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The contrast between Material World and Wizard World is clear.

As far as the divine existence is concerned, the Wizard World, even when it was at the time of Peak, is probably no better than the Material World.

But in the low-level strength, it is completely reversed.

A Tier 4 who is good in the realm within the realm, but far from Peak.

But within the realm in this material world, it is enough to enjoy an extremely respected position, and its deeds are praised by countless mortals.

Throughout the material world within the realm, the number of the fourth-order existence alone may be in the early 4s.

This is still because in the present age, because the gods have recovered, and many priests have been promoted to the fourth level, and finally the number.

If it were before, this number may be even more pitiful.

The Wizarding World within the realm, even now, can easily take out an expeditionary force composed of 10000 4th-level wizards.

2 The difference in strength between the two is conceivable.

Of course, the reason for this obvious gap is not that the Strength of the Material World is bad, but the positioning problem.

Material World is not the whole of God World, but only a part of God World that’s all.

In God World, the strength of the material world, although it occupies most of it, is only one of the key 2 poles, not all.

The combination of Material World and Abyss World is the complete God World.

Among them, the Material World, as the absolute core, can provide a top-level sacred existence.

The opposite of Abyss World Absolute Material World, there is no soil for the existence of divine existence, but it is also able to breed a huge demon.

Among the demons bred in the abyss, the number that exists above level 4 is definitely above the number 10000.

The material World and the abyss World meet, so the eruption of Strength is definitely still above the Wizard World.

It’s a pity that this powerful strength, not at all, has been fully mobilized.

Matter World and Abyss World had accidents respectively.

Among them, because of a mutation in the past, the World of Matter has caused all the gods that have accumulated for countless years to be knocked down, and it has to go through a long time before it can be revived.

The Abyss World is divided under Adier’s plan.

The King of the Earth Demon turned out to split the Earth Demon World, and directly divided the Strength of the Abyss World, and then fell into self-consumption.

Subsequently, the wizards of the Wizard World launched an expedition, which directly defeated the Abyss World. If the original Devil Heraudi appeared, I am afraid that the loss at this moment will be even more serious.

But even so, at this moment, Abyss World has also suffered heavy losses. At this critical moment, it is even more impossible to come to support God World.

But then again.

Even if the Strength of the Abyss World is intact, in terms of the endowment of the Abyss consciousness and the nature of the devil, it is impossible to expect them to come to support God World.

It is possible to rob by fire.

Therefore, this turmoil is destined to be avoided.

And when the material world within the realm fell into turmoil, in the depths of the abyss World, a change was slowly taking place.

In a dim and dark space.

Light, endless light is overflowing.

The faint light is erupting.

A hazy World gradually revealed in front of eyes.

In front of me was a dim and hazy World, the surrounding world within the realm, faint fireworks flashing, and at a glance a dim.

This is a very turbid World. At a glance, there is chaos everywhere, no sight at all, only endless flowers flashing.

That firelight is not a real firelight, but a collection of little by little origins, representing the origin of a world.

The King of Earth Demons walked into it.

He looked up all around.

The place in front of me was full of rich abyss breath. The entire world was very empty and dead, but with a vigorous Source Aura.

Seemingly feeling his arrival, this World began to change gradually.

A spark burst into burst.

The protruding change of the World in front of me, started to change from the original chaos, and gradually changed to another look.

The faint light is constantly on.

The endless fire of the sky soared into the sky, covering the World in front of it, and also covering the body of the Earth Demon King.

The severe pain came as if from the depth of one’s soul, and it felt terrible pain.

Feeling this, the King of Earth Demon disregarded it, turned around at will, and looked to the four sides.

Looking at the chaos of all around, he fumbled for a while, and he had some clear comprehension in his heart.

“So that’s how it is …”

Feeling the strong pain all over his body, looking at the scenery in front of him, the Lord of Earth Demons could not help laughing.

This place in front of me is indeed the core of the Abyss World, as the original devil said.

This place is full of core rules of Abyss World.

The endless chaos is caused by the rules of Abyss World.

And those sparks are the origin of a little abyss World.

These things are flooded in this place, filling this space, and over time, the shape in front of us is formed.

At this moment, as the king of earth demons stepped into it, this place also began to change.

The violent Law Aura began to infest, polluting his body and True Spirit, assimilating him as part of this World.

Just like a drop of water falling into the ink, the high concentration begins to infect toward the low concentration.

This place is full of densely packed rule strength, which is too dense to reach a terrible point.

Therefore, at the moment when the King of Earth Demon entered this place, everything of him was infested by the huge rule Strength and assimilated by the rule Strength of this place.

The kind of pain that comes from the depth of one’s soul in the King of Earth Demon is almost unstoppable.

This is an irreversible process.

In this process, only 2 results will occur in the end.

Resist, or fail to resist.

If it does not resist, then there is no doubt that under the erosion and infiltration of those rules, the Lord of Earth Demons will be assimilated by this place, directly as a part of this space, even his last existence will be There will be no accident at all.

Under the rules, everything is equal.

Even if it is the God of Eternal Immortal, under the influence of these levels of rules, if he fails to survive, his own existence will also disappear without any accident.

This is exactly the danger of this place.

After being promoted to the 7th grade, the structure of the divine being itself will change. The original body of flesh and blood will be transformed into the body of law, which is the so-called god body in the mouth of the gods.

After this step, the divine existence itself is a part of the rules, so it is extremely difficult for nature to fall, even if it falls completely, as long as the strength of the rules represented by itself remains, it can still come back slowly in the long years and finally return.

The gods that fell before God World, as well as the many ancient wizards that fell within the realm, are basically this operation.

But in this Source Space, this kind of operation will not work.

This place in front of us is full of densely packed horror rules Strength. If it falls here, the situation will be extremely bad.

Under the scour of densely packed rules, even if it is a sacred existence, if it is unable to maintain itself, then the rules represented by itself will be disappeared and completely assimilated by this place, as if it has never appeared.

Once at that point, even if there is a powerhouse at level 8, it can no longer be rescued.

One can imagine the danger of this place.

But at the same time, if you keep yourself in this place and bear the erosion of the rules around you, you will also get the most gains.

The existence of the ego will be most preserved in this environment.

Under the tempering of endless rules, the strength of self rules will be polished to the extreme.

At the same time, in this kind of confrontation with each other, as long as they can survive, the rules of the surrounding World will also be imprinted on the body of the divine existence.

By that time, I am afraid that the 8th level road can be paved directly.

This is what the original devil said before. Once out of this space, you can get the truth of the strong strength.

A clear comprehension flashed in the heart of the Earth Demon King, and this thought flashed in his heart.

There is no doubt that it is extremely difficult to achieve this.

The strength of the rules in the immediate place is too dense.

This is not left by other divine beings, but a collection of the whole Abyss World.

Being in this place is equivalent to by the strength of oneself, to fight against the accumulation of rules of the entire Abyss World for countless years.

Easily said than done ?

But for this, the King of Earth Demon had prepared in his heart, so he closed his eyes in silence and began to slowly resist this erosion.

A faint shimmer flashed around his all around, which was his own strength of strength. At this moment, with the erosion of the surrounding chaos, it began to slowly emerge.

The breath of the great being began to change.

The Earth Demon King slowly closed his eyes.

In this hazy space, his own existence began to change, the original body slowly disappeared, and gradually melted all around.

In the end, the spirituality of a bit of the original source began to flicker, shining brightly in this place, emitting a faint light.

The erosion of the surrounding chaos continues, but the speed is much slower.

After the initial erosion, the rate of erosion has slowed down a lot at this moment.

For the King of Earth Demon, the most critical test has just begun.

The erosion of this place continues.

No matter how much the speed slows down, as long as the erosion in front is still going on, the state of the Earth Demon King will be completely eroded and cleaned sooner or later, and there will be no accidents.

It is nothing more than the length of time that’s all.

This is also the end of most divine beings facing this situation.

Except for the creatures originally born in these circumstances, the devil Hera Udi, the rest of the creatures, unless the strength is strong enough to resist the erosion of this place, will fall sooner or later.

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