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“Has it reached this point?”

Feeling the brilliance in front, reaching the ultimate Sun God power in the world, Gafina and the others lightly sighed, by this time I realized the severity of the situation.

The opponents in front of them are far stronger than they thought.

Even if they overestimate it again and again, they will not feel the horror of the Sun King until the time when they respond positively.

It has surpassed the ordinary 7th grade and approached the 7th grade Peak level.

If you add this brilliant city in front of you, the strength of the people in front of you is even more terrifying. I am afraid that the existence of the 7th grade Peak cannot be won here.

After all, this is the city of the sun.

This is the base camp of the Sun King and the place where his Divine Kingdom is located.

In countless years, the Sun King’s business in this place is extremely prosperous. Under countless years of accumulation, it has already reached a terrible point.

Even if it is an ordinary solar sacrifice, in this city of the sun, it will be blessed by the power of Sun God, and it will become more powerful and horrible silently, with a strength comparable to a more powerful house.

This is still true for ordinary sacrifices, not to mention the true master of the sun.

At this moment, under the eyes of Chimoudan and the others, the Sun City in front of him is recovering, and everything in it seems to have changed.

The faint golden glory rose from the sky, and the majestic light enveloped everything, completely covering the place.

It was pure Sun God power. At this moment, as the Sun King came out of it, he began to spontaneously emerge. The continuous blessing on the Sun King made his silhouette more bright and sacred under the rays of light.

Endless glory is shrouded.

Under the envelope of the majestic divine force, the king of the sun seems to be incarnation the sun. Even if it just stands there quietly, the rays of light blooming all over him are terrifying.

Feeling the breath of the Sun King, even though it was the hearts of Garfina and others, they felt a breath of great terror rising and gradually recovering.

“The smell of strange authority, and the strength of the talent …”

In front of me, looking at Gafina and the others in front, the Sun King frowned and felt some unusual breath: “Aren’t you gods?”

Such as the existence of such great shores as the king of the sun, its own wisdom and insight are not trivial, just a moment, and immediately noticed the strange breath of several people in Gafina, now frowned.

Although he didn’t guess the origins of Gafina, he instantly understood the difference between Gafina and the gods, and instantly saw something.

Looking at the Sun King in front, Gafina and the others didn’t open their mouths, just looked at each other, and then shot out in unison.

A slight verdant breath spread at 4 places.

The majestic light is flashing, the breath of life is rippling, it seems that there are all kinds of life evolving in it, countless lives are living on the vast earth, and the picture of one struggling and evolving in it emerges after just looking at it, it seems to Give people the inspiration of Supreme.

“Life and evolution?”

The King of the Sun frowned and was thinking of what to do.

Roar! !

A low roar sounded like within the realm.

endless void is in shock, at this moment in the air, all the light is covered, and darkness covers everything.

All the radiance, particles, energy and even the matter itself have become nothingness at this moment, gradually becoming blurred and gradually disappearing to the end.

I don’t know when, a large Black Dragon that is bigger than a Great World emerges. It has 2 black wings on its body, covered with black scales all over it, and emits angry roar in the void.

Strength in the 7th grade bursts out, and Maijen ’s innate talent authority is launched, causing a terrible natural phenomenon at this moment.

That was the power to devour, the Bloodline innate talent of the spirit-eater family, which at the moment turned into his own power in the hands of Maijan, and a terrible Strength broke out.

The void is shaking, the ground is cracking, and the sky is changing color.

A touch of black has spread in midair, gradually spreading to all around World, and will devour everything along the way.

“The power to devour …”

The face of the Sun King changed slightly, and at this moment, he felt his throbbing strength, and his face could not help showing emotion.

By this time, in all around, several other people also shot.

Chimudan had a faint smile on his face, and he looked pale at the moment. It seemed that the injuries he had suffered in the abyss had not fully recovered.

But this does not affect his shot at all.

With his shot, the death strength covered everything, and the terrifying strength was shaking.

Outside the golden city of the sun, with the sound of murmurs, a head of undead creatures broke out of the ground and reappeared in this World.

They roar forward and rush towards the golden city of the sun in front of them. Looking like this, they seem to be trying to pull this sacred city directly into the abyss with their own undead bodies, and fall into a situation called destruction.

“The breath of death’s authority …”

The King of the Sun took a deep look at Chimudan, feeling the seemingly similar, but completely different power of breath in his body, could not help taking a deep breath.

The rules in God World are different from other worlds.

In other worlds, the power of law and authority, as long as you can understand it, is your own thing, and there is no comprehended situation that you cannot grasp.

But in God World, the situation is different.

Because of the unique rules in God World, once a power is controlled by other gods, then this power law will be completely monopolized by it.

Any latecomer, if he wants to spy on this rule of law authority, will inevitably be suppressed by the forerunner, making it impossible to comprehend it smoothly.

This is the so-called one mountain can’t be shared by two tigers.

Therefore, in the past, the sacrifice of the King of the Sun will glare like a tiger watching his prey to the Lord of Darkness.

Because at the time when the Sun King has not returned, as the deity involved in Light Domain, the Lord of Darkness has a further opportunity.

And up to now, the rules of authority displayed by the people in front of them are all the most superior rules of authority.

The power of life has long been occupied by people in God World, and its occupants are not others, it is the mother of the earth who is also the Supreme God.

The authority of death also has the master, the opponent of the King of the Sun, the God of Death, is the authority.

The King of the Sun is very sure that the masters of these authorities have not fallen at this moment, so under the suppression of God World, where do the authorities in these people come from?

In just an instant, 1000 thoughts on 10000 flashed in my mind, and then the most logical and logical one might emerge in an instant.

“You are not gods of God World!”

The King of the Sun frowned, saying so at this moment.

Then, in the next moment, before the person before me could reply, the huge strength enveloped the place.

The violent Strength covered everything, but in an instant, the entire body of the Sun King was directly covered by the terrifying Strength.

The power of the incomparably large True Spirit drowned the king of the sun and completely disappeared its silhouette.

Then in the next moment, 10000 things began to change color, and everything began to disappear.

World slowly began to fade, and World began to change color.

This World started to stand still, as if it was touched by a unique mechanism. At this moment, one of the grasses and trees was no longer in motion, and was directly enveloped by a Divine Realm.

Subsequently, the color of the entire world began to be stripped.

The meaning of material existence began to be changed, and all colors and external shapes were stripped away, leaving only pure original rules, which emerged in this place.

The mighty Divine Realm enveloped the place, and silently, Gafferina shrouded everyone.

Then, in this world that lost all its color and appearance, the King of the Sun slowly walked out of the darkness.

He walked out of the darkness, his golden dive force rippling all over him, a golden robe dancing lightly, a perfect face full of calm, just looked towards the front.


Bursts of divine might overflow.

As the silhouette of the Sun King reappeared, the violent Strength spilled out and enveloped directly in front.

In midair, the huge, world-like spirit eater made a whimper, and slowly left a little blood on his body.

A drop of black blood flowed out, and the Shenhua in it overflowed, covering the world without the severe tens of thousands of li, changing the area that I do not know how much.

It was just in an instant confrontation that Maijen was injured and was backlashed by the strength of the Sun King, and a wail was directly heard.

After Maijan, it was Gafina.

Looking at the Sun King in front, Gafina turned pale, and then took a step back.

In Fang Cai, he also confronted the King of the Sun in the void, and the power of the True Spirit of the two collided together to contain the Strength of the King of the Sun.

But didn’t expect that the Sun King in front of him was too terrifying. Under the circumstances of counterattacking Maijen, there was still more power to directly defeat the power of her True Spirit, causing her some injuries.


A little golden Sun God started to shake.

In front, the king of the sun was wearing a golden robe, and the golden divine force on and off his body was slightly rippling. He didn’t do much, so he looked straight ahead.

“Mary ants, look directly at me!”

A faint voice sounded here.

At the moment when the sound rang, induced by the power of True Spirit, Qimoudan and the others subconsciously raised his head.

Subsequently, the scene of Wei An emerged in front of him.

The instantaneous change of World in front of me, in an instant, World seems to be back to the original.

At the time of chaos, Heaven and Earth are nothing, everything is still gestating.

Under the influence of a certain strength, Garfina’s portraits returned to the weakest time, shaking with the world in front of them.

A strong sense of weakness and powerlessness came and fell from the whole body, even if it was True Spirit who is a 7th grade wizard, he should tremble at this moment.

And in the nothingness, a pair of golden eyes opened slowly.

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