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“What’s more …. With your personality, it doesn’t look like someone who can easily get involved in danger …”

Looking at the slowly closed black gate in the distance, a smile appeared on the face of God of Destruction, and the thought flashed in my heart.

Facing the choice of life and death, among the ten 7th grades, there may be a person who chooses the path of nine deaths and still alive.

But the only existence that will choose to go is not recklessness, but the path and will of the self.

There are no two identical paths in the world, and the same is true for mortal promotion to 2th grade.

Someone little by little closed-door cultivation, silently accumulates, silently accumulates, moves forward cautiously, and eventually advances to 7th grade.

There are also people who make big strides forward, every line will involve big risks, and every big stride will make it to the 7th grade.

Different life experiences have created different personalities and behavior patterns.

The same crisis is unbearable for some people, but for others, it is just commonplace in life experience, which is not surprising at all.

But as far as the Destroying God knows about the King of Demon, he is clearly not such a person.

After spending thousands of years together, the God of Destruction thinks that he understands the behavior patterns of the Earth Demon King.

He is by no means a desperate existence for small possibility, but an extremely sensible person who will not be influenced by emotions.

If such existence exists, it is said that it will block its own life for the opportunity before it, and the God of Destruction cannot believe it.

Rather than believe this, he is more willing to believe that the King of Earth Demon has some means that ordinary people do not know, so he is fearless.

After all, as a collaborator of the Earth Demon King, he is also very clear about the details of the Earth Demon King.

The origin of Abyss World, this kind of existence has no solution to the people of God World, even if it is the god of destruction Peak, a carelessness may have to fall into it.

But for a stranger who is the King of Earth Demon, there is not necessarily no way.

So from beginning to end, he behaved very calmly, looking serene, harmonious.

“It seems that the matter here is temporarily over.”

Looking at Adier on the side, he turned around silently, with a faint smile on his face: “What is the ending of Abyss World, just look at the results after a day.”

“And during this time, we also happened to watch a good show.”

With a smile on his face, he looked at Adier in front of him and said so.

Feeling his gaze, Adier calmly waved his hand silently.

A faint light flashed, slowly condensing into a light curtain in front of the eyes.

Among the light curtains, scenes of scenes emerged.

The atmosphere that belongs to the material world spread out from it, attracting the attention of many people.

“That is……”

Looking at the scene emerged in front of the eyes, many people’s faces were so calm that they couldn’t help but look at their eyes.

Even if it was the original devil Hera Udi, at this moment, he couldn’t help but look at it, it seemed to be aware of something.

Under the gaze of many demons, the picture emerged from the spell became clear.

A huge golden city suddenly appeared.

The horrible Sun God’s power is overflowing, even if he is not in the same world within the realm, just by observing through spell, he can feel the strength of the horror of Strength.

The capital of the sun!

At this moment, many demons recognized the place, and their breathing could not help.

The capital of the sun, this is the residence of the king of the sun. It is the human residence of Supreme God. In the countless years of the past, it has always been the highest Holy Land, remembered by countless people.

In the past, this sacred capital once fell, but with the official recovery of the Sun King, this golden city has also begun to restore its sacred past.

The golden divine force spreads, rendering the whole city, and the breath of terror spreads from it, so that countless people can feel the thrill.

“What do they want to do?”

Looking at the scene that appeared in front of me, all the demons in the room couldn’t help but flashed the idea, and by this time, their breathing began to rush.


When everything in the Abyss World is about to come to an end, in the material world within the realm, the change is still starting.

“Is this the Sun City?”

Standing in front of the golden city, looking at the sacred and splendid city in front of him, Chimudan’s face showed admiration: “How sacred, how magnificent.”

“Compared with the former residences of the kings, it is the same as the most holy place.”

“Nice place.”

Maidjeon nodded, a black robe dancing with the wind, his face looked a bit gloomy: “It’s a pity that the owner of it seems to have not recovered the previous divine force …”

Speaking of which, he was paused with a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

“According to our agreement with the Emerald Master, this is our first goal.”

The goblin lord stood aside, looking at the huge city in front of him, and his face was also amazed: “According to the information we have obtained before, there are only 4 holy existences in God World now recovering.”

“Among them, the King of Earth Demon and the God of Destruction will not shoot, only the King of Sun and God of Death will remain.”

“God of Death is said to have the same relationship with the King of the Sun, and now it has fallen into a deep sleep, and it may not necessarily be shot.”

“Of course, only for a short time.”

“In the end we are Outsider. If it is delayed for a long time, this World’s World consciousness reflects it, this God of Death may not be shot.”

“So, we have to do it quickly.”

“Other unknown existence cannot be ignored.”

Gafina’s face was calm, and she also said at this time: “God World is, after all, the origin World, and what is hidden in it, no one knows.”

“It was the same as before. There were only 4 divine beings in the entire God World on the surface, but when we pressed the Abyss World, a king appeared immediately.”

“Abyss World is like this. As another core of God World, the material World will not be too simple to come.”

“What do you want to say?”

Aside, Chimudan looked sideways and asked.

“Have an sacrifice.”

Standing in in midair, Gafina spoke lightly: “Taking the origin we plundered in the abyss as the core to wake up the ancient sleeping king.”

“With the power of the king, directly solve the king of the sun.”

Listening to this proposal, several people present couldn’t help but ponder.

To be honest, it is necessary to hand over what you have gained, no matter who will not be happy.

But as wizards, they are also rational and understand the necessity of this matter.

In front of the World, it was clearly not as simple as they thought.

a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse.

Even though God World is stuck in a trough, the strength within it is still strong.

This can be seen from before.

I thought that the Strength of the Abyss was not powerful, and could be plundered at will, but as soon as I turned around, an initial demon popped out.

This is still the case with Abyss World. As the core of God World, will the material World be simple?

Moreover, as far as they know, the King of the Sun itself is not simple.

This is one of the God World Supreme God. At the time of its Peak, Strength is above all gods. In terms of Peak strength, it is still above the original demon Hera Udi, which is enough to be comparable to the most powerful wizard king. .

The existence of such a sacred great shore, even if it is smashed into the dust, has not really restored all of its own Strength, but who dares to be underestimated?

“it is good.”

After a while, several ancient wizards nodded in agreement and reached a consensus.

They lurked in the void, with their own powers, attracted the strength of Wizard World, covered them up, and then took out some of the original strengths obtained before, and sacrificed them to a great shore.

“The heroes sacrificed in ancient times should come back from our summon!”

A faint murmur sounded.

With the melting of the Power of Origin, in front of me, a mark slowly appeared, and eventually slowly became a silhouette of an old man.

It was an old man wearing a black robe, who looked very ordinary, had iconic white hair and a face full of vicissitudes.

Looking at this person, everyone present could not help but bow slightly to pay tribute to the great presence in front of him.

“Dear World Guardian His Excellency McCedo, welcome your return …”

World Guardian, this is the name of the great who guards the Wizard World.

In the battle between Scourge World and The Witcher World, after the defeat of The Witcher World, in order to avoid the Witch World being completely found by the other party, the sacred existence above the 7th grade self-sacrifice, and offered to sacrifice itself to the Witch World for the most precious time.

To commemorate the great existence of these guardian wizards World, they are also called World Guardian, the supreme glory among the ancient wizards.

McCedo was one of those self-sacrifices that year, and it was the strongest among them.

This is a true king.

“Strange life aura, and this Power of Origin …”

A faint, hoarse voice sounded in place.

In front of him, with the continuous consumption of Power of Origin, McCain opened the black robe slowly and opened his eyes slowly.

He looked in front of him, his face looked a little surprised, and he seemed surprised.

In the next moment, he looked at Chimu Dan and the others in front of him. Spirit’s forces met in an instant and clear comprehension at the moment.

“So that’s how it is …….”

Mackay suddenly realized that the situation at the moment was clear comprehension: “The plundering of other worlds gave me a strength recovery ahead of time.”

“Great Guardian …”

Looking at Mackay in front of him, Gafina sighed: “This World is far stronger than we thought. We can’t continue to develop, we can only wake you up first.”

“I know.”

Mackay was nodded and sighed at the same time: “This is a world that is not inferior to our World. Even if it has already been weakened, the strength that is hidden in it is not what you can deal with.”

“Just let me put these old bones, and let you do your best.”

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