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“When they haven’t responded, let’s strengthen our strength as much as possible …”

Looking at the few people in front of Gafina, McCedo said, “Wait for our strength recovery part, and then take another shot to take God of Death.”

“After the last sacred existence of this material World has also fallen, this World will be my predator.”

“it is good.”

Listening to this, Gafina and the others nodded agreed.

As for aside, listening to the conversation between them, Adier was just laughed, indifferent expression about this.

After determining the plan afterwards, they began to disperse and headed towards their respective goals.

It is not long before they invade the material World at the moment.

Although the consciousness of the material World reacts, the strength of the Wizard World still exists after all, and it can still play a certain role of concealment.

Taking this time is the best time to start with those falling gods.

Several ancient wizards also understood this in their hearts, so they did not hesitate at the moment.

Then, something terrible happened.

To the horror of Demi-God of the entire material world, several unknown gods were killed from the city of the sun and began their own slaughter journey.

Compared with before, this time their goal is very clear, and their eyes are fixed on the gods, and each and everyone are starting to fight in the realm within the realm.

The terrifying Strength broke out.

A deity returning from the fall began to usher in the darkest day.

A total of 7 god-level beings acted together, starting out within the realm throughout the material world, to those gods who had not restored Peak.

This scene is scary.

The peak strength of those declining gods in the past is also above the 7th grade, naturally impossible has no slight back hand.

In fact, in that great change that year, these gods had been foreseen before the disaster, so they arranged various means to ensure that they can successfully recover, and even restore Peak.

These methods can cope with others to a certain extent, and even enough to resist peer peeping.

But in the face of a powerful ancient wizard, this method is definitely not enough.

The strengths of those ancient wizards each and everyone are extremely strong, even the weakest one is enough to rank holy.

When these gods were Peak, they were only almost on par compared to these ancient wizards, not to mention the present.

So this time, they suddenly fell blood mold.

boom! !

The most terrifying rumbling sound sounded in nothingness.

The entire material world is oscillating, and a series of soft whistle sounds in mid-air, continually whirling throughout the material world, like the supreme music, beautiful, but extremely miserable.

At the edge of the material world, the ocean is boiling everywhere, and among them, countless sea tribes are mourning.

Above the sea, two huge silhouettes stood at the same time, and then only a moment later, one of them directly flew out, a body of flesh and blood shattered, turned into a rain of light.

A deity fell.

This is a former Poseidon, whose strength was not weak at the time of Peak, but a medium divine force.

But at this moment, he only recovered the Demi-God level Strength, and was found by Gafina.

In a collision, all the backs of the Poseidon were exhausted, cleanly defeated by Gafina, the whole body was broken, and the whole body was condensed into Divine Spark, which was directly caught by Gafina in the hand.

Looking at Divine Spark with golden-bright and dazzling in his hand, feeling the horror strength contained in it, Gafina smiled on her face, then turned around silently and continued to her next goal.

In God World, not at all a unified Poseidon appears to be very scattered.

The Poseidon defeated by Gafina is only one of them, far from all.

So after defeating this Poseidon, without any hesitation, Gafina turned around and went to the next place.

There was only a light rain floating on the spot.

The entire material world is oscillating gently, and the consciousness of the material world is mourning.

The sacred existence at the 7th grade level is of extraordinary significance to the World itself, and everybody is crucial.

In the ordinary Great World, the entire World’s strength supply may be exhausted, and a 7th grade cannot be bred.

Even for the origin world such as God World, the existence of a 7th grade is extremely important, and it is far from the extraordinary resources.

In peacetime, even if one person fell, the entire material world must mourn, instinctively sad about this instinct.

At this moment, including the previous King of the Sun, within the realm of the present material world, there have been two sacred deaths in succession.

Obviously, this is not all.

With the fall of the sea god, the whole material world within the realm, there was a slight noise constantly.

In all corners of the material world, horrible shocks are constantly ringing.

There are fierce fighting reactions coming from everywhere, it is the wizard and the gods are fighting.

The powerful ancient wizard and the weak gods started to collide.

What happens in different places is different.

Although the strength of the wizard is stronger, there is no doubt that the same is a sacred existence, and those gods are not to be trifled with.

Faced with the wizards who are currently in Peak, they may not be opponents, but with the means they once laid out, they can often escape from the wizards.

You should know that in order to avoid the hunting of the rest of the gods, the backs prepared by these gods can be extremely weak.

Even the other gods who are local tyrants, it is extremely difficult to find other people’s refuge, let alone outsiders such as wizards.

As an outsider, they will be suppressed by the material world in the midst of not only their own strength has declined, but also the process of finding those gods is extremely difficult.

As a result, except for the few gods that fell in the beginning, there were not many gods that fell in the following time.

All the gods went silent, and each and everyone stopped showing their heads, hiding in their base camp and daring not to come out.

Even with the means of the wizard and suppressed by the material world, it is extremely difficult to find the hiding gods in such a huge world within the realm.

The situation was deadlocked for a while.

However, the wizards naturally have a way to deal with this.

“Hide! I let you hide!”

In the middle of the air, feeling the obscure breath around him, Maijan sneered: “My people, let’s go!”

The faint words fell, and then a burst of change occurred.

Behind Maijan, a huge Black Dragon appeared, showing the breath of all his body, and each end was no less than Tier 6.

They reverberate in the air, wantonally spreading the breath of their bodies, and their cold eyes are looking into the distance.

Then, under the command of Maijan, they began to move.

The head of the 6th-order spirit eater began to move, rushed directly to the distance, and began to wash the entire material World.

They launched massacre in the material world within the realm, no matter who, what race, as long as they are touched, it is immediately a dead word.

The terrible slaughter scene is revealed in the material world within the realm.

Every moment, huge lives begin to die.

In the distance, the attachments of several other wizards also began to be dispatched.

A powerful wizard stepped onto the land of the material world and began a massacre on the ground.

The reason for this is, on the one hand, to weaken the strength of the material World, and on the other hand, to force those gods to appear.

The system in God World is very special.

In God World, deities and believers rely on the thread of faith to understand.

Faith provides strength to the deity, and the deity feeds back the divine force of the believer, thereby benefiting each other.

In the eyes of the wizards, this is a contractual relationship.

Although it is not clear what the nature of this system is in a short period of time, since it is a contractual relationship, it is bound to be bound.

The deity accepts the believer’s supply and depends on the believer’s strength to grow, and naturally has the obligation to protect the believer.

So, if believers who are sheltered by themselves die in a large amount in a short period of time, can it cause backlash to the deity itself and cause serious damage?

This is not an illusory guess, but a fact supported by real examples.

In the history of Material World, there are many examples of being involved in believers and even being drawn into the abyss with believers.

Of course, those who will be pulled into the abyss in this way are generally the kind of deities that are so weak to the extreme.

A powerful god may also have an impact, but it is unlikely to fall.

But no matter what, as long as such measures have an effect, then they will do it.

In the past countless cross-border wars, the wizards have long understood the truth.

Don’t give up any opportunity to fight the enemy.

The more weakened the opponent is, the greater his chance is.

At this time, it is even more so.

So, in the next time, blood light flickered everywhere in the whole material world.

The dreaded strength is boiling, and the mighty strength is rolling.

The wizards continue to move forward, but all creatures along the way will be directly killed by them at the moment they meet them, and there will be no room for them.

In this regard, the gap between Material World and Wizard World is very clear.

As far as the senior strength is concerned, the wizard world is far less than the material world.

The entire material world within the realm, with Peaks Peak gods standing at the time of Peak, the horror scene can be seen, which is not comparable to the Wizarding World.

But when it comes to the lower-level strength, the physical world is not as good as the wizard in any way.

Not to mention the ancient times when the ancient wizards were at their heyday, even though the wizard strength has not yet reached the Peak era, the wizard world with the realm can easily bring out 10000 4th-level wizards.

The fourth order, within the realm, is already the Legendary level, and the number is definitely not large.

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