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“The source you got from the previous World is very rich, but you want me to fully recover, but it is impossible.”

Looking at the golden sun capital that was faintly visible in the front, McCain lightly sighed: “If there is enough time for me to recover slowly, I can recover the past Strength by myself, but there is no such time now.”

“In order to play a role, I will show all my strengths and briefly burst out my Peak Strength.”

“But it doesn’t last long, only once, do you understand?”

He looked at Garfina and the others around him, and said slowly.

“We understand.”

Looking at Mackay, Gafina and the others, with a determined face, nodded: “A shot, if it is unsuccessful, we give up immediately.”

“it is good.”

Mackay was nodded, turned slightly, and looked forward.

In the front, the golden city of the sun stands in front.

This is a very huge city, with densely packed divine runes portrayed throughout the city, which looks extremely sacred and magnificent.

The densely packed divine runes, each of which is individually taken out, are horrible divine art, enough to suppress evil and accomplish all kinds of things.

But here, these divine runes are so densely packed, they can’t see the end at first glance.

Of course, in the eyes of the 7th grade, these divine runes are not bad, although they are good.

What really cares about them is some kind of strength lurking in this city.

A deep and vast divine force lurks in this city and integrates with this city, creating the unique and unmatched characteristics of this city.

Among them, the strength of the King of the Sun is deeply rooted in it, and it is completely fuse together with it, no longer distinguishing each other.

This gives the city a terrifying strength.

Among the countless years in the past, countless devout Sun believers came from 4 sides, in which they sang and worshiped again and again, and they even practiced this city again and again, and finally made this city change. To be more powerful and scary.

Standing outside the city, there was nothing more to do. Just looking at the city, Garfina seemed to see a scene of the holy shore.

It was a sacred scene where a sun god was born from chaos, shining on the earth of the world, and the sacred great shore, fully showing the prestige and glory of the sun king.

“It’s horrible …”

Looking at the scene spontaneously emerging in front of his eyes, Gafina sighed gently, then slowly extended her hand.

A white arm stretched out, seemingly weak, and wiped casually in front of his eyes.

Nothing has changed in front of me, it looks very calm, nothing happens.

Only in the dark, a silent change has begun to take place.

Below, in the golden city of the sun.

Golden Sun God’s power is boiling, a piece of Divine Realm lurking in the void, a sacred man standing in the shore, the appearance and temperament of the whole body is perfect to an extreme, even if motionless, it gives a very strong The imposing manner and courage of the gods, as if the gods above 9 days came into the world, give people endless imagination.

The King of the Sun stands still in this Sun God domain, absorbing endless strength of Faith in it, and slowly recovering his own strength.

After that period of time, being in the domain of Sun God, the Sun King has been doing this time.

For countless years, the belief of the Sun King is rooted in the realm of the material world. Over the long term, the accumulated strength of Faith is extremely terrifying and huge, reaching a level unimaginable by ordinary gods.

After the recovery of the Sun King, these past dusty strength of Faith are also used passively, and they really have their own masters.

This is also the best supplement for the Sun King to restore strength.

As Supreme God, if you are in Peak, for the strength of Faith, the Sun King does not matter.

But at this time, the huge strength of Faith can accelerate his strength recovery, which can make him return to his original level faster.

Over the years, except for a few moments, he has stood in this Divine Realm, drawing strength of Faith in it.

And this is the same day.

In this Golden Divine Realm, the King of the Sun slowly closed his eyes and touched the majestic strength of Faith, using his Divine Fire to transform it into a divine force.

It’s just this day, I don’t know why, but he has some feel ill at ease, eyes opened several times.

A strong sense of uneasiness rose from his heart, making him feel a little surprised.

“Something happened.”

Standing in Divine Realm, the thought flashed in his heart.

At this moment, the King of the Sun still knows nothing about the changes in the abyss.

Not the same as the past few times.

At this time, Adier and the others invaded God World, bringing the whole wizard World Strength.

So in the whole process, the strength of Wizard World is suppressing everything, blocking the movement of Abyss World.

This kind of blockade is of course incomplete, impossible blocks all movements in it.

But what Adier is asking for is not the same, just to temporarily suppress the abyss World’s changes, there is a time difference.

At this moment, it has not been long before what happened within the realm, and under the cover of the Wizard World, Adier and the others have not been fully exposed.

The King of the Sun is only aware of it, but does not know where this feeling comes from.

But for the existence of the King of the Sun, as long as they notice something a little different, it is not far from discovering the final truth.

“Is it related to the abyss?”

Rising from Divine Realm, the King of the Sun soon found the origin of this feeling and frowned.

The abyss has always been an area neglected by the gods.

Not only because of the powerful pollution that exists in the abyss, but also because of the nature of the abyss.

The abyss, the essence of which is the other side of the material world, is a part of God World’s ecology. It naturally bears all the evil results in God World, like the existence of excretory organs.

This is the other side of the material world, born to bear the evil consequences.

It is precisely because of this, that in the past, except for the weak gods who do not understand the situation, no one has ever played the idea of ​​Abyss World.

In fact, in the countless years that God World has existed, there have been very few changes about Abyss World.

The most recent time was the time when the Earth Demon incarnation split the abyss and separated the Earth Demon World from the abyss within the realm.

the thoughts got to this point, the Sun King frowned.

“Could it be that the Earth Demon King has made any big moves?”

He frowned, and the thought flashed in his heart.

At this moment, all he can think of about the changes in the abyss is the only one.

And it’s very reasonable.

The Earth Demon King and the Destroying God are allies, and as the rival of the Destroying God, if the Earth Demon King does anything, it will be against him, which is quite normal.

As for the foreign world invasion.

To be honest, the Sun King does not have such a big brain hole.

The restrictions of God World are too strong. Except for a few special existences, the rest of the existence cannot enter God World at all.

As a result, God World has never seen an intruder in countless years in the past.

So this option from the very beginning is not in the mind of the Sun King.

It’s just that the king of the sun didn’t expect that some things in this world are so unreasonable.

A faint rumbling sound is ringing.

With the change of breath, one after another crack appeared in the surrounding Divine Realm.

The nihilistic area constructed by the law began to collapse, and a strange and huge breath suddenly fell from the nihilism.

The king of the sun suddenly froze.

boom! !

The terrifying strength is overflowing.

Outside, at the moment when Gafina brushed the space in front of her, the sound of violent shattering sounded in the golden city of the sun in front of her.

Like a star exploding violently, this place is filled with light, the terror energy tide erupts around the city and spreads towards all directions, and for a while Heaven and Earth turning upside down, Sun & Moon Transformation, I do n’t know how dramatic the impact is.

“Is it successful?”

Looking at the terrible movement ahead, standing behind Gafina, Chimudan asked slowly.

For Chimudan’s question, Gafina did not answer, but looked calmly forward.

Next moment, in front, a burst of natural phenomenon began to occur.

The violent Strength began to shrink, and the endless energy particles smiled in an instant, restrained by an invisible Strength, suppressed together, and failed to cause any dramatic impact on the neighborhood.

The dazzling light began to extinguish, accompanied by one after another divine runes flashing, all the light in front of this disappeared, and everything went to nothingness.

World returned to calm.

Only relative to before, there seems to be some change between faintly.

A golden sun suddenly appeared.

In the vast sky, the sacred radiance shone brilliantly, shining on the sky and the earth.

Strength, the bright authority, flashed out and appeared in 4 places, resonating with the city of the sun in front of me.

Then, a sacred, near-perfect man stepped out of it, standing above the golden city of the sun, and so calmly looked into the distance.

His eyes are golden. Among them, the golden divine light flashes. At this moment, he looks at all around so casually. A pair of god eyes instantly see through the void and see the real scene.

Under his gaze, the silhouettes of Gafina’s people emerged in front of him in nothingness.

“A strange god breath …”

Looking at Gafina in front of him, the Sun King hesitated for a moment, and finally focused on Gafina: “Who are you?”

“Really strong …”

Standing in the same place, feeling the breath of the King of the Sun in the distance, Garfina’s face was dignified.

They had thought about the horror of the Sun King before, but it wasn’t until they really faced the Sun King at this moment that they could really feel that powerful.

The Sun King in front of him is not as good as the 7th grade recovered from the information, but he is close to the 7th grade Peak.

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