous state again, becoming a part of Abyss World.

Those new demons created by the Earth Demon King will also be disappeared, and will be swallowed by the abyssal roots directly with the Earth Demon King.

As for those powerful demon kings with each and everyone in the 6th rank, they may be able to break away from the connection with the Demon World in time to escape the result of being swallowed by the abyssal roots.

But there is no doubt that by then, their ending will be extremely miserable.

Losing the authority of Abyss World and losing the shelter of Earth Demon World, they will become sinners and there is no place for them to live.

At that time, they may only have to leave, the breakthrough crystal wall is isolated, and go directly to the boundary sea.

There is no doubt that this is not what they want.

Especially when they have spent so much time to get everything they have.

Therefore, in this brief moment, even if they are the evil devil kings, they can’t help praying from the heart, praying that the devil king must win the final victory.

Otherwise, everything is done.

Standing silently, looking at the slowly disappearing black door, the God of Destruction and Adier seemed very calm.

Adier naturally does not panic.

As the body of the Earth Demon King, even if the Earth Demon King disappears, as long as he does not fall, he can also pull it out again.

Just to do that, the price that must be paid is necessarily that’s all.

As for the God of Destruction, it is also a matter of no concern to oneself.

On the one hand, this matter has nothing to do with him.

As a partner of the Earth Demon King, to a certain extent, he is indeed deeply involved with the Earth Demon King.

But no matter how, he is also a 7th grade. Even if the King of the Earth Demon fails, the roots of the abyss are impossible to devour him together.

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