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Looking at Adier in front of me, I recalled the moment when the Lord of the Earth Demon and Adier’s opponent were looking thoughtful in the Divine Heart of Destruction.

Before the change in the breath of the Earth Demon King, he naturally felt it, but not at all cared.

After all, with the reunification of Abyss World, the Strength of the Earth Demon King will inevitably become extremely powerful. Although it will reach this level, it is still unexpected, but it does not feel how.

But immediately after the King of Earth Demons, Adier was subsequently promoted.

This is very abnormal, and it immediately reminds people of the previous scene.

Of course, even if I guessed some of these problems, the God of Destruction only thought that there was cooperation between these two people, that’s all, not at all, to think deeper.

As for the fact that the King of Devil is Adier’s avatar, he dare not even think about it.

Today’s Earth Demon King is already the 8th level of genuine. After inheriting all the powers of the abyss, its Strength is no less inferior than Peak, the god of destruction. It is the Supreme God of genuine.

Such a powerful existence, if it is the avatar of other existence, it is too ridiculous.

What’s more, Adier’s strength is very strong, but at this moment, it is really not as powerful as the king of the earth demon who is dominated by the abyss.

If the weaker side is the avatar, it is even more impossible.

Therefore, even if it is as powerful as the God of Destruction, it has never thought of it in this respect.

He just thinks that there is a certain unique connection between the King of Earth Demon and Adier 2 and there may be some kind of trade secretly.

After all, judging from the timing of the Earth Demon King entering the field and the preparations he had made before, he has probably been hooked up with Adier for a long time, so he can achieve what he is today.

If the ancient wizard led by Adier would hit the Abyss World, the Strength of the Abyss World would not collapse.

The Strength of the Abyss World does not collapse, and the Earth Demon World does not have the Strength to occupy the Abyss World. The King of the Earth Demon will therefore be impossible into the abyss, and the incarnation abyss rule.

Except that the initial appearance of the demon Hera Udi was an accident, the rest of each step was just right, which made people wonder.

If there is no premeditation, the god of destruction does not believe himself.

I am afraid that these changes are also in the agreement between the two of them.

In the distance, on the other side, the demon Hera Udi initially glanced deeply at the demon king, and finally said nothing.

Since he gave the original authority of the abyss to the king of the earth demon, it is equivalent to acknowledging the identity of the other party’s abyss, and he will naturally not question the other party at this moment.

Moreover, this is not necessary.

Since the Earth Demon King has become the Abyss Lord, it has since been bound to the Abyss.

The abyss is strong, his strength is also strong, and the abyss is weak, and his strength will become weak.

This is a deep-seated contract, and there is no luck in it.

Whether for self or for others, the Lord of Earth Demons has no reason to harm the interests of the abyss.

Under this big premise, what he wants to do and what kind of plan he has are his own.

Initially, the demon Hraoudi would not, and there was no reason to interfere.

The two Supreme Existence did not move, but on the side, those Earth Demon Kings began to appear a little uneasy.

After acquiring all the powers of the abyss World, they have stood on top of the abyss and obtained the true fruits of victory.

At this time, in their view, Adier, the Outsider, has become a thorough threat.

At this moment the other party is about to be promoted, in a way, it is the time to start.

Therefore, they could not help raising their heads, looking at the king of earth demons ahead.

What made them a little surprised and unwilling was that the Lord of Earth Demons stood there so quietly, his face looked calm, and there was no change from beginning to end.

Looking at this, it doesn’t seem to take this matter seriously.

This can’t help making them feel unwilling, but they can’t help it.

In front of the eyes, the most brilliant light flashed, lit up here.

With the faint light of the emerald, Adier slowly opened his eyes.

Behind him, the illusory shadow of an ancient tree slowly emerged.

The ancient trees are towering, like the World Tree born at the beginning of the World Development, the sacred shore is sacred, and each branch and leaf in it is like the entire world.

In it, the faint fresh air continued to overflow, and at this moment it overflowed and spread to the four sides.

The strength belonging to Jadeite World is constantly rippling, and the huge World Power of Origin is madly spilling out and emerging at this moment.

The terror of Strength is so powerful that the original demon and the god of destruction can’t help being moved.

“This huge and unique Power of Origin …”

Looking at Adier standing in the distance, looking at the ancient tree illusory shadow emerging behind him, feeling the terrifying World Strength. At first, the devil’s face was a little moved: “This unknown existence is also a master of Great World? “

At his level, nature can see through the surface, so I can see the essence of Adier at a glance, and King-like of Earth Demon. He is also a master of Great World.

The unknown World may not be as powerful and vast as the Abyss World, but it is definitely not weak. Even if it seems to be a powerful kind in the first devil, its Strength is infinite.

“So that’s how it is …”

Suddenly, he knew: “I don’t want to use World Strength for promotion, but want to rely on myself to complete this step?”

As the master of Jadeite World, Adier can always be combined with Jadeite World if he wants, and can be promoted with the help of Jadeite World’s Strength to advance to level 8.

The reason why he doesn’t do this is that he doesn’t want Jadeite World’s World Strength to affect his own path choice that’s all.

Because of this, although he has already reached that critical point, he has always been in the realm, and has not really taken that step.

At this moment, with the last missing point of the mind being completed, the path of self has been formed, and naturally it can be let go.

The huge Strength is blooming.

With the overflow of Jadeite World’s Strength, the strength of one after another complex mystery is continuously imprinted, at this moment blessed on Adier’s body.


In the air, a faint light sound came.

Under the constant attention of countless eyes, Adier’s body began to deform.

Bursts of thunderbolt began to flash, and in midair, the chain formed by the law was densely packed, which came at this moment, like a real rain of law, which was permeating at this moment.

Being in it, Adier’s body began to change.

His body grew slowly, starting to transform from the original human form, and gradually changed to another look.

Roar! !

The roar that rang through the abyss suddenly sounded.

At this moment, countless demons turned around and looked at the center of World with their mouth wide open, looking quietly at the silhouette of that great shore.

It’s a very tall one, and it’s enough to be comparable to World’s great shore. Its whole body is covered with layers of scales, layer by layer, and it looks very layered.

The scales of silver cover the surface of the body, making it look very beautiful, like a precious beast.

On the top of his head, a huge silver unicorn is revealed, which contains a huge strength.

Moon God’s Force, which belongs exclusively to Moon Elf Bloodline, flickered and exploded above the body of giant beast.

The real shape of Moon King, again! !

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